The ^ > V game!


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^ Loves tamagotchis

> Loves tamagotchis

V Loves tamagothchis

Well, we must love tamagotchis if we're on a tamagotchi forum right?

I guess...

^ likes cookies.

> Listening to "I like Chinese" By Monty Python

v Likes Monty Python?

I don't think so...

^ has a very colourful avvie... *coughsarcasmcough*


v Scared of the above virus?

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^ just posted a real virus?

>Is listening to "Sweet little bumble bee"By bambi

vLikes bambi?

erm... no.

^ thinks I actually posted a virus. lol

> knows that it is, in fact, a song

v believes me?

ewwwwww.....YUK!!who made you think i like pie hmmm???I HATE IT!!!!except for chocolate pie those ones are ONLY made out of chocolate lol.

^is wrong

>is a HUGE fan of mmp(mew mew power)

vis also a HUGE fan of mmp(mew mew power)

if u dont no what mew mew power is then go to google type 4kidstv and click on the top link then click on a face with pink hair and eyes.or click on rthe arrows intul you find tha face and click on characters and click on all the girls on the top row.they are the mewmews from mew mew power.

^is very very sweet

>loves pirates and was one yesterday for a school party

v likes anime

^ What madja think that?lol

> Loves KIngdom HEarts(And is teased about it)

v Real name is Samantha(BTW, Thats NOT my real name.)

^ Is wrong.

> Plays competitive sport.

V Is currently wearing a necklace

Nope.... I just woke up

^has a funny siggy


v is excited too?

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