The official Log of the Fritz Family! :)


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lisa chamametchi

spencer bakutchi

Hey everybody!

Sorry I didn't post yesterday when the triplets evolved like I said I would. I got very busy. But, here's the night's update!

On my V5, everything's going pretty well. Ben is a Mamekatchi, Lisa is a Chamametchi, and Spencer is a Bakutchi. Their bonding is only 10%, which I plan to fix by the time that they are adults tomorrow. They want to say hello.

Ben: Hey everybody! Thanks for reading our log! I can't wait until I'm an adult tomorrow!

Lisa: Hello! I LOVE being a Chamametchi!

Spencer: Yo, I"m carryin' down da tradition of being DA BOMB because I am sooo da bomb as a bakutchi!

Ugh...Bakutchi doesn't seem to be my lucky character. :eek: But oh well!

Not much news on Baily. Been connecting her w/ Donut so they can get married as old-timers!!!

Yay! I got Donut back from my sister! He's an adult that looks like he has two black backwards headphones on the sides of his head and he's really skinny. I"m not sure if you'll know what I'm talking but yeah.

I also retrieved her V4! I started it up again because Sofia died. :( It's a baby boy named Tom. He's on pause because I don't feel like caring for a baby tama at the moment. I'll unpause him in the morning.

Talk to you all later! PM me if you like/don't like/hate/have an idea for the log! :)


Karlie, Baily, Donut, Tom, Ben/Lisa/Spencer

Hey everybody, sorry about the lack of posts. :p Anyway, let's start with the daily update...but first let's do this. Once again, my sister has taken away her tamas. :hitodetchi: So I think they're both dead now. :( But ah, well.

Baily passed away yesterday. :( RIP, little one. So I restarted my pink V3, but I think I"m going to restart it again because I know I'm going to get a very unhealthy character. Currently, but it will probably change, it's a girl, her name is Fanta, (like the soda lol) and she's one year old and a child.

The Fritzes are adults! Ben is a Hatugatchi, Lisa is a Lovezukintchi, and Spencer is an Uhyotchi. I"m going to do the dating show right now! I'm going to marry off Lisa. :) Ok, here goes....Ok, first she offered a guy that looked like a clock....and then she suggested an Uhyotchi! I"m going with him. OOPs! I spent so much time typing I missed him. :( Here we go again...h great....I got a big fat easygoing guy. :( Oh well....I'll name him Bob. :D Ok, so now the family just left. :( And the new couple kissed! aw.....Now there's fireworks...and they're parents! OMG Lisa is sooo cute! She's a parent I've never ever seen before! And now there's the three eggs.... :p HOld on I"ll wait to post until they hatch.....

They hatched! The first one is an easygoing baby! She's a girl! The second one is the same except it's a boy. Now the last one is one with lots and lots of legs! LOL, a girl Mimifuwatchi. I'm going to name them....Lola, Jack, and....SAKURA!!! I don't know if you remember, but Sakura was my first one. :) So Sakura Jr. Will be my first tama named after another one. More later everyone! I"m going to go see if I can get my sister's tamas back, lol....And I'm thinking of buying another V3 from Ebay!

WOO HOOOOO!!!! GREAT tama news and great log news! First of all, a great big thank you to all my faithful readers! Love you all! I now have over 200 views! And now for the tama news.....dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun! I let my sis borrow my webkinz clothes and so she let me take care of ALL of her tamas! That's right! I'm now taking care of a V4, two V3s, and two V5s! Who knows how long it will last....but oh well! I'm enjoying it, lol! So now for the night's update...

The Fritzes are children now! Aw, Bob and Lisa are kissing! Ok, never mind that. Lola is a Tororotchi, Jack is a Mattaritchi, and Sakura is a.....SAKURAMOTCHI! That is SO creepy because her name is Sakura....and that's the first time I've had a Sakuramotchi since the first Sakura! Other than that, they're doing pretty good. They're going to marry my sister's V5.

Nothing going on with Pie, except he's a kid that looks like a marshmallow.

When I got Tom, (my sister's V4 who I created a few days ago before he was once more taken away) He was soooo sick. he had no happy hearts and no hungry hearts. :wacko: He was sick, and he had pooped about six times without anybody cleaning it up. So I fixed him, and he's still an unhealthy teenager that looks like a tooth.

I just reset my sister's green V3 who used to be Donut because Donut died yesterday. B) I really need to start sneaking checks on her tamas more often! Anyway, she's a girl who's going to marry Pie as an old-timer. ( if she isn't taken away and has died again before then) I named her Apple. (Get it? Apple and Pie? Apple Pie?) LOL. She's doing good.

Anyway, on to my sister's V5! Their family name is Dodso. The first born is a little girl. She's an Omutchi. I named her Lily. :( The second is a boy Mimifuwatchi. I'm calling him Joe. The youngest is a girl Futabatchi. Her name is Tami. Lily, Joe, and Tami are all doing fine. I'm sooo excited to be taking care of two V5s!

That's it for now! More tomorrow! Bye everybody!


Karlie, Pie, Apple, Tom, Lola/Jack/Sakura, and Lily/Joe/Tami.

Time for the morning's update, folks! OK, so I woke up this morning very late (Like 9:30) But only because my mom woke me up lol. So anyway I checked on my tamas and I think I've ruined my chance of healthy characters on the V3's. :p But that's awright, there's always next time.

Surprisingly, Tom (green V4) woke up this morning with full hearts all around. I then looked at his weight and *gasp* he was 62 pounds! I guess my sis fed him too many snacks LOL. So I played some games with him, took him to school, worked up his skill points. He's three years old, so he'll either be an adult today or tomorrow. His skill points are 46/6/11. I'm working on that today so he can get a good job. That's pretty much it for Tom!

Lily, Joe, and Tami are doing well. When they woke up this morning, they had only one happy heart and one hungry heart full though. So I quickly fed them some meals and snacks and now they're all better! Lily is currently talking to the fridge. Lola's a Belltchi, Joe is a Mousetchi, and Tami is a Tororotchi.

The Fritzes are doing fine, although they woke up as distressed as the Dodsos.

Apple (green V3) is doing well. She's a child, and she's the one with the three humps on her head. (if you get what I mean.) Unfortunately, she woke up with zero hearts full. :D I quickly fixed her and apologized heartily. But now she's good! She should be a teenager tonight.

Pie (Pink V3) is doing well. He too woke up with zero hearts, and I quickly fixed him. He and Apple are going to begin connecting today to work their way up to good friends!

Well, that's it for the morning folks! I might post later today and I might not. It all depends on how the day is going. Well talk to you later, faithful tama readers!


Karlie, Pie, Apple, Tom, Dodsos, and Fritzes.

Ok, first I want to say that I am very very very sorry for the few days of absence. I've been at dance camp, and then I had a dance team audition last night, so I haven't had much time for tamas.

Anyway, Pie and Apple are both unhealthy characters that are all black with block shaped heads. :ph34r: Unfortunately, I didn't have much time for them either. But I'm hoping that their children will be healthier! They are five years old and I'm hoping that they will have babies soon.

Also unfortunately, my sister's V4 has died. :( RIP little tama.

The Dodsos are doing fine, actually they evolved into ninjas last night but I fixed it with the whistle. xD Sorry I missed their teen update, but I have no clue what they were as teens, so I"ll just post what they are as adults. Whoa, geez, I can't even remember their names! :eek: I am soooo sorry tamas! Ok, so I think the first one is Lily...she's a Lovezunkitchi. And I don't remember the next one....but he's a Hatugatchi. And the baby of the family is....a Potetchi! Sooo cute, I've never had her before. Anyway, soon they'll be marrying the Fritzes!

The Fritzes are good. They were a small family earlier this morning, but now they're back to normal thanks to a glass of milk. ;) I can't remember their names either! Snap, I'm bad. Anyway, they're a Lovezukintchi, Hatugatchi, and Watatchi. I'm either marrying the Watatchie or the Potetchi to either one of the Hatugatchis. But right now I'm madly connecting them to get them up to the 'good friends' level! More later when tamas have mated!


Karlie, Pie, Apple, Dodsos, and Fritzes.

Baby tamas have arrived for the Dodsos and the Fritzes! So I finally got their friendship level up to Best Friends. Then I married a Hatugatchi with the Watatchi! (After this I Promise I'm going to go get their names from the rest of my log!) And then after they laid three eggs, I married the Potetchi with a Guy that looks like a clock from the dating show! They evolved into parents. I'm calling the Potetchi's husband Tickers. So the Fritz babies are a boy Mimifuwatchi, a girl Mimifuwatchi, and a boy Omutchi. The Dodso babies are a girl Futabatchi, a boy Futabatchi, and a girl Mimifuwatchi. I'll post when they evolve into children. That's when I'll decide on their names, and this time, I'm going to remember them! LOL. More later!


Karlie, Pie, Apple, Dodsos, and Fritzes.

Hi everyone, sorry for the loooong absence from tamatown. The tams have been paused for a few days, I just needed a little break. No offense to them! I started up my sister's V4. I named her Soda, and she's currently a child. She hasn't been asked to preschool yet, but she will be probably in the morning when she wakes up.

Pie and Apple had babies! They had twin boys. I'm going to name them Lime and Treat. xD I know, random as usual.

The Fritzes are doing well. They're children now. I'm going to name them Zee, Mimi, and Limbo. Zee is a Mousetchi, Mimi is a Sakuramotchi, and Limbo is an Ahirukitchi. Random names! yeah! :)

The Dodsos are doing well, like the Fritzes. They are also children. I'm naming them Liza, Blob, and Flower. Liza is a Tororotchi, Blob is a Mattaritchi, and Flower is a Sakuramotchi. RANDOMNESS RULES! (I think I'm delirious from exhaust.)

More soon everyone!


Karlie, Pie&Treat, Apple&Lime, Dodsos, Fritzes, and Soda

Hey guys, sorry for the looong break. I'm kind of taking a break from tamas. I have lots going on in the real world right now, but I may restart one of my V3's. Ttyl! :unsure:


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