The ^ > V game!


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^ thinks I like Sunday.

> likes Saturday better than Sunday and Sunday better than Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

V likes my signature?

^ has a winnie the pooh avatar

>Is a Final Fantasy X-2 fan all the way

v Likes...Green day


^ probably has a Mac. iTunes=Mac-ish

> has a Mac

v Has a Mac? Thinks I'm advertising them?

nope. My dad has one though.

^ accidenly double-posted

> Would like to know if anyone knows any good MMORPG's that are free and work on a Mac?

v Will tell me one? Please?

yes. Just. MMORPG=massively multiplayer role-play game. I wanna join one because I'm bored.

^ probably still doesn't understand me.

> understands me.

v doesn't understand me.

oops... the 'O' stands for online...

^ understands?

> annoyed with self for not explaining the 'o' before.

v can tell me about a MMORPG that I should join?

I'm 14

^ nice avvie!-I like anime avvies...

> will search for oceanview in a mo

v also likes anime avvies?

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