THEORY: Connecting Tamagotchis with each other over the internet?


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Well-known member
Sep 23, 2009
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United States
Um, well, I've had this idea for a while (Since 2010?) And today in the chat, it was mentioned by TicTax, so she gets credit for the idea too. I just thought I'd share this. This is not something I want to suggest to BanDai, it's more like a project we could start and test out for ourselves.

Well, first off, I drew a diagram of how this could work. I hope it's readable.


It's a little messy, I know. But here, I'll explain:

Pretty much, by doing this, you should be able to connect your Tamagotchi with your friend's over the internet, using USB IR sensors, and a special program to transfer the data from each other's Tamagotchis from the IR sensors.

-Each user will have a USB IR sensor connected to their computer.

-Next, they will open up a program.

-When the program opens up, it will give each person an ID# and a pin. Both users will exchange each other's ID and pin, enter it into the program, and click Connect.

-When a connection between both user's computers have been made, they will then connect their Tamagotchi to their USB IR sensor, which will transfer the data from the Tamagotchi's to the program, and pretty much everything else is self-explanatory (Because I'm not sure how to explain it).

Of course, this is just a theory. Surely this idea has been said before, right? Well, whether it has or not, I thought I'd like to share. Let me know what you think please! ouo This is something I think the members of TamaTalk could do if it's at all possible.

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omg this is soooo brilliant :D

i would want to connect with my tama talk friends be sooo fun :D

Awesome idea. I wish Bandai would accept suggestions, but they have a rule against it.

I wasn't suggesting anything really. This is something the TamaTalk community would do if it were possible, not BanDai. You know, like a homebrew thing. Also, it's just a theory. ouo'

I'm glad you guys like it.

We need to try this. just think about how awesome it would be to say "hey I want to connect my *insert version here* with your *insert version here* my iD is 123456 and my password is 5556 whats yours?" I would love this It would help me alot with getting secret charaters on my 15th iDL and just connecting with tamatalkers would be lots of fun =D

That would be totally awesome! I don't really have a USB infra-red thingamabob though... XP But I would love to be able to connect with my TamaTalk pals! :D

~ EMF :D

That would be so epic! xD Some random programmer could do it. :3 Or you could do it online using some complicated Javascript or somethin'. Through a browser would be better because you could access the site anywhere. ^______^

OMG... If I could complete my iD L without buying another one or having my friends reset theirs, that would be BOSS...

It's an epic idea and I wish it were real! Even better, I wish it could have been real the day this was posted.

Actually... this idea isn't original. I looked on TamaCraze101 and someone already thought of this over two years ago. :mellow:
Figured the idea wasn't new. But TamaTalk is the only forum I go to, so I wouldn't have known about that. I felt it necessary to share the idea though.

Do you think you could link me to the topic on TamaCraze101? I'm just curious.

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This would be really cool. It would be neat to marry or sent gifts to someone who is not near you.


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