The Squid V5 Log


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Plutogo and Lawrence were having a lovely conversation with the refrigerator.

Katie: What are you guys DOING?

Fridge: So, how are you guys?

Lawrence: Good. You?

Fridge: Yeah, I'm fine. You know. Just like, holding food. Feeling cold.

Plutogo: Only physically. Your a good fridge.

Fridge: Yeah.



A Few Minutes Later...


Plutogo. He like, pooped and got fed and played with. Good thing he talked with the fridge.


EDIT: This is my 580 REPLY! YAAAAAH! :D

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Plutogo morphed!


Into a Mikazukitchi!


He also had to get fed and played with.

Plutogo: I'm a teenager!

Terry: Yeah!

Lawrence: Cool!

Katie: Yes! Man, I sometimes think your a girl because of Carly.

Lawrence and Terry: *slaps Katie*

Katie: Yeah, I probably deserved that.

Plutogo pooped and got fed and played with and his parents were caught kissing.


By the way, I am going to stop writing stories. For a while, but maybe forever.


I just feel that it isn't worth it anymore, and that my writing sucks.


Thanks for reading my old writing.

Sorry I haven't replied for a bit. I have to go to a camp that is like a pile of poo, and it throws me off schedule. Good news is, tomorrow is the last day, and I go to a party! :furawatchi:


So, Plutogo has been sleeping.


While I tell my mom for the billionth time that I refuse to do a second week, hang tight for updates.


In fanfiction news (or fanfic, which I prefer), "The Virtual Pet Chronicles" will be my last story for a while, so enjoy this. And I'll make it as good as possible. I promise that the ending will poke all of y'all. :furawatchi: Currently I'm on, part 12 or 13. It may head up to a 20th part. I'm basically [spoiler next; highlight to see] going to add adventures of Claire and her virtual pets, then I'll add a big problem, but there will be a happy ending of how her life changes.

Yay! On the 40th page! :furawatchi: 585th reply! :nazotchi:

Katie mad. Katie's very mad. Katie's ticked. Y'know why? She doesn't get to preview the My Page thing! You know why Katie's feeling like this? Katie suggested a profile feature a year ago, so why doesn't get to preview something she helped them come up with? :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

Ok. Back out of third person. :p

[SIZE=10pt]Answering Questions...[/SIZE]

....Ticked off about exactly? I mean,What is the My Page thing? I was just wandering......
My Page is a profile thing coming to Webkinz World, and they let a few Webkinz Members test it. Since I suggested a profile feature a year ago and I don't get to be a beta tester, I'm ticked.



Well, Plutogo needed to be fed and played with, and played.

He talked to the fridge with his dad.

And he needed training.




Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 10%

Type: Blended Family

Generation: 12

Gotchi Points: 5170 G




Plutogo: Sunnytchi (Son)

Terry: Majorite (Mother)

Lawrence: Planetchi (Father)

Dear Journal,I am a Sunnytchi. I am the son of a Planetchi and a Majorite.

I am a 12th generation.

I am Plutogo.

Wow. I am seriously weird. Well, I've been sleeping a lot. Y'know, Katie being lazy and all.

Anyway, I might go to Earth Expo soon and get some more passwords.

Well, hopefully I'm not the last generation of the V5...

Well, since I'm grown, maybe Katie will hit the 13th generation.

Well, the good news is that I'm at marrying age. So maybe, I'll have kids soon. Maybe tomorrow. I don't know. At least SOMETIME this week!

Well, Katie should be working on the hopping soon. I can't wait to see what she says about me!

Well, see ya later! :wub:
Well, I was just talking with TAMAFAMiLY08, and she mentioned the V5.5.

Yeah! And the tamagotchi watch alredy came out ,like,6 months ago! I have a kutchipatchi one. I hope they release the v5.5 soon! :unsure:
I hope it comes out soon. Because my battery will die anytime soon.


Well, this V5 currently has a 3 month more of a battery life than the V1. No, 4.


Back when I got my V1, it was alive from March-June.


Now, with the V5, were going on from January to, now, July!


So, the battery might die soon.


Y'all better get on your toes and hope that V5.5 comes out soon...

Katie: Wow. I'm so bored, that I say, let's have a random conversation.

Plutogo: About what?

Katie: Cereal.

Plutogo: Wow...

Terry: Cereal is good for children!

Lawrence: Except Cocoa Puffs.

Katie: Hey!

Lawrence: What?

Katie: Watch your mouth!

Plutogo: She likes Cocoa Puffs.

Terry: Wow...

Katie: What can I say? I'm just a simple random, teen person.

Plutogo: Teen?

Katie: Yuppers. Now I am a teen.

Plutogo: So that means I'm older! Do what I say!

Katie: Dude, you're about a week old. I'm 13 YEARS old. Calm down.

Plutogo: But...

Katie: I also bought your house and raised you!

Plutogo: Darn...

Katie: Bad news.

Plutogo: What?

Katie: I just thought about Rugrats.

Plutogo: And?

Katie: I want a pickle.

Plutogo: You're sick.

Katie: No! I meant the food not the characters!

Plutogo: Oh...

Terry: *Sigh*

Katie: What?

Terry: I want a pickle too.

Plutogo: Even my own mom's sick!

Lawrence: Son...

Plutogo: Fine. I'll stop.

Like, a few hours ago, Plutogo like, pooped and got fed and played with, but my internet broke for a while, so, like yeah.




Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 10%

Type: Blended Family

Generation: 12

Gotchi Points: 5170 G




Plutogo: Sunnytchi (Son)

Terry: Majorite (Mother)

Lawrence: Planetchi (Father)

[SIZE=9pt]Dear Beloved Log Readers,[/SIZE]

I couldn't believe that this day would be today, but it is.

I check on TamaTalk, and I remembered to check on my V5, and change the time.

But the day has fallen upon us.

My battery has died.

I am bored of my V5. As sad as it is, it's true. I am, bored of it.

This battery has lasted longer than my V1, and I know it.

I have beaten my V1's record, and I know it.

I bet you are all very depressed about it, because you may think that this is the end.

Well it's not, not yet.

May I remind you that the V5.5 is coming out soon? That I still have my brother's Tamagotchi will was purchased 3 months after the Sugars? That I still have my my 2 V4.5s, and my V4? (My V3's battery is dead. >.< )

I have made it a long way. From generation 12, to one of the biggest log on TamaTalk, and to finding a Familitchi, you all.

This is a big change to The Squid V5 Log. The Sugars were basically the whole part of the log.

So for now, say goodbye for the Sugars, because they are, well, not here with us on Earth anymore. They have retired to Squidville on Tamagotchi Planet. Any they will not be back.

Maybe someday, but they will remain there for a looooong time.

Their house will now sit in the drawer, because that low battery thing just plain scares me... :mellow:

My heart is aching, and I may shed a tear in a bit, but I never thought I'd be here, but I am.

Don't bother telling me to get a new battery, because right now, I won't.

Thank you all for supporting the Sugars all these years. They will remember you all, and I hope you remember them.

And remember, if you like Sugar, then you will always be Familitchi.

The only change is that I will be writing in blue more than green, and the Sugars, well, y'know.

The stars shine above us all, and one of them is Tamagotchi Planet.

Letters to the Sugars are appreciated, because they have internet access. :p

But remember Uni?

She's still with us. She lives in the Blues house. She is the last Sugar on Earth...

Good morning to all!


Gotten used to me writing in blue yet?


I'm still kind of sad about this. And right now, I'm not going to get a new battery, because I have 9 days left to buy a Cheeky Monkey and a Webkinz Cares animal to complete my July goals.


Just to let you guys know, I'm not going to marry my brother's Kuchipatchi, because his mom is Uni, aka, the last Sugar on Earth.


I had a dream last night that I got batteries for my V5. And I thought, maybe I should make that dream come true.


Maybe next month the Sugars will return, because I already have the Clydesdale, but for now, Uni is the last Sugar.


And also, the second I hear that the V5.5 is out, my butt will be in Wal-Mart.


I still also have to enter in all the V5 codes, get an activity kit, get another decoratchi kit, and, well, yeah.


So please, stay tuned, for I'll unpause my brother's V5 in just a bit.

This is the 597th reply! :D


And also, some mail! That has some news!

I am a big fan of your log!!! I just have a question. Can you please write a bit more about webkinz. I like tamagotichis alot,but i like webkinz more. I hope you do deside to put a battery in the sugars. THANKS!!! =]
Yeah. Hopefully I will!
And I'll probably put a battery in the Sugars next month because I already have a Clydesdale. If I put in one now, when I ask my parents if I could go find a Cheeky Monkey or a Webkinz Cares animal:

"But you just put a battery in your Tamagotchi!"

And I also like Webkinz more also, but I thought the people might be more interested in Tamagotchis.

Thanks for the mail!
So yes! I can't stand this log without a little Sugar, so I'm going to get a battery next month!


Hopefully I'll finish my summer math packet first. :p

Guess what?




Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 0%

Type: Kuchipa Family

Generation: 2

Gotchi Points: 540 G




Zack: Kuchipatchi (Son)

BobSean: Chibipatchi (Son)

Henry: Papapatchi (Father)

Uni: Mamapatchi (Mother)

599th reply!

Let's show some Webkinz Adventures! Shall we?


Ever wondered what it's like on Webkinz after midnight? About a week or two ago, I taped Webkinz after midnight! Click here to see it! :p


The Webkinz CLubhouse is coming back, and Chloe will be the first out of all my Webkinz to see it! Considering that bad person that asked her to make out with them a year ago.


Nothing interesting this hour...


50 KinzCash earned on Wishing Well 2

I earned 50 KinzCash and Gak on Wheel of Wow earlier


Donated 1 KinzCash to Arte



Sale: 5 PM

Rare: 4 PM


I didn't say nothin'. :D


I found the Yum Zum Sparkle!


Sold it for 143 KinzCash!


That's all I have for now! :)

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