then i come along.what do you do?
A.throw exploding pies at me
B.get your friends and everybody gangs up on me D8
C.talk to me!!yay
D.sing the goofy goobers song with me
E.watch the olympics with me
F.do something random
G.play with my dog whithout asking >=(
H.getMY evil minions
I.throw mcdonalds toys at me(XDXDXDXD)
J.get a cd and use it to slice off my head (D8)
L.get kisshu to kill me
M.get pai to kill me
N.get tart to kill me
O.get deep blue to kill me
P.throw air at me(

Q.get mr q
S.shout "millsberry!!" at porygonlord
T.throw your LCD tv at me.oh noez!!!
U.get a cup and drink water!!
V.get Jingjing(yay!)
Y.watch tokyo mew mew(HEY!!THAT IS MY SHOW!!just joking)
Z.kill all the kiwis(NOOOOO!!!)