Why Katie said, suprised. Look! Violet pointed. over at a nearby bench. She saw Matt Kissing a kupatchi!
. Katie gasped. Aren't you sad? No. Said Violet. But I am mad. Are you going to do anything? Kaite said? You bet. violet replied. She put a big smile on her face and walked up to matt and the kupatchi. She sat on the other side of matt and tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned around she said hi honey and kissed him on the cheek. Then she pretended to just notice the kupatchi. The girls gasped a the same time. Who is this Matty? asked Violet. Uhhh, he said. and looked at the kupatchi. Who is SHE Matt? she shrieked. Katie got the picture and joined in. You were dating BOTH of them? she said loudly so other people could hear . No! said matt . Um, Yeah you were Violet said. And now you don't have any girlfriends. the kupatchi said. right? she said nodding at Violet. Right. violet said. And they walked away. Hi I'm violet said violet . I'm Melody the kupatchi said. I'm katie said katie. Then they started to walk to lunch.
. Then kevin came up to them,