The Squid V5 Log


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I think I'll just post a little more info on my previous Tamas while we count down to the 29th...


V4: Glow-in-the-Dark

Tamas: Kiki, Mamby, Dratt


Mad Memories:


- Kiki was my first Tamagotchi to die. Don't remind me. (I miss you Kiki!)

- Mamby was named after Fanby. (Mametchi + Fanby = Mamby

- Dratt's name sounds ridiculous, right? Well, the purpose of his name is that when I mated Mamby with my buddy's Abby, she had a blob named Matt. I wanted his name to ryme, and, I was watching Drake and Josh. (Drake + Matt = Dratt) Make sense?

- I once brought my V4 to my friend's party where there was 4 other V4's, and one of the V4's beeping woke everyone in the room a 5 am! I was the one to react and make sure it was Ok. :(

- This was the FIRST Tama that I was FIRST to get! (V1: Friend, V2: Friend who had Abby, V3: Same as V1, V4: ME!)

- I have a log keeping track of my V4 and V4.5 right now. Quite cool. :p


That's all I got for now.

[SIZE=10pt]It's The Best Day Ever...[/SIZE]

Best Day Ever!

Today has been an EXCELLENT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh man I wanted a Sukatchi to marry Miley, but I landed with some kind of fat Tama on the third try.

That's okay. You know why...

*clears through*

*says real fast* I brought Miley to the dating show and the first one was an Uhyotchi and the second one was a Hataugatchi and the third one was some kind of fat one I had to marry him so they got married and Miley turned into a Mametchi mama and the father turned into a Kutchipatchi daddy *talks at slower pace* and then the eggs appeared.

That's right! EGGS! As in THREE!


I jumped up and down and danced throughout the house. I had a good day at school, but that was the gold mine. That marked my best day ever.

The first one became a black blob with the little hair (girl), the second one was the same only as a boy, and the third one became a black blob with 4 legs and it was a girl.

I decided to name the daddy Cody.

Then, the babies morphed!

1. Tororotchi (Looks like an owl/wolf)

2. Mattaritchi (Zee was this)

3. Sakuramotchi (I think Miley was this)

So, yah. Oh! Names!

1st: Suki (Soo-key) (Name of Sokka's girlfriend from Avatar: TLA)

2nd: Cheese (LOL)

3rd: Jackie

Suki's with her pa talking to the fridge.

Still wanna group hatch with these kids and take place in the hatch of a lifetime?


Oh. COLOR CODE! (Mileys more mature. Finally. ^_^ )






Me! (Squiddy/Katie)

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Just to let you know, the father's name will remain, Cody. (A little Hannah Montana relationship, yeah?)


Well, this morning, I found the Sugars angry this morning. I freaked and see if I could press a button. I could. Yay! So I tried training. That wasn't it. So I checked their stats and THEY WERE COMPLETELY EMPTY! NO HEARTS!


That was a close one. I guess I need to teach my brother how to take care of Tamagotchis because last night I was "letting the best day ever last all night now."


I must come up with weekend caring tips...


I'll come up with some!

[SIZE=10pt]Could It Be?[/SIZE]

Could bonding have to do with the number of kids you get?

Generations 2 and 3, I had 1 kid. And they had low bonding before. (Like, 40-60 %)

But, with Miley, she had 100% bonding. And now look. She had 3 kids with Cody.

I guess the higher the bonds are, the more kids you get.

So do your best to hit 80-100 % if you want the Hoppity Hop Hop Hop!

[SIZE=10pt]We're Not Alone...[/SIZE]

I found out that my good friend, Tama Mama hatched on the 29th too! The Sugars were not alone!

Oh, and if anyone wants to hatch with me, here are my next two scheduled hatching dates:

March 9, 2008

Easter (Whenever that is in March)


I remember back in fourth grade, I was the last caught in the Tama Fad. Nick the Masktchi was born on St. Patrick's Day and left me the night before Easter. It was the middle of the night. I was checking out my basket, and I only saw that Maddy was there. I never saw Nick again...I shedded just a single tear. Or did I? Well, crazyness...crazyness...

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Today the little Sugars are doing fine, and I am starting a group hatch.


I do have a few weekend tips.


We Got the Party With Us!


Don't just leave your Tama at home all alone! Get a lanyard and take it with you! You can play with them on the road, or hit Earth Expo on the computer! Just, don't take it with you to any classes. >.<


Haha! You Got Sleep Tricked!


Do you sleep in? No prob! About an hour or two after it goes to sleep, SWITCH THE TIME BACK TO 9 (PM)! You get some extra time to sleep without waking up to angry Tamas!


Lil' Tama Sitters


Got a little sibling that wakes early and might be able to take care of a Tama? Ask then to help out a little!


Well, that's I got for the moment.




Nice one. Keep up the good work. I've been checking up almost every day now. Awesome. Thanks for the tips. 

:( artikangel4855 :lol:
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Some of my thoughts on the Tama versions:

I remember just a few years ago, all the characters depended on care on the V1 and that's how you got your characters. I liked it how I got the really nice characters by just taking the time to work on my Tama's exercise. That was very easy. I just did two sets of "Dance" (I was never good at "Jump"), then I fail and my Tama had already lost about three pounds. Also, at that time, I had studied character charts and learned a few new strategies of the Tamagotchi. It was quite cool being a little 4th Grade Tama Wiseman (or wisewoman). People would always come up to me in the Fourth Grade and ask me questions like "How do you do this?", "What's my character?", "What's this?", "How do you get this character?", ect.
The V2 was cool. I never thought that at the beginning because the Tamagotchi fad just passed completely passed a few months ago. But I reactivated it when I was in the 5th grade and I enjoyed carrying around just that thing for a day. It was fun. It was also cool having an old guy at the age of 60-something on it. I find that very rewarding. I am also very careful around him because I want my V1 to marry him and he shall move on. But today, my V1 has had enough batteries so I figure I should just leave the V2 and V1 alone.

The V3 was a favorite of mine. I liked it very much and right next to the V1. I actually liked it a little better than the V1. But, yeah. It was always fun and it always was there in my 5th Grade Recess life. If we had recess indoors, I'd take it to TamaTown. If we had to go outside, no problem. The spring wind on my face and the Tama around my neck always felt good. And me and my two friends who had a V3 also would connect with me. It was always fun. Thinking about it, I wish I was back there. Light layers, Tama around my neck, recess, it all feels good.

Now the V4. Oh boy. After Kiki died, this was an automatic "least favorite version." I found this one difficult. I always hated the games. It was very hard to get my Tama to lose weight. I was also only able to get Social Points because I was only good at "Flag." The V4 was very stressful. But that doesn't stop me from liking it. I still like it. But next generation, if I don't get a girl, I AIN'T GETTING ANY SKILL POINTS! I WANNA UNIVERSAL CHARACTER! (Same thing about characters for 4.5 only opposite.)

Now for the V5. I like the V5. I love raising virtual pet families. Plus, I also get an extra week to say good-bye to the parents. I like it how it's back to the care gets you nice characters. And it's more of a surprise. My Tamas Selena and Miley became beautiful adults. They were a Watatchi and a Violetchi. They were very cute. I also liked Teenage Selena and the current Suki (Ichigotchis). I am going to try to get my friends hooked but there is possibly no future of that. Ah well. Next week I'll get my Lil' Bro a V5 for his B-Day on the 26th and HE'LL get hooked! Yay!

Well, those are my thoughts of the versions, but none will beat the V3. It will always be my favorite!
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Well, I gots more photos in my PhotoBucket Album!


And look what I got done!


Well, I decided to talk with the Sugars as a good-bye in few hours. :huh:

Well, I guess this is it. Time to go to Tama Planet.

Yep, time for you guys to retire in Squidville.

Does it have a decent population?

You guys will be joining 16 other Tamas.

What about Kiki? Does she count?

Well, Kiki does kinda live there, but she's usually at the TamaTown hospital most of the time these days. The Tama Disease was a little too powerful on her.


Well, it was fun hanging in the little Sugar Shell while it lasted. Thanks for choosing me, Miley and Katie.

You were the only choice.

You're welcome, dear.

Is it me, or has Katie not taken me to Earth Expo my entire life?

Oh my god! Want to go now?


Well, I promise to tell my kids to tell me about the new guys when they come to Squidville.

New Tamas?

Yeah. My little brother is getting a V5 on the 26th.

Alright. Enough talking. I wanna go to Earth Expo!

Ok. Hey, that reminds me when I had my V4 or V3 and-

Enough flashbacks! Tell the audience later!

We'll be back guys!

Were back!

That was fun! Can I play with my pinball machine I got from the street market?

Knock yourself out! I also got a pic of Suki buying from the street market, it's in my photobucket album! Also, if you would like my more up-to-date Earth Expo code which is Suki's, here it is!:





Also, I have a tip for those who go to Earth Expo and some information.


The reason why Earth Expo was a lot different than the V4 TamaTown, is that I think they brought more codes back because they wanted to re-touch V3 and its TamaTown with all the codes and stuff because V3 was extremely popular.


Also, I tried to log into the V4 TamaTown using "Sugar" as the username and Suki's Earth Expo password to see if there was anything, like, extra or secret, but that DID NOT work.! :D


Also, be careful with code-entering for Expo and your V5. One bad click and you gotta start ALL OVER AGAIN.


Also, there's a new street market in town! I bought from it! I also noticed that when I exited out of it, they were both gone! But then I figured out for it's return, all you need to do is enter another building and exit. The little Ninjas are back and ready to sell!


Guess what time it is?


STATS CHECK! (Haven't done this in a while.)


Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 70%

Type: Blended Family

Generation: 4

Gotchi Points: 390




Suki: Onputchi (Daughter)

Cheese: Mumutchi (Son)

Jackie: Violettchi (Daughter)

Miley: Mamametchi (Mother)

Cody: Papapatchi (Father)


Ah yes! Now I can talk about that flashback.


I remember as a little kid, I remember those times on TamaTown in my home...yes...the spring feeling...good times....

Well, here's some information of some group hatchings I'll be in.


This one is for today. I'll hatch in a few hours.


This is my cute little "Easter Egg" hatching. It's for Easter.


In my little "Easter Egg" hatching, 5 people have aleady joined.


They are:


Me (Squidward is Cool)


tama 3445521508





The more eggs, the better!


Oh, I think I'll give this log a little more spice. I am going to post some adventures of my V4 and V4.5, my Webkinz, Petz, and when my brother joins on his B-Day with his new V5, I am going to ask if he can log with me!


Stick around!

I was just on Webkinz, and they had a cool new wishing feature! I also spun the Wheel of Wishes for myself and my brothers. I got a wish token, and my brothers got a Mohawk Wig whatever and a Hockey Table. I also played the Quick Draw for all 3 of us. None of us won. Also, THEY HAVE THE LIL' KINZ BLACK LAB! I told my mom "Mom, I know what I want for my birthday!".

In news of my V4 and V4.5, they just got mail while I was in Webkinz World! Dratt the V4 got poop and needed 4 snacks and Zanby the V4.5 got a white heart!

In news of my V5, they are doing fine. :huh: I'll post any updates later. :(
