The vending machine!


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Out comes the book of WTF?!

In goes ba-dUm!............................................................................a..............................................................................................b...............a....................n.........................a.....................n...................a....................!...............................

Out comes an A4 sheet of paper.

Inserts pi. (you know, the maths symbol)

(i know pi!) out comes 3.1415926535897932384626433832 (thats all the pi in my memory!)

in goes japan

Out comes water.

Inserts fire.

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Out pops out your youtube channel account.

I goes the A4 piece of paper I put in!

Out it comes with a drawing that looks like it was drawn by a 3-year-old.

Inserts paperclip.

Out comes a ball dress. (give it to me! I need a dress for the ball on July 8)

Inserts a bra. (WTF?)

Out comes... Umm... I'm a guy so I'm skipping this. xD

Inserts my phone.

Out comes my phone which is pink because I'm a girl!

Inserts random.

out comes random through the returns hole (the machine is broken)

in goes nothing cos the machine is broken

Out comes shorts.

Inserts stary_fun's A4 sheet of paper with the 3-year-old's drawing.

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