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And ask where the Jonas Brothers are!!

And then Kisshu gets angry with my obsession & attempts in cannibalism. You..

A - Save me ASAP

B - Help Kisshu

C - Spot something shiny and say "Peanut Butter!"


You notice me not saving MrzNickJonasJBODxOJD, you:

A. Yell at me

B. Beat the common sence outa me

C. Yell "I SAW IT FIRST!" and rush to get it


I get the peanut butter and come back to find MrzNickJonasJBODxOJD beaten up. What do you do?

a. Whack me and say, "You should've helped!"

b. Laugh

c. "BOO JONAS BROTHERS!!!" *throws peanut butter*

d. Throw a peanut butter fight

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C and D

You come and find Peanut butter all over the place and MrNickJonas dead WDYD?

A. Give him/her CPR

B. Murder MnMztama495

C.Murder Me

D. Join Peanut butter fight

E. All of the above


kisshu gets angry because everyone is ignoring him.he gets pai and tart.who do you get to attack them?

A.mew ichigo

B.mew zakuro

C.peanut butter jelly time!!!

D.mew mint

E.mew lettuce

F.mew pudding



I.pie!!!!!(not the pie that is attacking you)

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you notice that the characters that i chose when gotchigirl chose G were partying.what do you do?

A.throw pie everywhere

B.say hi to mew ichigo mint and zakuro

C.sing the goofy goober sonG(XDXDXDXD)

D.whos ichigo mint and zakuro?

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All of the above.

You need something to do. Where do you go on the computer?

a. This site

b. That site

c. Some other site

d. Another site

e. All of the above


you notice that there is a random anime video on youtube.what anime and song is it?and you have to sing the song and anime you chose mew mew,i like to move it

B.princess tutu, happy song

C.naruto,goofy goobers^-^

D.pokemon, peanut butter jelly time

E.mermaid melody,teenage mutant ninja turtles XD!

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you find moldy bread what do you do it

b.throw it

c.shout "it's funky monkey time!!!!!!!"


You heard me shout "it's funky monkey time!!!!!!!!" Now what?

A. You think I'm a little nuts but don't say anything.

B. You tell me how crazy I am.

C. Do nothing and move on.


you do nothing and move on then Naruto jumps up in front of you now what

A get all fangirl like

B slap him for scaring you

C beat him up


you find a steak on a string do you

a. pull the string the steak

c.stomp on steak screaming

e.yell "i like cheese

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