So sad

I remember I used to be so irresponsible about pets. Then when I was 3 (my parents were stunned) I managed to tame an extremely bitey and evil cockatiel, who became so smitten with me, he would try to feed me and followed me around the house. Then my parents heard about Tamagotchis, and since I loved pets, I got a tama when I was 6. It taught me how to care for pets, and right now my parents never worry about me getting new pets because I'm so responsible with them. I'm never told to feed and water the dog and cat, to walk my dog, to play with him, to hang out with him, to love and play with my cat, to play with my birds, let them out for 2 hours a day, bring the cage into the sunshine outdoors to give the birds some fresh air, or to clean cages and fish tanks. Soon I will be getting a catfish (personal pet for my sea-themed room), a hermit crab (the tropical part of my room), and a German Shepherd dog, my absolute favorite dog breed ever!!!! My dog is getting old and is slacking off his guard dog duties, and I'd love to teach a GSD tons of tricks and have an actual puppy to take care of and be a companion to.
Basically, Tamagotchi is what got me into taking care of and loving animals. I'm obsessed with tamas and animals now. I have hundreds of animal care books, and it's bringing me to want to be a veterinarian, or a horse dentist or something with animals. It's sad that these days Tamas are "outdated" or "childish" because it does teach little kids how to take care of things and love them... and if you don't take care of a tama, it's the same outcome in real life (only real life is a lot worse), you get a really bad character, or one that doesn't listen or "love" you in its pixelly world. I still love tamas. Forever and always.
I recently looked for a TamaGo in Walmart, and there's usually this rack of electronics that are really old, outdated, overpriced, and unpopular, and Walmart brings the price down. There, on the bottom rack, were TamaGos.