The pet log of a royal rainbow princess.


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Today Dotty is 8 years...

Is the matchmaker going to come?

Too bad, because she's not going to get my Dotty married! XD

Thinking about putting a L.I.F.E Tama on my log. They're pretty needy in my opinion though...

So this morning when I took Dotty out of my bag to check on her I saw the "X" battery thing on my screen- great.

My Dotty is just plain gone until I get new batteries! My mom is so hasty it's going to be hard to get my hands on any anytime soon.

But hey, at least I've been taking good care of her and she isn't dead.

But I must continue the log right?

Which is why I've decided...

I'M GOING TO HATCH A L.I.F.E tamagotchi! Although there's not much to them, I can still take screenshots and log.

When I hatch mine, I'm also going to name it.

I must name all of my virtual pets.

You know, sometimes I wish I hadn't got all of these real pets so I could just spend all my time on my virtual ones. I know that sounds a bit ignorant, but I prefer virtual over real.

Seriously, my yards are a mess because of my dogs.

Well, I guess this means I'll be able to spend more time with my other animals while Dotty is away.

I'll pretend she's taking a vacation or something.

I'll try to get into the swing of things with my logging.

My friend's mom was nice enough to get batteries for me while I was staying over, so now Dotty's back.

There hasn't been much going on with her.

I've had a plant and a chest saved up for a while, so I decided to look at them.

I got 10 GP out of the plant (ugh) and 500 GP out of the chest (a little better!)

I still haven't started an L.I.F.E tama.

I'll post pictures if I take any/find any.

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Some exciting stuff just happened!

I saw it coming and then I also forgot; Today Dotty turned 10, which means...


I took two pictures just now but they aren't that great.


She already looks kind of tired and restless XD


I like her facial expression.

After seeing this happen I actually feel kind of motivated and happier considering all that's going on right now that I know isn't as much of a big deal as it seems.

I'm just happy I have the Tamatalk community to share these experiences and stories with.

I'm happy to say I've maintained her weight throughout this process and I've taken the best care I could of her, but the only thing that bothers me is that I only got 7 training points for her for what I think was that one mistake.

Come to think of it, I'm kind of happy that I have Dotty, because she really does help with the feeling of lonliness sometimes and she's giving me something else that I could keep my mind on.

I'll keep this as my little place to rave about how much I love my Tamagotchi! XD

Okay, well see ya later!

There hasn't been much going on since Dotty is an oldie now but yesterday I had a conversation with my friend during class and he said, "I remember when your pet was young and full of life! Now she's old and can barely move XD" and I was like, "Shh!!! She can hear you!"

I have this weird kind of magical power where I can make people of whom I barely talk to very aware of my posessions.

It's kind of weird, because I don't force it upon them, they just start to learn about what I have.

I'll try to log more.

It seems as though the time that Dotty gets the most attention is in 2nd period history and 4th period ELA (English and language arts).

In 2nd period today, the person next to me would not STOP picking Dotty up from where she was sitting to try to mess with her or look at her! "She looks old." he kept saying. He learned how to feed her and check on her on his own.

In ELA, some of the people around me ask, "How is your pet? Can I see her? How old is she now?"

I love the attention she gets, but I don't know why these people are so fond of her.

I also caught my friend reading my log this morning and she seemed kind of interested in it. She asked me if I had another tamagotchi, and she asked me about this site.

Could it be possible that I could get my friend into tamagotchis? To the people here, that's a pretty cool thing to be able to do.

I thinking about giving her one of my v4.5's.


Okay, moving on. I forgot to mention that in 6th period yesterday this guy passed me and said, "I hope your pet dies." HOW RUDE!!!!

Oh well, I got motivation to log.

I'll try to post pictures later.

I had a lot of homework that I was procrastinating on so I did not have time to log.

I will make it a goal to keep up with my logging.

You must be annoyed with all of these excuses! I'm sorry about that. T-T

I see that a lot of tamagotchis get treated well because their owners play a lot of games and save up points for them, so I am going to make it a goal to earn a lot of points so that Dotty and I can go on a shopping spree.

I've gotten motivation from other logs I was reading, and it makes me want to spend more quality time with Dotty.

This means I'll be taking her to Tamatown and playing lots of games and stuff.

Even though she's an oldie, I've been trying to maintain her weight, because it makes me feel like a good owner if I do.

She's never been sick or had a tooth ache ONCE since she was a baby, and I'm proud of myself for that.

I think that I am going to start making more time to just hang out with her.

And about the pictures, I'm seriously going to try to post them later!

I've been reading other logs and I see those pictures and it makes me jealous of their skills. XD

Good job guys!

Okay, so here's what's up:

I am not going to be logging because I'm going to be out f town for the weekend.

And I know I didn't post any pictures yesterday of Dotty, and I'm sorry for that.

I am taking Dotty with me so that only means I'll be able to take more pictures with her on the vacation.

So I don't know if I'm going to be logging or not, but I promise you I'll be a good tama parent while I'm gone.

I'll miss Tamatalk while I'm gone!

I am back from my small vacation with my family and I have my pictures ready. I didn't take any pictures of Dotty while I was there because I was really busy spending time with my family and such. I took her with me, but I feel kind of bad that I didn't play with her more. When I got home, I played a lot of games with her to lower her weight and I think I've discovered something, which I'll be posting about in the forums. ;)


Dotty went by the school where she used to work a little while back. She was kind of upset being there as it brought back a lot of memories. She's kind of like me, in a sense. Some memories, even if they're good ones, make her upset to think about.



After stopping by the school, the Tamagotchi King payed us a visit. He gave Dotty a beautiful diamond ring, and she loves it. It is now her most favorite and valuable possession.


He also gave her a fishing pole, so when I had time for her we took a little fishing trip.

She waited for a while and then she felt something tug at the other end, and she went ballistic. Her face made her look like the most ruthless thing ever.


Still fighting to gain whatever it was on the end of that line, Dotty was determined it would be something great.


We were both really disappointed to find that the only thing she wasted all of that old-lady effort on was a measly can.


After the unsuccessful events with the fishing trip I got out her favorite bow to cheer her up. I absolutely love this picture! It's my favorite so far. She looks so sweet.

Other than all of that, Dotty is 15 years old today. Her aging process might have slowed down since I paused her a little bit of the time during the trip.

I think I'm going to plan a walk for just her and I sometime.

No one was awake this morning and I was fairly bored so I decided that I'd take Dotty to visit Tamagotchi Town, to spend some time with her and to see if I could get some nice things.

We visited various places, like the office, the theatre, the mall, Tamagotchi Hall, the Bank, etc. and we had a really nice time, considering I hadn't taken any real time to explore Tamatown in a long while.

On our trip, we got around 800 GP total from playing games.

We got a passport and also found a photo I.D., a laptop PC, a brochure, and a chocolate bar, which Dotty ate as soon as we got home, I guess all that exploring made her hungry (and to be honest I'm pretty hungry too.)

We played a few games, like "tama says", where you copy Mametchi's dance moves, "stay awake", where you keep 3 tamagotchis awake during a boring business meeting, "meet tamagotchi town", where you try to match the description of the tamagotchi to the character and see if you get it right, and we worked at the bank for a little bit, giving the right amount of GP to certain customers.

We also went and saw two movies, one a comedy, and one a cheesy romance. We recieved a scary movie poster since it was our first time there and Dotty enjoys it thoroughly. She has a thing for horror films, much like me.

I decided to take my little Dotty shopping at the mall too, since I've been saving up my GP for something nice. I bought her a stuffed lion and a skirt! She just had to have them. She's so girly, into all of the "cutesy" things like tutus and clothes and stuffed animals.

I decided we'd go home after that, since I have some things to do today. I'll probably take her back to Tamatown later.

I'm also thinking of putting Nintendogs on my log... :)


OH! And another thing! I believe Dotty is to turn 18 today! :)

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I believe that Dotty is to turn 20 today. 6 more days, and she will have been my longest living tamagotchi!

You know, I noticed something: in the real world, reality, 20 days is not that long, though it seems that way. And with those 20 days, a lot has changed! Using memories of Dotty when she was first born and all also brings reminders of what was going on in my life at that point. And if I've found that if some things I thought were so important change in that short amount of time to hurt me, then they aren't important.

Sorry, just a little thing I wanted to share.

Anyways, I am sad to say this, but Dotty actually had to wake me up for the first time today to care for her since I slept so late! She yelled for me to get up and when I did I found that she was sick and starving. I'm not going to let that happen again. In fact, on the weekends or on break, I'll set an alarm to go off so I can wake up and tend to Dotty before going back to sleep for a little while.

I'm also thinking about adopting a nintendog puppy for my log today. I'm kind of tired, so we'll see!

I have a confession!

I have been pausing Dotty a lot. And I've been telling you guys I would log, and I haven't. I'm so sorry for that. I decided to have a log, and if I'm going to have one then I'd better keep up with it.

I have been pausing her a lot because I've been really distracted and busy with school and friends, and I'm getting to that point where I decide that she'd get in the way of my time, but I am still going to continue to run her. And I'll unpause her and continue with her care today. I can't just forget about her, and the fact that I'm doing this and it is left unsaid is driving me crazy, and I just had to confess.

I'll also get back on track with my logging. I'll try to today. I have a nintendog named Lizzie now, and I have some not-that-great pictures, and I'll post those when I can.

I will stay on top of this stuff, okay? I will.

Starting now Dotty is unpaused.

The last few days have been pretty quiet for Dotty. I've been attending to her and playing games with needed but I haven't been spending any quality time with her, which I will try to change but at the moment I'm pretty busy.

I have thought about ending the log but I'm not going to do that because I just can't. I love writing on my log.

I am also going to restart my Nintendogs game, because I lost a hinge on my DS and it made me lose my motivation. But I've been reading up on it more and I'm getting my motivation back, so I want to start with a new puppy. So disregard the last post about Lizzie.

Dotty has just been sitting by me listening to all of my ravings about Black Butler and Elfen Lied.

I told her I was getting more into anime and she's been watching it with me and my best friend. There hasn't been much going on with her.

Today Dotty is 25, to turn 26! This means she will have been my longest living tamagotchi ever!!! :D

I just finished playing 6 games with her, 5 being jump-rope and one being dance. I'm always playing jump-rope with her because it makes her so happy.


After all of the time we spent playing games and earning points, we decided to dress her up in her skirt for the first time. She looked so cute and happy bouncing up and down in it! ^.^ I agree, it makes her look swell.


She then got her stuffed lion out and proceeded to cuddle and "chill" for a little bit.

So Dotty's life is going pretty good right now! She honored to be my longest living tamagotchi.

I also have a new pet, called a Hatchi, a female named Gossamer. It's an app on my phone, and it's pretty cool, except it's kind of hard to please her. .-.

You should check it out, it's called "Hatchi". If I can find a way to screenshot the game I'll add pictures of her, too.

It's time for a brand-new update in my log.

I have gained back my motivation to take care of another tamagotchi and get back to logging.

This time, I am definitely going to make improvements on my log. I will always try to post daily, and I wil take more pictures and try to be more descriptive in my log!

Don't lose hope! I am back!

So this new time coming around I believe that I will be running V4.5 and then maybe if I find the time I will also try to run another tamagotchi, like my Tama-Go if I have any batteries.

Expect the first post to be in a little while around today.

Hey everyone, I may not be able to update my log or hatch tonight like I had said because I have a project that's do tomorrow and it got assigned today (ugh, excuses Ashley... really?) but we'll see.

I will be logging soon though!
