The v4 Tamalog


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Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Here's an update: I named the baby boy Zeke, he evolved into a Kuribotchi, a day later he evolved into a Kikitchi, then into a Tosakatchi, and today he almost died but I pressed 'download' and saved him.

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Konichiwa! I'm back and ready to log abot my V4! Before 'disappearing' from TamaTalk, I took the batteries out of my Tamas so I could countinue where I left off.

UPDATE: Jake is now a fully grown Ponytchi and has a baby boy! I'm not sure about Dylan( I haven't put his battery back in). I'm thinking about naming the boy Henry after my original tama.

What have I been doing since Jan.?:

I've gone on a camping trip with my school, been in a spelling bee, wrote a story with a first grader, been to a Valentine's Dance, recieved news my principal's retiring, almost broke a toe TWICE, and become awesomly popular at school!

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Yesterday Jake' left at 5:09, Adam was named and then evolved an hour later at 6:09. And then today turned in to a teen at 6:09

Konnichiwa, genki desu ka? Watashi wa Noah!

Hello, I'm back and ready to log about my tamas once more. To make sure I don't fall behind in updates, I'll be posting every hour. Ok, that may not happen, but I'll try. :wacko:

So the last time I posted here was over 2 months ago! I was just finishing up my 6th grade year. Now I'm going into the 7th and I'm keeping myself busy by learning Japanese. Not much else has changed, I'm still the geeky weirdo that loves school! TamaTalk has changed alot in two much, alot of the members that I knew have either changed they's usernames, or stopped coming on.

At the present time I'm only using my 4th grade V4. I have a :furawatchi: named Peach, who has a baby boy. I'm not sure when she leaves, but I'll keep checking.

Until next time,



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Nothing much has happened. I tried to get Peach to leave; it didn't work. I'll try again soon, she'll have to leave eventually.

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I've decided that the whole 'post every hour' won't. So I'm trowing that out the window.

As for Peach and the baby, their BOTH still here. Peach refuses to leave. I'll have to try again later.

She left! At 3:15PM EST Peach left. At last, now at 3:17 I have a baby boy named Henry; named after one of my first tamas. :)


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I'd just like to say "Goodnight TT," it's 1:00 Am where I live, so I'll be going to sleep in an hour or so.

[SIZE=21pt]YAY!!! [/SIZE] it's my birthday. Unfortunately I'm but a mere 12 years of age, whilst others of my grade will be thirteen soon, I, one of the youngest, will have to suffer by hearing them rant on about being a teen. :( Oh Well, I'll have to deal with it. ;)

Also, Henry evolved into a ;) , oh crap :angry: . Why the angry face? If you know me you would know that every one of my Gozarutchis has died. So instead of letting him die, I took his battery out until a time in which I can give him my attention.

Konnichiwa, while reading his post please excuse any typos that may occur; I am very tired. Why? I'm on a quest, a quest to stay up for at least 24 hours. Yes I may be going insane :p , but I think this is going to be pretty easy. I tried this a few weeks ago (to no avail) and have corrected the problems that kept me from reaching my goal; so I think I have a much better chance of staying up. I'll give you results in about 8 hours; about 12:30pm my time. Wish me luck!



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Hey, I failed -_- I woke my parents up when I droped my laptop, and they made me go to bed. I'll try it again tonight if I get enough sleep.

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Hey, I'm trying again tonight, I have approx. 6 hours left. This time I've decided to just stay up all night, not for a day; I'll do that later.


So close.

Well, I stayed up past the early hours of the morning, and crashed at 7:15 am. So tonight I'm gong to try again which should be the final time. My goal is to get to 8:30 if not 9am. Third times the charm; Whish me luck. :D

Yay! So far so good. It's 4:20 am where I live, I'm barely tired, and there's only about 4 hours left.

Hey! I'm finally back after my break from logging. Right now I'm just getting back from camp; which I went to with one of my best friends. Before I get into the details about that I have to get you caught up. I did stay up all night on 7/31. Not the best of ideas. Nothing much happened until the 3rd (except I started biking). On August the 3 I went to camp, while there I made a lot of friends who think I'm awesome. :lol: I also had a revelation! I'm not still in love with Emma; yes after 3 years my crush on her is over. :lol: How'd I figure that out?; romance at camp. This one girl liked me, I found out and asked her out; and she said.... drum roll.... “no” Yeah that's right she said no; oh well. The following day was awkward until one of my other friends started to flirt with me, at least I think it was flirting, I'm fairly certain it was. Nothing really happened between us, I gave her my e-mail I'll see if she responds. OK bye. :lol:


I'm back....again. After an absence of almost 2 months I'm back to logging (although lately I haven't been writing about tamas, just about my life). As usual, after I don't write for extended periods of time, I'm going to give you an update of what's happened in my life.

。School- I went back to school on the 26th of August

。Emma- Yes, I'm back in love with Emma

。Katie!- I may be in love with a classmate named Katie

。Choice- I can't be in love with two girls, can I? I have to choose one.

Well that sums up all whats happened over the past 59 days: I went back to school, fell back in love with Emma, and possibly Katie, and now I have to choose only one to love and forget the other. I also have to come up with the most awesome science project ever.

I'll probably post back




Hello, yep it's me again. Have you noticed the pattern that I make in this log? I write every day for few weeks, but then stop all together, only to continue in a month or two (or three). Then I usually make a promise to keep writing everyday, break the promise, and stop writing again. In order to continue that cycle I'm going to make a promise to all you 3 or so people who read this log:

I, deemack199725, promise to you, the readers of this log, to write multiple entries every day for at at least two weeks

Signed: [SIZE=14pt]Deemack199725[/SIZE], AKA [SIZE=14pt]Alex[/SIZE]<---- That's my alias

Bye for now, I'll write again later today.


Does anyone really read this log? PM me if you are one of the few who do.

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