The Squid V5 Log


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I have entered all the codes, I just need the honey.

The honey doesn't matter because I'm probably one of the last ones on Earth with a running V3.

Well, I'm probably the last one with one running in town.

I'm gonna go sit in my room and go up to the V3 TamaTown with my old laptop, Ol'...err...Crackers. It was named something different, but I don't wanna start cussing in my log. :p

Well, I went to my gramma's house for my birthday, which is on the 18th, and Puppy needed a time out when I was on my way down in my dad's car.

I was also in TamaTown before I went there, and, yeah.

Also, back on Thursday, I went to the school Talent Show and brought Puppy. I checked on him between acts. God, my teachers were in the FUNNIEST acts. When my reading teacher was in an act, I thought I was gonna DIE of laughter. They were doing this act with American Idol. There were those two other judges, then my reading teacher was Simon :huh: , and they added in bald Britney Spears with her baby. They had a Hannah Montana, a Troy and Gabriella, and a Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie sing, I believe. It was SO funny.

Hey squidward its me again I just wanted to say I love your log [of course] and that when I read your log it just makes me soo happy and you make my days with my tamagotchi wonderful. I just wanted to say thank you.
your friend kurotychi
That was just some mail.

Well, Patrick's Tamas can't mate today, but I bet tomorrow.

Puppy pooed a few times and needed some praising.















1 G


1446 P



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[SIZE=10pt]Squiddy Has Returned From Her Picnic With Valuable V5 Information![/SIZE]

The picnic wasn't just a picnic, it was a wedding ceremony! Uni and Henry are now happily married on Patrick's V5, with a new Kuchipatchi named Zack, and conjoined children and a pet!

Let me explain some more!

:D I made sure the Sugars and the Blues were tight buddies, both bondings were at 100%, and both could marry.

:( I click on the connection icon, then "Marry," then "Give."

B) I made Patrick go to the connection icon, then he clicked "Marry," then "Accept."

:pochitchi: It had a "Select?" thing. I picked Uni, he picked Henry.

:nazotchi: Uni blasted off to the Blues home, and the two met.

:kusatchi: Simmilar to a Matchmaker marrige, (Sugar) the parents first stood there with an empty space next to them, crying, because Uni moved into the Blues house, then the other kids stood there with an empty space and cried.

:wacko: Ni, Sani, Nicole, and Jonathan returned to their normal lives on the egg, without Uni. Only, Ni was now the firstborn and Sani was the second.

:ph34r: Henry kicked out the rest of the Blues. (Telling them, crying, y'know.)

:wub: Uni and Henry continued the normal marriage animation: The kiss, parental morph, then the two new eggs appear.


Patrick and I now both have a happy Kuchipa family, on his Tama House.

I married Sani to a Mametchi on the dating show, and she became a Mememamatchi, and he became a Papamametchi.


Then they had the following kids:


Son: Mimifuwatchi

Daughter: Mimifuwatchi

Son: Omututchi


Then, they morphed.


1st: Mousetchi

2nd: Sakuramotchi

3rd: Ahirukutchi


Well, that's the dish of the V5 connection marriage.



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Hello people! You know how I had to lower my bondings because I wanted a Watatchi, and I'm guessing you're wondering why I did that, and maybe you want a low bondings character too like a Watatchi and Hatugatchi so you can get special characters too! 

Well, here's the steps you take to lower bondings:


1. Change the Time to Either: 9:59 AM, 11:59 AM, 1:59 PM, 3:59 PM, or 5:59 PM.

2. Wait One Minute.

3. Your Tamagotchis Should Call For Training. (If They Didn't, Wait a Few More Seconds, Then Check the Clock. Is It 10 AM, 12 AM, 2 PM, 4 PM, 6 PM, or Later After Those Times? If So, Change It to Another Time In Step 1.)

4. DO NOT TRAIN IT. LEAVE IT THERE FOR ABOUT 10 MINUTES! (You Could Also Leave It On the Dating Show For 10 Min.)

5. Check Your Bondings. Did It Go Down? (If Not, Do It Again! I Had to Do This TWICE To Lower From 40% to 30%)


Got it?
Silly me. Did I say "Dating Show"? I meant "Travel Show"! Sorry about that. I am requesting to get that fixed.


Also, I was just running through the log. This is my favorite old quote from the log:


"I swear, if anyone create a slogan similar to that for their log, I will jump of a building. (And my V5 comes with me. :( )"


:D God, I crack myself up!


If you have a favorite quote from my log, PM me it! I'll post it up!


Also, the Sugars needed some training.

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[SIZE=11pt]My Tamagotchi Collection[/SIZE]

(Not Including ANY Accessories.)

(In Receiving Order.)

♥ Purple V1 (With Stickers!)

♥ White With Hearts and Kissing Tama V2

♥ Green Snake V3

♥ Glow-in-the-Dark V4

♥ Cookie Dough V5

♥ Globe V4.5

♥ Tamagotchi House V5

♥ Yellow Stars V3

Welp, I'm still sitting on my butt waiting for The Virtual Pet Chronicles: Part 3 to be put up. I'm ready just to start posting the chappies up in here.


Ok, I am going to tell a little story:


Well, I snuck my old stupid laptop from my bro's room, to my room because it NOW has internet connection from my room which I call, my "black hole."


So I put the laptop on my bed, getting ready to plug it in (the stupid battery only lasts 20 minutes), so I go around my room to gather my Webkinz, because that's what I was gonna play.


My mom cleaned my black hole last night, so there's a few things on the floor still.


I was making space for my feet, so I could look under my bed to see if there was another Webkinz under there.


Then, I spotted a Hello Kitty bag that has been lost for about a year. I was in shock.


It's see-through, and everything was there:


My V1, my V2, my original V3, my old Memetchi leash, the V4 instructions, the little Tama character packet, and the Mametchi Pouch string part.


Since I found my Mametchi pouch the night before, my Tamagotchi collection, was one again, together.

Also, my brother had to go to the dentist for an emergency appointment, sO I brought my V4.5 in my Mimitchi pouch. (You'll hear this pouch getting used often!!!!)


Here's what happened:


I bought a chest, and Zanby won 1,000 GP.

I won climb! 400 GP earned!

Zanby's baby pooed.

I got Zanby on the potty!

I fed Zanby.

Zanby got his salary of 1,120 GP.

MAIL! FORTUNE! ( :) * :) *** :( * )

Zanby's kid pooed once more.


Now, Zanby has a healthy weight, has a baby girl, has 8/9 of his training filled, has over 100 skill points for each category, and he has over 10,000 GP! Yay Zanby!


I love the V4.5!

Sorry I wasn't on at all today. I had to wake up at 7 and get ready to go to my friend's house today, because my brothers were getting MRI's. (Twin research.)


So, my Tamas were on pause today. But, I also have some news.


My friend's mom took me and her to Walgreens, and good thing I brought my wallet today, because, my Tamagotchi addictions got the better of me, again, so, I bought a Red Snake V4.5 for $11! His name is Spoon. (My best name yet. :( )


And of course, my username, is, Katie. My friends have had users like China, and parts of their names, and Yoshi, but I ALWAYS do Katie. It's just me. :)


Also, because I likes Wizards, I am going to name my kids Justin, Alex, and Max. (Oh great. The theme is stuck in my head AGAIN. I might discuss this with an AIM buddy.)


I think that's it.

Now it's time to sit and play Webkinz and enter the 10 PM competition, because I'm crazy.

Hey Squiddie! I haven't been on Tama Talk in solong. :( But I'm back now! Anyway, I remember reading somewhere that it was your birthday on April 18th which is tomorrow! Happy Birthday! Have an awesome birthday! 

Tama Mama
Yay me! It's also Madeline's (my Webkinz Black Lab) birthday tomorrow too! :eek: What a coincidence!


Also....SO CLOSE! I almost was able to watch the Stadium Competetion. I'll be back at 1 AM to see the results. :p
