Squiddy Has Returned From Her Picnic With Valuable V5 Information![/SIZE]
The picnic wasn't just a picnic, it was a wedding ceremony! Uni and Henry are now happily married on Patrick's V5, with a new Kuchipatchi named Zack, and conjoined children and a pet!
Let me explain some more!
I made sure the Sugars and the Blues were tight buddies, both bondings were at 100%, and both could marry.
I click on the connection icon, then "Marry," then "Give."
I made Patrick go to the connection icon, then he clicked "Marry," then "Accept."
It had a "Select?" thing. I picked Uni, he picked Henry.
Uni blasted off to the Blues home, and the two met.
:kusatchi: Simmilar to a Matchmaker marrige, (Sugar) the parents first stood there with an empty space next to them, crying, because Uni moved into the Blues house, then the other kids stood there with an empty space and cried.
Ni, Sani, Nicole, and Jonathan returned to their normal lives on the egg, without Uni. Only, Ni was now the firstborn and Sani was the second.
Henry kicked out the rest of the Blues. (Telling them, crying, y'know.)
Uni and Henry continued the normal marriage animation: The kiss, parental morph, then the two new eggs appear.
Patrick and I now both have a happy Kuchipa family, on his Tama House.
I married Sani to a Mametchi on the dating show, and she became a Mememamatchi, and he became a Papamametchi.
Then they had the following kids:
Son: Mimifuwatchi
Daughter: Mimifuwatchi
Son: Omututchi
Then, they morphed.
1st: Mousetchi
2nd: Sakuramotchi
3rd: Ahirukutchi
Well, that's the dish of the V5 connection marriage.