The Story of My taMgOTCHI lIFE


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May 23, 2010
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i once have tamagotchi and i named her pebbles....

there's an egg appeared on my screen and i wait for a few minutes

pebbles was out ..... she was crying


hello.. everyone im pebbles .. and my owner is hailey

she is so good once when i was hatch on my egg she fastly feed

me with my milk it's! so tasty and my meal hailey said when i growup she will try to buy me chokwits

i wove chokwits.. and omewette .. .because its so tasty too.

i slept a few mins. and woke up .... i get sick .... =(( ...... i alerted hailey and she quickly

take the medicine and give me some it taste like stawbewwy ... mmm yummy :p

hailey let me too play .. but not too much because she said iwill have stress...

after 3 mins. i turnned into a star..... a lovely star... and someone knocked at my door

and i was scared OOOO.. gHosT!! hailey said that;snot a ghostmaybe someone's there

OOps! sowee... this was my first time ... -giigles-.

when i opened it it was a fat lady.. and told i have to go to school..

i asked hailey what is school... and hailey sai the school is where youlearn good manners and earn new friends and tooplay..

oooohh i want to go there now .....hailey and i got to school

hailey said the fat lady is myteahcer..

my teacher says to play jump rope so i jummped,jumped,jumped and i win .. =)) yey! hailey said good job deary

and then it was 7:00 hailey said goto sleep and i slept....



ahhh.. it was morning hailey feed me with omewette my favourite and milk for snack

after a few days..... i looked into the mirror

i was changing im getting pink .. soi called hailey . hailey was very happy she's smiling ..

i was scaREd becaUSE im turning pink and having earsss... so strange i SCREAMEDDDD..!!

and after its done i llook like this one...


and i asked hailey..hailey what happened hailey said your chamametchi ur a teen now ...

ohhi said ... but .. somene knocked again ..

it was a girl withcurlyhair

she gave me an instrument .. it rocks...

andwhen hailey picked away i met strange people

they said if i want to join there band i said yes and they were so happy they havethe charcters kikitchi and appletchi

omg im happy and the girl with the curly hair.. oohh..

i think im getting inlove with kikitchi hahah oops ...

i'll try to skip my teenage life coz'' im shy giggles-

one day on my teenage life im changing again

im having a curly hair turning violet and i llook pretty good hailey said i got makiko (madeline) something lolx

i look like this :


omg im so cute when hailey choose away ... my band mate is turning to adult too.. they are mametchi and kuromametchi

.. ooohh im so in love with

kikiitchi and now mametchi he is so handsome i just dont know what to say

on that day. hailey gave me a giftit is called destiny star and i used it im changing again and i turned into dazzilitchi


ill skip it sorry guyss.. pebbles was married with ghostlyboy idk his name....

thanks for reading this story

othey have a son i name him austin

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Wait a second.... those are MY very very very very VERY old pictures! Plus, is this a Tamagotchi Log? :huh:
