The Super Duper Fancy Awesome Pancake House


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Eleanor watched Alex, before sighing and rolling her eyes. "I'll just leave her to it..."

Scott sat on the counter, looking around. "This place is insane!"


Alex finished beating the $#!* out of Bieber and walked back to Eleanor. "So... Uh.... Think you could fit the alcohol train in here?"

L finished his cake and set the plate down. His face was covered in icing and small bits of cake and waffle.

Buttercup hissed and attacked Katniss's face.

Slowly a grin spread onto Eleanor's face and she got up. "...Be right back, I have a train to start up. FETCH ALCOHOL."

Out of habit Scott reached over and took the plate from L, still looking a little wary.

Katniss screamed, managing to grab an arrow. "GET OFF MY FACE - OW - OR I STAB YOU"

BRS came back from the bathroom! She was blushing. Hmm....

Kcalb was licking Justin's blood off his scythe!

Alex grinned, making OVER 9000! varieties of alcohol magically appear.

L smiled at Scoot. "Thank you." he said simply.

Buttercup ignored Katniss and continued his attack.

Eleanor returned, picking up a bottle of alcohol and starting to drink. "Yay~"

"No problem, Mr..." Scott said, watching L as he leant on the counter. "Mr... ah man, I forgot your name! Sorry."

Katniss stuck the arrow into Buttercup's back!

"WHERE IS THE TRAIN?" Alex asked excitedly, picking up a bottle of beer.

"Call me Ryuuzaki." L told Scott, beginning to lick off the icing and cake bits.

Buttercup fell dead for about two seconds, then leaped back up and continued attacking Katniss.

"THE TRAIN IS OUTSIDE. BUT FIRST WE NEED TO GET DRUNK." Eleanor frowned, before walking over to the counter with two bottles of alcohol. "Three pancakes, please, and put this on them." She passed the bottles over. "Be generous."

"Okay, Ryuuzuu... Ryuzukiki... blurgh." Scott grimaced, rolling his tongue in his mouth as he tried to pronounce the name he had been given. Then he asked with a look of desperation "Is that your real name?"


BRS picked up a bottle of Vodka. She inspected it and took a sip. It actually tasted good, and she got drunk. Really drunk. She saved some vodka in her cannon for later.

Fluttershy drank OVER 9000 bottles Ponka (Pony Vodka) then she started calling everyone a Womanizer.

She also started eating the #T%$ out of Hilda & Hilbert.


Alex chugged down three or four bottles of alcohol, grinning madly.

L sighed. "Is it really that difficult to pronounce?" He paused for a moment. "Yes, no, maybe so."

"I'M #$^&$@# MAGICAL~" Buttercup yowled.

Kcalb drunk too many alcoholic drinks to count. His body was all glitched up and he processed to slice everything in sight.

Eleanor waited for the pancakes to be served.

"Yessssss." Scott moaned, his head flopping onto the counter. Then he looked up at L with innocent eyes. "What's your real name?"


Alex waited with Eleanor, eagerly awaiting to get on the alcohol train.

L tilted his head. "Hideki Ryuuga."

Buttercup started biting and clawing Katniss's neck.

Bloodershy was as thick as a stone, so she could not be killed at all. She then drank 1234456678910 drinks of REAL VODKA . She had gotten sooooo drunk she turned into Bloodershy Lv 452. She then started getting a knife and licking it while trying to eat everything.

Finally the pancakes were served. Eleanor clapped her hands excitedly and brought them over to her and Alex's table. "Eat up!~"

"Okay, Hi- dookay Ryuuoooga... that's even harder!" Scott moaned. "Is THAT your real name?"

Katniss screamed, picking Buttercup up by the scruff of his neck and throwing him towards Bloodershy.

Alex squeed again and grabbed a pancake, eating it hastily. "OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM~"

L narrowed his eyes at Scott. "You really wish to know my name...... YOU ARE KIRA!!" L shouted, pointing at him.

Buttercup screeched as he was thrown into the air.

" Yes.... Another person to feed my hunger for blood." Bloodershy said in a somewhat raspy and scary voice.

She then , in the speed of light ate Buttercup. She ate every part of Buttercup. " NOW WHERE'S MY PANCAKES?!" Bloodershy yelled.

"If there's someone you want gone... Give it to me." Bloodershy said in her raspy and scary voice. She appeared to be twitching, but it was hard to tell as she had NO FREAKNG EYES. Just bleeding eye sockets.

Lisbeth took one shot of vodka, but that was it. She wanted to stay undrunk so she could witness the drunkness of all the people here.

Flan got some alcohol and drank and drank and drank. She became drunk and lost it. "KYUUN." She exploded a table like a boss.

Bieber said "Ow, that didn't feel good!" And had some alcohol.

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