the unown tamagotich


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Feb 17, 2007
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Once in Tamatown there was a oniongotchi that never fited in because he can tramsform into any tamagotich with out a fuss. So when he went to school he got lafed at so much that he never ever came back.

Some say that he went mad but he actculay went in to the forest to train and improve his powers. Then one day in a park in Tamatown a crime was being placed a ^_^ put a fire in the park so a Patapatatchi ( witch was realy oniongotchi ) came and with a bucket of water and put it out then he went back as oniongotchi one person saw him and it was the mayor of Tamatown then he said "hay kid you want to be a super hero" he arsked him and jest at moment he said "ok but the names jay jay" "ok your going to be the best hero that tamatown ever had ( the only one they ever had ... but the best.)" :)


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