These Eggs We Hatched


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It's been way too long since I last wrote...or at least it feels like it. Again, please pardon typos.

The Lelavs are doing great! Yesterday Allen became Mametchi and Angie became Chantotchi. They are not yet old enough to mate but will be very soon. Allen is going to marry another Chantotchi so that I can get a Mame family. Can't wait. :)

Vicki STILL has not had a job offer!! She is six right now and weighs 59 lbs. Maybe I have been pausing too much?


Brady is three and a Celebtchi. He weighs 80 lbs and 10/8/1 are his skill points. Training is locked at a pitiful one bar (???).

Becky is five and weighs 73 lbs. She has not yet had a job offer.


Matt is three and has that many Training bars. 7/4/5 are his skill points (need to get those up so I don't get a bad character!) He did get into school (yay). He weighs 46 lbs.

Jess is five, weighing 79 lbs. She might end up mating with Brady in a day or two, when he's ready.


Dorothy is five and weighs 87 lbs. She is ready to mate but there isn't anybody ready to mate with her yet, so right now she's just waiting.


Nathan is a year old and Young Mametchi. He has two Training bars and weighs 48 lbs.


Jeff is also a year old, and a Patopatchi (I think that's it). One Training bar, he weighs 39 lbs.


Savla left Chico last night. Chico means "boy" in Spanish, by the that's why I named him that. :p Right now he's a Kuchitamatchi, weighing 43 lbs. He has no Training because I accidentally gave him a Time Out when he cried instead of praising.

Cammie is eight, and today the matchmaker paid her a visit! She now has a baby boy. No idea what his name will be yet...possibly something else Spanish??


Tavi is due to leave tonight. She was actually supposed to leave last night but I paused her so I wouldn't have two babies to care for in the morning. Little Veces is doing fine and just hanging out with her mother right now.

~Jayny & co.

Sorry about not updating sooner, this computer has been giving me trouble. Can't wait until I get mine back.

As of yesterday the Lelavs are old enough to breed, but the matchmaker hasn't offered Allen a Chantotchi yet, so those two are still just hanging out. I'm trying for that pure family!

Vicki married Brady yesterday, and they now have two little girls. Vicki's will be named Carri (aka Carrie).


Brady is five now, and he also has a baby girl. Her name will be Alex, short for Alexandra. Nothing much else to say here.

Becky is seven today, and her update is mostly with Matt's.


Matt is five and a Pyontitchi. Since he and Becky are similar characters, I decided to marry them, so right now they're in love...the marriage won't go through right now, so I think Matt's a bit too young. I'll try again tomorrow. Also, I took him to TamaTown today, and his relatives were very generous with giving gifts! He got a chest and a fishing pole. :)

Jess is seven now. I will mate her with the matchmaker in a day or two to avoid babies that are the same age...I like it when all the Tama's are changing differently, not following the exact same growth pattern.


Dorothy is seven and will soon have a matchmaker visit.


Nathan is three, has three Training bars, and weighs 47 lbs.


Jeff is three now. He has two Training bars and weighs 43 lbs.


Chico is one and an Obotchi. He still has no Training bars, and he weighs 47 lbs because I was playing the games a lot.

Cammie recently left her baby, whom I named Max. Max is a Kinakomotchi and has two Training bars. He is not quite a year old yet.


Veces is one year old now and has two Training bars. Since her mother left she has gone from a baby, to a Kinakomotchi, to a Ringotchi. I get a lot of Ringotchis on v2's it seems.

I've been thinking about getting a Mini (aka a Chibi). I've heard that they are really low-maintenance, so I'd be able to take it a lot of places without worrying about it dying. On the other hand, it doesn't seem like there's very much to do on a Mini. But then, that's what the original Tama's were...simplified. Now we have families and bands and figurines and connecting and a lot of other things like that.

~Jayny & co.

I seem to always have mammoth updates. Perhaps I should write more often.

It got boring waiting for a Chantotchi to mate with Allen (and I don't really want the same characters over and over), so I gave in and mated him with a different character. They are now Papamametchi and Mamapatchi. They had three kids: a Futabatchi (girl - and the middle character), another Futabatchi (boy), and a Mimifuwatchi (girl). I'm not naming them this time because I can't think of any names right now. :eek: Anyway, they became Tororotchi, Mattaritchi, and Sakuramotchi respectively. Bonding is at 0%, but I'm working on that. Here begins the fourth generation of my v5! :D

Carrie is now on her own, a Hitodetchi. She inherited 2 Humor skill points and weighs 40 lbs. There has not been a preschool notice yet.


Brady is back at Tama-Planet now, while Alex is now a Hitodetchi. Good thing I never get tired of this character. :lol: She inherited a single Humor point. Weighs 39 lbs, hasn't been accepted to preschool yet.

Becky recently married Matt. She is eight and should be leaving her little girl tonight. She weighs 81 lbs.


I married Matt and Becky recently, running Matt a little more so he'd leave his baby first. I named her Chica ("girl" in Spanish) and she'll be marrying Chico. She is a Puchitchi.

Jess is 8, weighs 88 lbs (coincidence) and met the matchmaker today. I was hoping for a boy but instead got a girl. So, not sure on her name yet.


I got lazy and put off marrying Dorothy - that is until I looked at her stats today and realized she was 9. I don't want her to become an oldie so I married her via matchmaker visit. She had a baby girl, and now my 97-lb Dorothy is just hanging out with her little one.


Nathan is a five-year-old Violetchi now! He can mate but hasn't.


Jeff is five, weighing 49 lbs. He is Pyonkotchi...this is one character I am getting a little tired of. ;) He's ready to mate, but hasn't yet.


Chico is three now and weighs 51 lbs. I will probably pause him a night or two to make up for the age difference between him and Chica.

Max is a two-year-old UFO-tchi now.


Meanwhile Veces has turned three.

~Jayny & co.

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This is not a full update - just a quick note to say that today my family was out shopping, and my sister and I got a Tama-Go each! :) I got green with Mametchi; she got white with Kuchipatchi (we were lucky to find them - they were hidden behind a whole bunch of blue Tama-Gos). We hatched them recently and got one baby of each gender. I got the boy, Nokotchi.

Neither have turned into toddlers yet, but I am loving the Tama-Go so far! Will do a proper update tomorrow.

This is a final update to say that I am not going to be posting in my log any longer. I am still running my Tama's, but am not going to be logging about them anymore. I'll still be on the forums, and I might start up a log again in a few months, but for now school and such is keeping me very busy.

Thank you for reading my log.

~Jayny (and her Tama's)

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