The TamaTamatchi Episodes


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Pompontchi got her 4th tamatomo (finally) and she was ready to go to the matchmaker. She was so nervous, she needed to bring her pet with her. Let see who she marries! (Although you already know, lol)


Hehe! She went for a walk to calm down her nerves, then she went off. She met up with the matchmaker, and told her all the things she wanted in a husband, hmm?


Sunpotchi. (I'm actually aiming for him next generation, o.o) they both kissed and off to their honeymoon where they (once again) went to the park, ate at a restaurant, and watched the clouds in the middle of the night.

P.S - contestants are chosen by the people who follow me! Anyone following before midnight cannot participate! Also we will be welcoming tamatown123 to the log! Thank you all!

- TamaTamatchi

White iD L (Banner Soon!)


A cute......fruit character? Lol. I forgot the name, forgive me! ^o^. I plan to get Happyleafguytchi (forgot too...) and get Sunpotchi! I transferred to many files today! Now onto.....

Contests - 1st (Banner Soon!)

Welcome to the first contest in TamaTamatchi history! How to win prizes -

First Way - Make a White iD L tiny banner (around the size of half of my pictures I upload ^^^^^^ look up!). I could be the Tamagotchi iD L print on the TMGC iD L, or a Tamatchi on the left and on right Tamagotchi iD L with a line on the bottom! (Same goes for contests, a picture? A batch of Tamagotchis with Contests in the middle with a pretty font. :]) Winner Receives - a tamagotchi character with a bubble saying ________ rocks! (line represents your name)

Second Way - A little treasure hunt! First thing you need to do is find out my first Tamagotchi design (**hint hint, check my homepage on TamaTalk (profile)). Second, Scroll up and see Makiko's Heinshin Jo character dress up. What item did I use to get her? (**hint, hint, its a download!) Last, but not least, Whats my favorite Tamagotchi character? Its Tamatchi, but which type (**hint hint, I have wings and i'm not pink, i'm yellow!). Winner Receives - a freebee and an avatar! What a freebee is, next time you compete in the contests, you dont need to do all these steps, one freebee can be used and you dont need to solve this!

Third Way - Figure this riddle out - I have lakes with no water, forests with no tress, and countries with no people. Who am I? Winner Receives - This is just a extra I thought of, so just another freebee.

Contests are on the way, PM me your results! Until Monday Morning (Or Tuesday night Aussie TamaTalkers!) You cannot join! How to join - follow my log and thats it! PM me your answers (already said), Until next time!

- TamaTamatchi


Well Sunpo - what, Kikitchi?! Oh hi, I neglected the little guy, from all the work I had over the two days o.e, but I put him in a king costume, and he looks so adorable. I hope Kiki means monkey in Japanese, we'd be perfect. :D

- TamaTamatchi

I have a lot of pictures for you guys so this is my sorry notice on how long I was gone and when I returned there were hardly pictures -


Weehee! I finally got the last TamaTomo (Mo) so that means I could finally get him married! I am sick of Kikitchi because he so attention seeking, and I didnt really enjoy his stay here.


We met up with the matchmaker around 7:45PM. She offered so many girlies! ^o^ She and Kikitchi searched high and low and found a group of three girls when one of them were perfect.


Woohoo! Watawatatchi! Shes so fluffy and snuggable. He picked her and the minute they chatted, they were onto flirting and then proposed and got engaged! Whoa, that was easy. (Hehehehehe! STAPLES*HINT*HINT)


Hehe! an Egg. Well it was a girl (Mormoritchi) and then evolved into Paletchi. Before Kikitchi left, they played ball, and went to sleep so Watawatatchi could live their elderly days forever.

(Contest cancelled due to nobody entering)

- TamaTamatchi


A girl! I'm aiming for a Pichipitchi or Violetchi. Next generation, I will have unlocked the third destination! Yaya! I was reading this log, and wow, I started on 7th generation and I'm on 12 generation. Wow, wasn't this fast?

- TamaTamatchi


I decided to care for Sabosabotchi so we decided to go a couple of places! I first took her to PatchiForest and met up with the brown dude inside the bathtub! ^o^ (Whats his name?)


He felt lonely because nobody was gonna pay 100G to bathe with him, not Sabosabotchi. She asked to pay but he didnt want her to, he was so thrilled he just let her go for free! ^3^


Herherher! I took her to TamaDepa and she bought herself a couple of seeds. We planted one and the next day (today) she got something. I was a little suprised what it was....but what was it? Find out tomorrow. :)

- TamaTamatchi


Hi Violetchi! Omg, I love this character because shes the only V2 - V3 character I loved the most. Shes just so cutieeeee! I have so many items to dress her in! OMGGG-


Well, you know where I first wanted to go. Heinshin Jo. Well, I needed a broom, which I already had, so I just went there and I dressed her up, and I was a bit confused. But I like it. Halloween themed.


I found a multicolored Kimono and I dressed her up in it. Fantastic! She looked so Japanese - like. I love her! Even better than the red one I dressed her up with earlier, aww so cute! ^o^


Continuation from today's log from earlier - Remember the plant we grew? ;) Well she went outside and the thing was shaking like crazy! A purple hat came out! (I modified this seed so PM me for download link! ^3^)


AHHHHHHHHH! -dies from cuteness overload- I love this hat! Your like half Chamametchi/Violetchi! Perfect match! ^o^ Well thats it for today, until next time folks!

- TamaTamatchi


Choribitchi! Yaya! :) I love this character because she is drawn so well. When I mean by that, shes kawaii (YES I FINALLY USED THAT WORD ^3^) Today was cleaning day so we scrub, scrubed!



- TamaTamatchi

Most of you are going to be upset...but im ending my log here. I'm right now almost to November and i'm so close on winning the bet with my dad (to get the TMGC P's) and I have some stuff coming up, thus not making me keep up with my log. So sorry, ending season 1 here. Hope you guys enjoyed this season, and just keep a look out for season 2! (Coming out Late October or Early November!)

- TamaTamatchi
