The Log


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LOL, a while ago, my tamas were on the arm of the couch, and my cat Sam lay down on them!! and when I tried to move him, he bit me :kusatchi: I think he wants a tama.


Anyway, nothing really happened yet, except Ava is 3 years old now and the others are 2, and I took the battery out of Ron (my V4.5) because I'm gonna give it to my friend.


More later!

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Well, yesterday my tamas all slept all day (I set the time to their bedtime) because I was busy with my friends. Right now, Ava is 4 and CC, Penny, and Mia are 3. I really want them to evolve!! I'm hoping for anything I haven't had in awhile!! Or just anything cute! :)

Hey! Sorry for not posting earlier!

This morning, my tamas all evolved :D first Mia, who woke me up while doing so (and my friend who was sleeping over!), then CC, then Penny, then a while later (since she wakes up later), Ava. This is what I got!


Mia: Pipotchi!!!!! She's sooo cute!!

CC: Hidatchi! Also very cute!

Penny: Decotchi!!!

Ava: Memetchi!!


I'm very happy about all of them! Especially Mia! :D Also today, they all got to connect with my friend's V3 Alex. She has the same Graffiti one as me (I gave it to her), but some of the words on it are different.


So anyway, back to the present.

Penny's asleep.

The rest are just hanging out. Earlier I fed the V3s their favourite foods, so I suspect they are pretty happy. :) Sadly I didn't have Ava's, which happens to be cupcakes, so I played Slot with her instead.

Aaand, I just bought CC a Lion Doll, and now she's playing with it. cute :)

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Nothing has really happened yet, but I wanted to post anyway.


On Penny, last night I bought her one of the few items I don't have- the shirt. I tried it on her and it looks really insane!


Also, I've noticed that Mia is much more needy than the others. Maybe it's because she's a bad character? She's also a bit younger, but I think that's because a few days ago I downloaded her, because she was dying. I can't believe I forgot to mention that in this log! O.O


Stat time:


Dark Blue with stars V3

Name: Mia (Pipotchi)

Training: 4/9

Age: 5

Weight: 99 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Points: 222 (she's so poor!!)


Graffiti V3

Name: Penny (Decotchi)

Training: 8/9

Age: 6

Weight: 68 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 30

Points: 9,119


Pink with Flowers V2

Name: Ava (Memetchi)

Training: 9/9

Age: 6

Weight: 34 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 8

Points: 1,275


Snake Skin V3

Name: CC (Hidatchi)

Training: 3/9

Age: 6

Weight: 57 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 8

Points: 5,822

Today, Mia and my friend's tama Moon were supposed to mate, but it turns out that my friend connected Moon with another of her tamas, not knowing they were in love, and they mated. I think Mia's pretty upset, as am I. :eek: She fell in love with a cheater.

Omg! Just now, all of my tamas got the matchmaker!!! :eek:


Ava married a Urutchi and had a baby girl.

Mia married a Bunbuntchi and had a baby girl.

CC married a Sekitoritchi and had a baby boy.

Penny married a Hashizoutchi and had a baby boy.


I wanted a boy on my V2, but it's ok. :D

And I'm not 100% sure about CC and Penny's husbands. It could have been Penny marrying the Sekitoritchi and CC marrying the Hashizoutchi, not the other way around, but it happened so fast I don't quite remember. :D


I have a few name ideas for the boys but not the girls... If you have any ideas please PM me!!


Yesterday they became kids!!


Rusia- Mizutamatchi :(

Chees: Hitodetchi/Hotodetchi

Bosco: Kutchitamatchi

Zano: Mohitamatchi


Also, I've already paired them up! Zano+Rusia and Bosco+Chees! :angry: Bosco and Chees really seem to like eachother already. I just connected them twice and first, Bosco gave Chees a heart and then she gave him one! :) so cute!!


wow, right now they are ALL rolling at the same time!! lol.

They are now teens!!


Rusia- Pirorirotchi (sp?)

Zano- YOUNG MAMETCHI!!! :p :lol:

Bosco- Obotchi

Chees- Nikatchi


I'm not very happy with Chees... I'm soo sick of Nikatchis!!


Anyway, today I went to Value Village, hoping to find a Tama (I have before). But no, there was only a broken Tamagotchi keychain that I didn't buy because it was well... Broken. *sigh*


Oh, and yesterday I bought a tama decorating kit!





OMG I am sorry people!!! :rolleyes: :blink: It's been so long!

Rusia, Zano, Chees and Bosco turned into adults, the pairs mated, and all had boys. Right now those boys are still babies, and are sitting in front of me right now.




Bosco, Rusia, Zano, and Chees as adults

This was odd...


So anyway, I'll post stats and maybe more pictures when these babies evolve! :)



They evolved, so here are their stats!:


Dark Blue with stars V3

Name: Carl (Kutchitamatchi)

Training: 1/9

Age: 0

Weight: 18 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 4

Points: 3,966


Graffiti V3

Name: Lexi (Kutchitamatchi)

Training: 1/9

Age: 0

Weight: 17 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 32

Points: 9,999


Pink with Flowers V2

Name: Berty (Kinakamotchi)

Training: 1/9

Age: 0

Weight: 13 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 10

Points: 4,411


Snake Skin V3

Name: Seb (Mohitamatchi)

Training: 2/9

Age: 0

Weight: 17 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 10

Points: 7,924


Also, right now I have my sister's Pink with ice cream cones V3. She's letting me use it since I love it :rolleyes: Anyway, when I put a battery in it, it beeped like normal and when I looked at the screen, there was a Dorotchi in a happy pose just frozen on the screen. I tried pressing buttons and nothing happened so I pressed the reset button and downloaded, and it was a Megatchi named Ray. I have NO IDEA what that Dorotchi was all about :) It was very weird, if anyone knows why that happened please tell me.

So my sister let me reset it and it is now a girl named Dina, a Mizutamatchi.

I just gave Carl a plant, and it grew into a snake. Then I gave him a Genie lamp and it made it rain on him and now he has no happy hearts!! I just played a game with him, too! :D Oh well....


I'm connecting Dina and Lexi a lot so they can mate someday, but they seem to have a weird relationship... They give eachother poo and then the next time they connect, they give eachother flowers and hearts. o_O Odd.


Also, I think Berty (Kinakamotchi) is SO CUTE. Seriously, he's adorable. I love Kinakamotchis. :D


So, I'm not sure when they will evolve since I paused them a lot yesterday. :p

Well, they evolved a few days ago.


Dina: Obotchi

Berty: Ichigotchi :D !!! so happy!! :D

Lexi: Young Mimitchi

Seb: Hinatchi

Carl: Hinatchi


So, today I saw my friend, and I showed her my Hinatchi brothers, and to my surprise, her two V3s, are both Hinatchis too, and they're sisters! :lol: Weird! But later on in the day, one of the sisters evolved into an Androtchi. I'm so jealous, I've NEVER had an Androtchi on any of my tamas! And I've always wanted one! If anyone has tips on how to get one, please tell me.




Dina and Lexi


The four Hinatchis


My friend's Space character! So cute!!


Anyway, that picture of Dina and Lexi reminded me that I wanted to talk about them a bit.

They seriously hate each other.

It's weird, since they are best friends (and they both have full training), but they have hated each other from the very first connection. Almost every time they connect using 'Present', they give each other poo, snakes, nothing, etc, even when I wrapped a ball I wanted Lexi to give Dina, he wouldn't give it to her! He gave her poo instead at least twice! It's pretty funny to me actually, I've never had two tamas act like this before. But I suppose they don't completely hate each other, since sometimes instead of bad things they give hearts and flowers, but still.


More tomorrow, when I hope that they evolve! Except Berty, I want him to stay a cute little Ichigotchi for longer...










EDIT: Omg! How could I forget!?!? Yesterday, my sister let me KEEP her pink V3 (Dina!!)! I'm pretty happy about it! That also means I now own 13 tamagotchis :(

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First of all: Woah!! TT got a makeover! :angry:


Second of all: THEY EVOLVED!


Berty: Memetchi... again. not too happy about that...

Carl: Bunbuntchi! :ph34r:

Seb: another Bubuntchi!!

Dina: Pyonkotchi!! SHE'S SO CUTE!

Lexi: Mimitchi!!!! :unsure:


So yeah, I'm very happy with all of them except Berty, and especially Lexi since I really wanted him to be a Mimitchi.


Also, for some reason, Dina had the low battery sign today even though her battery is brand new... so did Carl, but his isn't so new. but still :angry:


Pictures tomorrow! :angry:

It's only morning right now, so nothing has really happened, except I was checking on Carl, and it just froze. So I realized I needed a new battery for him but I couldn't find one for a while (he has it now), but I hope it didn't stunt his growth too much.

Also, I really want to use my V4.5. I'm gonna take out one of my V3's batteries and use it after this generation is over.

Pictures as promised:

Berty as a teen, so cute. And you can see my messy nightstand in the background, yay.

Lexi and Dina... I guess they don't hate each other :D

Dina up close

Seb up close

Lexi in his wig ... lol

Lexi with the clone

And lastly, Lexi on his throne

Wow, that was a lot :D

Also, does anyone actually read this? I seriously feel like I'm talking to myself.... if you read this and you like it please do tell me!

Lexi and Dina mated :) they had girls!!

Oh, Seb and Carl aren't twins anymore due to Carl's battery issues that he had. Seb is 6 and Carl is 4. Oh well.

Also, I think that after they all have babies and leave I'll end this log, because I don't think anyone's reading it...
