"why aren't you sure about it? dont we love each other vary much? i think that this is the perfect time for us to get maried, and be with each other forever........." said dylan, sounding a little disapointed.
"it's, just,... i dont know. i dont feel right about it, like when you get the feeling that someone is waching you." replidem beth, alomst wispering.
"i know whats wong. it hapens to me when i get so exsided im not sure about it.
come on, as sone as we go to my house you'll feel beter. trust me!" said dylan happy again. he took beths hand and they walked to his house.
"hey, why havent you given me the ring yet huny? aren't we sapost to be selabrating?"
* * *
that night dylan called the cherch and told them about the weding. they made plans for it at 2:30 the nexed day
. that night they couldn't sleep because of it. and the strangest thing hapend, beth and dylan had the same dream....