Tama-Go Status (Blue):
Name: Shinaiarimasu
Gender: Girl
Age: 6
Character: Otokitchi
Status: Married to a Shimashimatchi
Tama-Go Status (Pink):
Name: Keegan
Gender: Boy
Age: 6
Character: Ojitchi
Status: Married to a Marotchi
Right, Ari turned old last night -
Like, ew! I'm, like, all old and, like, gross!!!
Anyway, then she and Keegan got married. No, not to each other. Nothing new with Sophi, so no pics of her. But I have pics of Keegan and Ari.
Shinaiarimasu (Ari) and ------------------Keegan and wife
Yep, the photos.
I may be, like, old, but I still, like, think old people are, like, totally gross.
I know, Sophi. I know.
*throws mud at Ari*
Like, ew! I'm, like, covered in, like, mud!!!!! >.<
I think we should end it here. Byeeee!
EDIT: W00T PAGE 4!!!
Name: Shinaiarimasu
Gender: Girl
Age: 6
Character: Otokitchi
Status: Married to a Shimashimatchi
Tama-Go Status (Pink):
Name: Keegan
Gender: Boy
Age: 6
Character: Ojitchi
Status: Married to a Marotchi
Right, Ari turned old last night -
Like, ew! I'm, like, all old and, like, gross!!!
Anyway, then she and Keegan got married. No, not to each other. Nothing new with Sophi, so no pics of her. But I have pics of Keegan and Ari.
Shinaiarimasu (Ari) and ------------------Keegan and wife
Yep, the photos.
I may be, like, old, but I still, like, think old people are, like, totally gross.
I know, Sophi. I know.
*throws mud at Ari*
Like, ew! I'm, like, covered in, like, mud!!!!! >.<
I think we should end it here. Byeeee!
EDIT: W00T PAGE 4!!!
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