The ^ > V Game!


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^ excessively so.

> has not gone school shopping even though school starts in three days.

V Likes Tamagotchi?

^ yes sometimes

> I made my own skirt for my Jane cosplay

v likes to cosplay?

^ I'd love to cosplay but I've never cosplayed

> wants to cosplay jade or terezi

V Is having pizza?

^ Actually, I can't really stand pizza. Heavy cheese and tomato sauce is just gross to me. D;

< Is really hungry for cornbread...and hasn't eaten any in like a year.

v Snorts when they laugh?

^ But of course. 9u9

< *Wishes you a soon-to-be Happy B-day* =3

v Has a tumblr.

^ its in my signature, both my main tumblr and my tamagotchi tumblr

> spends all day on tumblr

v also has a tumblr?

^Of course!
>Is super excited for a new book coming out tomorrow

V Likes to eat cheese a lot?

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