The Squid V5 Log


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Fanby: Well, there haven't been any conversations between us in a while.

Katie: I know right? God I'm lazy.

Fanby: But it's us who talk.

Katie: But it's ME who writes it!

Squeak: Hi, Mom! I'm on TV!

Zoodle: No, Squeak. Your on the INTERNET!

Angel: Well, we are famous!

Fanby: You got that right!

Katie: I'm so happy I found all of my old Tamagotchi stuff.

Fanby: Doesn't your mom put them in a drawer in your closet?


Katie: Yep. Wow. I really gotta get back in sync with my Tamagotchis.

Fanby: And Spoon is still a baby.

Spoon: Goo goo gah gah.

Katie: Don't remind me.

Puppy: And I'm still a teenager!

Katie: These will be the best days-

Puppy: YEARS!

Katie: -of your life.

Puppy: I wanna grow up!

Katie: You will soon.

Dil: And where's my oatmeal?

Katie: Dil, your battery has been dead for over two years! And your not gonna marry until Clare grows up. And I don't think she can take another battery.

Clare: You got that right.

Katie: Ok, I'm bored...

^ 445th Reply. Yay.


Well, just got back from this Child Study thing.


During my visit, (I was doing a thing for signing up for a group for, er, siblings of a certain thing) the Sugars were trained and now are at 20% training, and, they morphed!


Zoodle: Mukugetchi

Angel: Potetchi

Squeak: Uhyotchi


Also, one of the ladies there told me about her old Tamas (betcha 5 bucks it was back in the 90's) and how they died in a few hours of no care and how hard it is to take care of them. I told them how the new Tamas die in 5 days of no care.

The end of the year is in TWO DAYS! I got out early. I might play with my Tama V5 in a bit.


I'll see if I can bring my Tama tomorrow, Monday, and if I'll play with it later.


And, the end of the year will bring us closer to THE V5.5! I am SO getting it, and I'll be sure to educate newbuyers of this new version.



I just read my ENTIRE LOG to get back in sync.


Justin is the father of Zoodle, Angel, and Squeak and his siblings were Alex and Max and his parents were Sani and Jake. BAM! I have not named Justin's wife yet.


Oh yes I have, Miranda. ;) SUPER BAM!


Wow, that took me an hour.


Well, sometime soon I'll get the song and family tree updated, and start posting more Stats Checks.


This summer, I'll try and do one every 2 hours. (Wow.)


Also, I'll do lots with my V5.5 when I get it, and once per week, I'll switch to my V3, V4, or 2 V4.5's for the day.


Also, I'll take a picture of my Tamas that I'm playing with once per day!



Hopefully, on the last day of school, my mom will buy us new Webkinz. (If not, I'm gonna give her the Puppy Dog face until she asks what I want. :p )


Also, I am going to start naming my Webkinz after Tamas of mine. :D

Also, two more play days until I KICK MY RECORD IN THE FACE!


Currently, I'm hitting my records.


-I've made in to Gen. 10 and almost to 11.

-I've made it to 100% bonds many times.

-I've had 3 Tamas on the screen since Gen. 4.


And more!

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Justin and Miranda have been caught kissing!




Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 20%

Type: Blended Family

Generation: 10

Gotchi Points: 3040 G




Zoodle: Mukugetchi (Son)

Angel: Potetchi (Daughter)

Squeak: Uhyotchi (Son)

Justin: Papakurotchi (Father)

Miranda: Mamapatchi (Mother)

Today I got a new Webkinz! I walked to a store after school, and got a Pink Googles! Her name is Jenny, but the clerk called her Mr. Pinky when selling her to me. ;)


She's my 33rd!


Also, I got two packs of trading cards! One of the cards had 3 prize codes! I got lots of cool prizes today! I got:


10 Coupons

Cupcake KinzStyle Outfit



Plus what the 33rd Webkinz usually gets!


Although, Jenny's clothes don't fit on her...ah well...

The Sugars just had to get fed and played with!

Mailman: Is the one called Katie here?

Miranda: No, but I'll give it to her!

Mailman: Here you are!

Miranda: Thanks!


Justin: What's this?

Miranda: Yet more mail!

Angel: Cool!

Katie: Thanks!

Yeah. I've got some mail!


This is just a clip of a PM about my log!

Also , I took a quick glance at your log , its soo long. Good luck with it , i'll read it tonight before bed.
Zoodle and Miranda were just talking to the fridge.


I'm getting me an egg roll! :mellow:

[SIZE=10pt]NOTE: Webkinz World will be down June 26, 2008 from 8 AM - 1 PM (Eastern Time). If you want to make an attempt to log in at this time, try clicking here. This may be for putting back up KinzChat PLUS. Let's cross our fingers![/SIZE]

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