The Mission


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September 2008 Contest Winner
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
Hi I am Sally :huh: .I heard of this sinister gozaratchi trying to take out the women race.Since I am 1 of the few ladies left WE must take out Jack So the remaining women wont get sent back to tamaplanet.Mission the 4 remaing women kill Jack!!!!!!!!!!!!1

went along w/ it but little did he know, she knew it was him. she gave him info. then she would use that info to kidnap him and KILL him. But one night when .....

She fell asleep, he took her to a cage, and said, you killed my brother so then she jumped out the cage and then jack hit her in the chest with a knife and said,Since your almost gone, tell me, where are the others then a half an hour later, sally died and then.....................................................

Another lady named Kara the Mimitchi came after Jack.She and 5 others were remaining after Jack killed Sally.And the needed to kill him.OR the Tama race will go unexistent

so kara got all da guns and wepons she needed. So then she got a army of20 female tamas. So here are the tamas in da tribe : :furawatchi: :D : :gozarutchi: ;) :pochitchi: :huh: :wub <_< :unsure: :hitodetchi: :huh: :D :mametchi: and they all went to se jack. When they saw jack, they plucked out their most butifulest tama. and..................................................................

No one knew that there was a beautiful :lol: named Hayley. She had two daughters, Kimmy :huh: and Feather :angry: . Hayley had a plan. But Jck caputed her.

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