The Way to Awesomeness


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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2010
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man...i havent been on tamatalk in a realllyyyyyyyyy long time

well anyways! the batts are in my music star and im ready to go!!! :D well, actually i put them in yesterday but who cares? tamas are still plain awesomeness B)


random person: JUST TELL US ALREADY!!!

ok well then, right now i have a hitodetchi named Mocha (i was drinking it at the time... ;) ) and the preschool teacher came and gave her a dino :angry: kinda weird since shes a GIRL and emphasis on GIRL

she has a horse as the toy currently and a mike

here are her stats:


Gender: F

Weight: 10 lbs

Hungry: ***

Happy: ***(gotta change that and hungry...)

Stress:23 (gotta play more games!!!XD)

Tone :193


Original: 164

well not much happened today but heres a conversation with me and Mocha (beware i may

will have many typos) just saying

me: hey mocha how was preschool?

mocha: it was awesome!!!!!!!

me: who did you meet?

mocha: well, i met my best friend today. hes a kurobotchi i think

me: cool

mocha: and i like him :blink:

me: really? dont your a little young for that?

mocha: dont think so....

me: ok then did you beat him at jumprope?

mocha: yeah i did cuz im your perfect tama :D

me: so did he get sad when you lost?

mocha: not really...we shook hands and said good game like the preschool teacher told us too

me: ok then what else did you do?

mocha: we played jumprope for the whole day and then ate lunch and then came home

me: ok then did you get homework?

mocha: yes yes we did!!!! we have to practice our instrument!

me: really? well then get to it! cuz your my perfectest tama evaaaaa

mocha: really? ill get right to it TP!!!


not very eventful...but have you noticed there wre a lot of "ok then"? XD well then...bye bye!!!


Me: No you're not! They are just viewing our log thats all, Mocha.

Mocha: Oh...well then...GUESS WHAT AUDIENCE? i went to preschool and saw my best friend again

Me: Then?

Mocha: He told me he liked me so Mommy? I'm gonna leave mkay? im going to have a date with kurobotchi! Bye!!

Me: WAIT!!! MOCHA?!?!?! Jeepers...ahhh kids these days -.-"

Mocha with Kurobotchi...

Mocha: Heyyyyyyy

Krobotchi: Hey Mocha! Whatcha wanna do?

Mocha: How about you teach me how to play your guitar?

Kurobotchi: Sure thing! Come to my house! My parents aren't home.

Mocha: Really? Thats Awesome!!!

Kurobotchi: Well, you sound excited!

Mocha: Well, yeah, cuz you know that I want to spend some time with you without the preschool teacher looking at us like we are crazy and all.


At Kurobotchi's home:

Kurobotchi: well, this is my room! my guitar is over there by the bean bag. common let me teach you how to play

Mocha: sure!

Kurobotchi: so well this E,A....

Mocha didnt really listen to any of this. She knew she was in love with Kurobotchi. So she tried her best to keep from stroking his face and hugging him.

When Kurobotchi was finished, she tried playing Lullaby even though she failed, she looked up at Kurobotchi and he looked back intently at her. They both leaned forward and kissed.

After it was over, both we kinda embarrassed.


Mocha: Well then, I better get going or else my mom would be mad

Kurobotchi: Ok see you tomorrow at school ok?

Mocha: Sure thing! :D

-----------at home---------------

Me: hey mocha how was your day?

Mocha: better than it ever was!

Me: why?

Mocha: i kissed him


Mocha: i said i kissed him

Me: oh my... i never knew you two were really in love i thought it was just a playdate

Mocha: but it wasnt and stop embarrassing me!!!

Me: okay okay okay okay okay let me put you to bed or do you want to do it yourself since your all grown up now?

Mocha: ill do it myselfffff

Me: goodnight!

Mocha: mmhmmm goo'nite

------------mocha's dream-------------

Mocha: i like you kurobotchi a lot when i grow up be in my band

Kurobotchi: of course i will be in your band

Mocha: please kiss me again

Kurobotchi: mkay(muffled by the sound of him kissing Mocha)

Mocha: you're so good at making me feel happy

Kurobotchi: you are too and you are the prettiest tama i ever known....


sorry for the long post but i hope you liked it! :D :)

ok i havent been replying for some time XD well anyways

mocha turned into an ichigotchi :D and all her stats are full and the skill points are all 999 :D

Mocha: you made me go to school millions of times a day

Me: i thought you wanted to be perfect

mocha: so? that doesnt mean i have to go to schoollll ten thousand times a day!

me: you have to do that to pass teh pro debut!

mocha: the pro what?

me: the pro debut! you pass it to get to be an international tama star!

mocha: ohhhh i see....

me: now stop standing there and get practicing!!!

mocha: ok ok ok ok ok ok ok jeez mother!

me: just go!

sorry guys for the short post limited time here! ahhh sisters :lol: :angry: well then byeee :D

mother doesnt know im on tamatalk right now so i have somethings to tell you readers what she didnt tell you yesterday

so i formed a band with these two people called david and daniel. david was my best friend from preschool and he ended up in my band! ;) this morning i evolved into a mimitchi and david evolved into a kuromametchi and daniel turned into a dorotchi :D i really want to marry david! i hope i can when im seven or eight or that is what mother said :mellow:

we had our first pro debut test thing and we passed it! we were so happy :blink: right now...our band is in eight place! hopefully mother doesnt see or hear me on here...

me: of course i hear you! im sitting right next to you doing hw!!!

mocha: oh well...bye guys!

me: wait! thanks for 70 views! you guys are total awesomeness besides tamas that is :D bye!!!!

sorry readers i havent been on in a long time

homework has swallowed me up!!!

mocha: and childbirth is nevaaaa what i thought it would be! harder than actually taking care of the child -.-"

me: well thats what you got for marrying so soon and getting pregnant just the day after

mocha: me no mean too! i just feel in love with Samuel, you know that mother!

me: yeah yeah yeah mocha married Samuel who is a :lol:

mocha: well anyways i married pregnant with his child...and then took me ten hours to give birth to Samuel's child(it hurt too much to bare, be happy im still alive :angry: )

me: dont go into details there are dozens of kids reading this mocha

samuel: well anyways the birth didnt seem too bad you know


samuel: i didnt mean that!!!

mocha: thats exactly what you meant :angry:

me: okay such a happy couple right? :D

well, mocha left me with her adorable son named James (hehe named after weirdo childhood friend who liked me :D )

anyways i've been practicing my british accent and i taught James it if he sounds smart its my fault B) btw he talks in red

hello readers this is James here but people call me Jamie most of the time, i guess they think its really cute or something, though i really dont understand

well anyways Jamie, what are you now?

well mother i am a kurobotchi and people have a tendency of calling me fat, but i just tell them im plump in a pleasant way, am i right mother?

yes you are jamie(i told you hes educated)

hey jamie can you tell me what you did at preschool today?

today at school we played skipping rope and i met a girl i really liked

oh really? what was her name?

well mother she never told me. she was a hitodetchi. i think we are a perfect match for each other since we are both perfect care characters mother

really? well you are my perfect little boy, you want to be a mametchi dont you?

of course mother, im your little perfect and i shall marry this hitodetchi whatever her name is :)

well then say good bye to the readers Jamie

okay mother, good bye readers!!!

i just read some of my old logs and that was from fifth grade GASP that was so long ago!!!! i cant believe it!!! i was more creative back then...and now i seem kinda too serious ahahaha i guess thats why i get so many As on my writing grades XD well Jamie on pause right now cuz i wanna have some i quote and quote alone time without him beeping his head off all the time :wacko: i want him to me a mametchi but then i remembered he's a second gen. so he was to be a kuromametchi! well well well mocha has come to vist!

well dear mocha nice to see you again

yeah yeah hey mother

why you're pregnant again

yes with sam's children

what do you mean by children


ahh...wonder how you gonna give birth to them when you barely lived from Jamie's birth

ahaha yeah right ahem they are due in huh....tomorrow :D take Jamie to the tama hospital to see me give birth to his sisters okay?

well okay but they are both girls?

well sam and i hope so

oh...i see....

uh huh OWWWW!!!


sorry contraction mom i think ijust went into labor well bye bye gonna go to hospital now bring Jamie NOW!!!!

----------------------------------------------------later------------------at hospital----------------------------------------------------------------

hi mother!

hi (scream) jamie

why you screaming mother?

(grunt) why do you have a british accent?

well...TP taught me

really? (scream)

yeah and im gonna sit over there...kay mom?

sure (grunt scream grunt sigh) WHERES SAM????

well im gonna end here now cuz i gotta do hw

ill finish it laterz

Jamie on my cell phone----

hey dad?

come here





(Mocha screams) that your mother?



oh...ill be right there son :mellow:

-------arrives at hospital-----

hi darling

hey sam

well, im here and the doctors here

coolios :D (starts laughing and ends up screaming)

doctor: well well mocha, i see you have one more petitchi to give birth too

yeah i know i know .... one more to go <_<

doctor: well then, lets get to it

:unsure: ughhhhhhhh

doctor: well, sam, go to mocha and hold her hand

sure doc

doctor: well mocha, push...

-_- ughhhhhhhhhhh hehhhhhhh

are you okay darling?



(mocha screams really loudly)

doctor: and here's your baby petitchi

:D omigod samuel! its a girl and the other one get the other one

okay dear, its a girl too!


coming(said at the same time)

come look, its the two new members to our family :D

Jamie: hey...she looks like me

she does Jamie, she does

can i hold her...mommy?

yes :rolleyes:

(Jamie holds petitchi and evolves)


what mom?

YOU JUST EVOVLED!!! a hinotamatchi!!!

mommmy can i name her?

sure thing!

well, i want the baby im holding to be macy and the other one to be lacy they are twins :D

well sure thing Jamie, sure thing

well that was an interesting day

yes it was TP

hey Jamie guess what?


Mocha said we get to keep Macy and take care of her. she gonna sleep in your room and you gonna take care of her

so technically ill be her new samuel XD

technically yes Jamie

kewl :D well after my two sisters were born...i went to high school and i met an awesome chamametchi and nonopotchi



we switched our instruments around and finally found a combination we liked. i sing (like mocha) with chamametchi

what about nonopotchi? oh, hes on the drums or guitar he likes to switch it around depending on the songs

thats nice Jamie well lets go to Mocha's house and pick up Macy okay?

sure thing TP!!

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well hello readers of the tamaworld!!!! anyways i(jamie coughs) i mean we got some fan mail from mudkipchi(sorry if i spelled it wrong)

Hey Tama~Princess, Great log, oh and another thing *cough* where is my chocolate COOKIE !!!???!!!
um yeah i forgot about the chocolate cookie thing and all but ill give it to you mudkipchi!!!

sends chocolate cookie to wherever mudkipchi lives :D there you go XD

anyways we picked up Macy and shes currently living in the blue memetchi tama-go please people give mah advice on it! its new to me!!!

Jamie: i hate it how i have to change her diapers! and she looked different than me in my baby pictures. i know its supposed to be white book look at her! shes pink! such a disgrace! :( but anyways im gonna teach her how to play guitar and sing and teach her how to skateboard and climb rocks and have fistfights with people who are mean to her....

me: well that would make her very like scout and you very like jem

Jamie: oh :lol: from to kill a mockingbird? yeah i dont want my sister to be like a girl i want her to be strong and touch like me :D

Macy: hi jamie!!!

me: heyyyy Macy

Macy: what is this TP?im scared

Jamie: its a log nothing to be scared of little one

Macy: really big brother?

Jamie: toughen up girl be like a mannn :D

Macy: ok Jamie

me: hmmmm...Jamie in the kitchen pleze

Jamie: okay TP


me: Jamie, you dont seem very much like a big brother to your sister

Jamie: what do you mean?

me: i meannnn that you seem like you love her in a different way

Jamie: like what?

me: like you want her to be your girlfriend


me: okay nvm!!!

(jamie walks back in)

Jamie: okay maybe! just maybe!

jamie made me pause him cuz he wanted macy to grow up and they could marry have have children together very cool right? :D

so right now i dont really know what to do but then mocha came...

hello TP

hi mocha, hi lacy

look lacy, theres you sister!

yay! im going to go play dolls with her!bye mommy

um mocha, one thing macy doesnt like dolls, she likes reading, and skateboarding...


nothing, shes like that in the first place, you know she loves jamie, they are going to get married when they are all grown up


yes thats their plan, they love each other a little too much to be brother and sister

oh...well guess what?

dont tell me you are pregnant again :rolleyes:

actually, im not :blink: for once but i allow this marriage


yes, but under one condition, jamie has to pass pro debut first okay?

mhm sure of course thats possible hes inherted all your skills you know :D

yes i know, hes sent me letters :)

thats wonderful

and remember if macy EVER gets pregnant with jamie's child, tell me and ill be there and we wont need a hospital. i can help :lol:

ahahhaa okay mocha

so ive been pausing both jamie and macy but i unpaused macy and only her for certain reasons and i FINALLY get some peace and quiet to type this post up. macy is taking her nap :)

um...really doing nothing right now, and the tama-go is kinda boring o.o i guess thats cuz i never get to time play the games

im taking the CSTs right now(i thought this year(sixth grade) would be the last year for it but i just found out that it goes all the way to high school :lol: )

anyways... hoping for macy to evolve and jamie to pass the auditions and all :D but hes on pause so sad XD well nothing much to do right now and thats the news update so see ya laterz sukaaaaz( not really )

so uh...i like uh...dropped my tama from my room downstairs...and it more tama-go :mellow: i started up my other old music star and i named it macy just pretend she was on the music star in the first place kay? thank yaaazzz :p

so guess what? macy evolved into a tamatchi!!! i know thats not a good character and all but still :) im happy with her

she went to preschool and met some people and played jumprope

see i tried playing jamie's away thing and macy's away thing together one in each hand. uh, yeah it doesnt work XD that really brought their stress up high

note to self: never play two tamas at a time XD

oh wellz gotta go to bed..ahhh its only 7:40 why do i need to go to bed? oh yeah im grounded and theres state testing tomorrow sighz good night tamatalkers

haha i havent posted anything in a while sorry guys im really really busy but thanks for the 220 views :)

anyways macy evolved into a ringotchi. im pretty happy since thats my first one :eek: so like right now they are on pause and gonna be on puawe until i get back from this class at like 6:30. so um yeah and jamie has 999 in the tone skill point stuff and thats it i promise an extremely long post at night i dont have time right now so tata! ;)

i promise a really long story post when jamie evolves okay readers? please just wait the story has to go with him evolving first ive got the story line down and if you were wondering i have to wait just cuz i need to know what character jamie turns into and NO YOU MAY NOT KNOW THE STORY NOW okay good bye peopalz

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