the most AWESOME tamagotchis


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[SIZE=10pt]i decide to pick........jamie because she is the only girl and stuck between two boys.[/SIZE]

i don't mind it's alright

really you wanted to pick me yay!!!!!!are you sure your ok taylor

yes i don't have to get married i'm going to the water slides tomorrow!!!!

yep i'm sure it's alright now i'm gonna go to the water slides too

:D :p :hitodetchi: :kusatchi:

well atleast that all figured out lets go have osme bonding time tamagotchis

:D :eek: :( ;)

hey i just had to cleanup after my pets they are adults now they should be able to flush lol anyways i think i'm gonna go to tama town but before that i'm gonna have another........

[SIZE=12pt]kudo time[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]hey guys what career should i have when i leave im thinking restraunt owner[/color[/SIZE]

what about you start your own family then you can own a restraunt :(

ya one at a time taylor unless you want to end up poor and living on the streets :hitodetchi:

ok fine family then restraunt lol

hey kyle what are you going to do?

oh im gonna start a family and then be a run a comedy show.

nice lol

hey jamie have ou decide who you want to marry?(continued)

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[SIZE=11pt]well........i'm thinking a mametchi,is that a good idea?[/SIZE]

that sounds good to me

perfect, now you can be a smart family

i'm so excited to be getting married tomorrow!!

:( :hitodetchi: ;) :p :D :eek: :kusatchi: :D

back to real life lol the tamas are great especially jamie i'm excited too ofcourse for her.

hey guys you know what i am doing im making tamagotchi cradles out of dough thats all i wanted to say but isn't that cool

if you want to know more about making dough cradles for your tamagotchis please pm the tamas are happy their stats are:(their bonding is now 80% yay)



bonding:80%blended family

generation:1 190g

i am going to talk about my v3 in purple i reset my tamagotchi there is an egg and press reset again it hatches and out comes a girl i will name her cutie aww she is so cute!!!! :( :p

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hey guys i went on a bike ride and took my tamagotchis (both of them) with me of course they were on my neck strap and were kept safe near my hand, i help the neck strap i think they liked it.

i noticed that since the bonding changed to 80% now when i press the c button they all come up to you and each take a turn smiling at you, kinda neat!

:) :D :( ;)

the stands i made for them well it's actually two stuck together it says tamas and has a flower on it i'm going to paint it and maybe put some photos up for you guys.

my tamagotchi turned into a child a weird thing that looks like a vegetable lol but thats good that it changed.

B) :D :eek: :p

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[SIZE=13pt]hi again so its been two days for my tamagotchis being adults but it still won't use the dating show i don't know why and i also found my alligator scale tamagotchi v3 it was my bros but he gave it to me but i won't be writing about my alligator scale one sorry[/SIZE]

anyways i'm gonna check their stats:



bonding:90% blended family

generation:1 190g




weight:36 pounds fat lol




year sold:0


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[SIZE=14pt]my tamagotchis are now:[/SIZE]

mamametchi:her name is jamie obviously lol

papametchi:his name is tommy

sakuramotchiher name is zoey

mousetchihis name is max

i'm so glad my family is AWESOME!!!![/color]

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sorry i haven't wrote for very long i've been kinda busy the past two days.

anyways ok my tamagotchis were hungry and a bit happy this mornning so i filled those hearts up.

ok time to bond lol they have question marks.

:D :p B) ;)

well this time i'm trying to get a pure family the i will have a dog i think thats why there is an empty space left on the main screen i think it's for the dog.i'll be writing more later oh yea and i gave my alligator scale tamagotchi to my little brother.

hey guys sorry again i had a friend over so i couldn't write anything lol ok so my tamas are still the same not evolved yet but their bonding is at 0% so i want to get it up higher before they evolve which will probably be today but their happy and hungry stats are:



;) ;) :p :)
