The Spectacular Tama Diary


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Well-known member
May 20, 2009
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[SIZE=14pt]The Spectacular Tama Diary[/SIZE]

This is the spectacular diary of my tamagotchis.

For this diary, I will be using just one Music Star. I will try and update this atleast once a day.

Okay, so I just reset my tamagotchi. It was a girl. She has a ducky and a microphone.

I decided that I would name her Lilac. She is currently into Asian Music.

Awww.... she's hungry and wants attention. I fed her and played Sound Block with her and she won!

So basically i want Lilac to grow up to be a Memetchi :) or a Violetchi :p

I don't know why, I really just love them! We went to the shop and we bought a cookie.

I will post later when she evolves/grows up.

Toodles! ;)

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Yay! Lilac evolved into a hitodetchi :p

Lilac is still into playing Asian Music.

Well, apart from her evolution, there isn't really much to talk about.


Dear Diary,

i am so excited! I grew up!

I think that I look adorable!

I really want to grow up and

be a Memetchi! I really want to

be an Itchigotchi aswell though

because they are so cute and I

really like strawberries.



Toodles :)

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Lilac just had the mailman at her door. The King left her 2000gp. :D

Lilac went top the shop and there wasn't much to choose from, so she bought a burger.

She is still a Hitodetchi She wants to grow up and be an Ichigotchi <_<

I discovered the a Hitodetchi is a good care character! I feel so proud!

I think she is meant to evolve tonight ? I am not too sure ?

Anyway; she wants to talk to you people...

Hey there! Look how pretty I is! I'm a STAR!!

Yes ; very pretty now Lilac.

Why do you want me to be a Memetchi ?

Because, they are really cute. But, what do you want to be ?

I want to be a Memetchi too! :D

That works well then!

I will update later when she evolves! Lilac will be talking in this colour.

Toodles! :lol:


Yay! Lilac evolved! But, she evolved into a Ringotchi, a bad care tama. I don't know what happened? :)

But anyways, now she is into Hip Hop music. She still loves her ducky. She now hates her microphone.


1 year

31 lbs

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress: 23

Tome: 154

Rhythm 184

Original: 151

Hip Hop music



So there are her stats. I haven't really been making her practice her microphone because whenever she does,

she doesn't like it and just stops. Which gets quite irritating, so I just get her stats up by playing games!

I will update when something spectacular happens.

Toodles! :(


Okay, so I will start from the start.

I left my Tamagotchi at home when I went to school yesterday. And about halfway through the day, I realised that I had left it on! :blink:

But when I got home I looked at the Tamagotchi and it was the 'Band' thing.

So I was happy that she didn't leave. I named the band 'ABC Kids'.

In the band there was a Hintotamatchi named Toby and a Chamametchi named Jenny.

Then I woke up this morning and she was sleeping. Then I clicked the player thing and guess what was there?

Not a Ringotchi, but a MEMETCHI! :D

I was like 'YESSS!!!' But anyways, then I took her to her band when she woke up and then they turned into a Makkiko and a Tosakatchi.

So yes, that is all the happened. I will a stats update after this post too!

Toodles! :D


This is just going to be the stats that I said I was would do! :D


2 yr


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress: 17

Tome: 245

Rhythm: 286

Original: 273

Hip Hop Music




Dear Diary,

Oh my gosh! I am a Memetchi!

I am so happy! I think that I

want to marry a Mametchi or

a Kuromametchi ? I am still

deciding! But I really want to

have a baby girl! But a boy

would be really cute too! :)



Toodles :blink:

[SIZE=14pt]It's a Boy![/SIZE]

Okay, so I know I haven't posted in a while. That's because nothing interesting happened!

So here is the rundown;

Lilac never made a Pro debut. Which I was kind of bummed about.

But she turned 5 this morning! The band manager came to her door and offered her to marry....

A Kuromametchi! :D

I clicked 'Yes' and they had a little baby boy. They are one big happy family!

I am not sure what I am going to name the baby boy yet. I am thinking something like BJ ?

That would be so nice if he grew up into a Kuromametchi!

Toodles! :p


Well, this morning Lilac left her baby. I named the baby boy BJ.

BJ didn't like the microphone and the ducky, so I swapped it for a trumpet and a train. :chohimetchi:

He later evolved into a Kuchitamatchi.

Miss Frill came to the door and BJ got accepted into school, he then went to school and won jump rope.




Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Stress: 06

Tone: 284

Rhythm: 242

Original: 322

Latin Music



Sorry for not updating earlier. I didn't have access to the internet were I was when all this happened :nyatchi:

Toodles! :)


So, yesterday BJ evolved into a Kikitchi! I was very excited cause I thought that I was going to get a different tamagotchi.

I am really glad that I got a Kikitchi because not only are they cute, but they are a 'perfect care' tamagotchi!

I really want him to be prepared for the auditions. So I am getting his skills up all the time! :D

His band is called 'Boyz'. I chose that name because well, they are all boys! There is a Nonopotchi and a Hinotamatchi.

The Nonopotchi's name is Dino and the Hinotamatchi's name is David. David plays the bass drum and Dino plays the violin like BJ.

BJ has been receiving a lot of mail lately. It has usually been presents from Lilac or the King, which is not bad at all :)

Lilac gave him 8000p , a Tama battery (which ended up giving him a globe) and heaps of food. The King usually does the same.

I shall post later when he evolves into an adult (cross fingers for a Kuromametchi)

Toodles! ;)


Sorry about the late reply, I have been so busy because of school.

Anyway he evolved into a Togetchi! I was kind of bummed that I didn't get a Kuromametchi but, Togetchi's are cute :D

he hasn't had his Pro Debut yet. Lilac still comes and visits him and I reckon that is really cute!

Anyways, I know that was only quick, but I don't have much time, sorry. :(

Toodles! ;)


Guitartchi just came to BJ's door. I was like 'Huh?' then he brought in a Onputchi and wanted her to marry BJ!

Then I was like 'YESS!' And they had a baby girl. I think I know what I am going to name her already.

This post might be as little long because I am going to be filling you in on what has happened with BJ whilst I was gone.

BJ hasn't had any auditions for the past few days now. So he hasn't had a chance to get his Pro Debut.

Lilac appears to have stopped visiting him, which I am pretty bummed about :(

Okay, so I will post some stats now.




Hungry: ♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress: 00

Tone: 842

Rhythm: 843

Original: 855

Jazz Music



Violin & Train

Oh yeah, I think in the next generation I am going to start to do conversations in this log. So be prepared :D

Toodles ;)


YAY! BJ passed his auditions! He got his Pro Debut! I was so happy! It was like an 1 hour and a half after I posted last I think?

His Star Ranking is 10th and he has 103,545,470 fans. I think that is pretty good. He has already done another street performance since. :D

Just wanted to share that wonderful bit of information with you!

Toodles! ;)


Okay, so it has been along time since I posted. BJ left his baby girl. I named her Lilly.

She then an hour later grew up into a Hitodetchi which I was pretty pleased with. Ms Frill came and gave her a mirror.

Okay so I don't really know what is going on here, but my tamagotchi has been evolving at weird times.

Like they are not in the daily cycles. Anyways, she just evolved into a *Drumroll* CHAMAMETCHI! :D

Yes, after my neglect she still decides to be a Chamametchi! I was like YESS!

Anyway, she hasn't been accepted into school yet and form her band. But I will post when she does! I am so happy!

I forgot to mention this in the first post. I have the 'Glam Rock' shell. Lilly has a Globe and a violin on her screen.

And for further posts, Lilly will be talking in this colour. Be prepared... :p

Toodles ;)


Happy Halloween everyone! :D

Okay, so I went on a little trip to a place 3 hours north from where I live and I left Lilly at home.

Rudeness... *cough*

Well yes, and anyway, I was like! Nooo! She will be gone when I get back (cause I was gone for 2 days).

Then I came back and I saw the thing where you name your band and I was like Phew... so I named the band 'Spooks' in order of Halloween.

So yeah, she just evolved then into a Masktchi. :ph34r: I am pretty bummed about that right now.

Yeah, well I am not so crash hot about it either.... i still cannot believe you forgot me!

SOR-RY! It was an accident!

Yeah well, just take me to my band members please. I want them to evolve. Anyway, TamaTalk-ers, my band members are;

A Ringotchi named Thu and a Ichigotchi named Jenny. So basically, we are an all girls band.

They evolved into a Chantotchi and a Memetchi. They are performing infront of the judges right now. They got X O X

So anyway, I will post when something good happens :D

Toodles ;)

Fan mail!

Wow. I love your logyy diary whatever it is. It's awesome! Keep it up ~
Thank you very much TAMAGIRL2008 :)

Yes! Thank you very muchly!
