Theory about Tamagotchi Planet being real


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
Even if you don't think Tamagotchi characters really exist, it's fun to contemplate... what IF they are real and we just don't know? How would this be possible?

Here's what I think:

- Tamagotchis' big heads defy the laws of gravity BUT I think that real Tamagotchi would have more reasonable proportions. Just look at Hello Kitty; she doesn't look much like a real cat does she?

- Not even Bandai knows Tamagotchis are real.

My theory is that:

  • Tamagotchi Planet was created from the imagination of someone on Earth in our dimension. Not just Tamagotchi, but every franchise and creation has its own dimension. Anyway, everything that Bandai does influences the Tamagotchi dimension. Everything that happens in the anime, all the characters, they all really exist thanks to the Bandai workers and stuff.

  • It's the other way around, and the events on Tamagotchi Planet influence Bandai's ideas.

I know it doesn't make much sense and is pretty confusing but it's fun to pretend XD

Wait, so this means...Tamagotchi Planet exists into our minds, and our minds make it real and influence anything that happens in it...but, and I say, but...

...what if, on Tamagotchi Planet, they have an anime series and some toys called Ningengotchi, and according to a theory (of course, made by Mametchi, who else? :p ) Planet Earth also exists because they make it so? Seems to me, we've run into...

...a Tamaception :eek:


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According to the Tamagottsun theory, since TamaPlanet has been influenced by The Earth gravity at the point that its continents did move and finally collide, Tamagotchi Planet should be a really little planet.... maybe that little that human just consider it a bit more than a rock in the space. So maybe there is a little Tama-Planet orbiting not so far from us... we just didn't notice it! U____U

And maybe Professor Tamagotchi and his helper were actually scientists who discovered the existence of mini-planets and developed their research, pretending it's all to be on the market under the name "Bandai". U_____U

Well, if tamagotchi planet is real then aliens are real (just saying sorry if I made you upset) not laughing about your theory as it is a very fun and interesting one.

Well, if tamagotchi planet is real then aliens are real (just saying sorry if I made you upset) not laughing about your theory as it is a very fun and interesting one.
Of course aliens are real, because everyone on Earth is technically an alien B)

Also, comparing the humans in Tamagotchi to us humans, you can see how Tamagotchis will look different if they are real, by like comparing the proportions and whatnot

Ya your right thanks for the reply. We DO consider ourselves aliens :p

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