The log of randomness


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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2010
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Alright since I can never keep up my logging and what not, I decided to make this log!


What is it you ask? Well its purely random. When I'm bored I can take pictures and post them and say crap and what not or just say what happened today. Its not a daily log, its not going to be keeping record of the tamas I run. Only random stuff about the tamas I run.




Well, I hope you get what I'm trying to do :p


-The one and only LittleChocoWolf

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First act of randomness.


My v2 Nikatchi named Shima (guess what anime he's from? :D ) is sleeping. YAY


Hmm, now to start up my ID L sometime...


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Second act of randomness.


Thank god. I was so scared that on my ID L I was going to press reset instead of download XD

Luckily I found out the download was the first option :D Im to lazy to walk two feet to put the batteries in though :(


My arm so hurts right now. The shot didn't hurt, but the after effect is like kinda painful TuT


The most two addicting songs right now for me are : Peacock by Katy Perry and Tonight Tonight by Hot Chelle Rae


I'm addicted to the anime series Precure cause of SailorRosette :D Haha. She got me hooked. >u<

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Third act of randomness.

I will love ANYONE if they know who is in my avatar icon! ♥


Omg. I keep getting Paletchi. I'm gonna like murder one of my plushies if I get her AGAIN. >:c


My v2 evolved too XD I really want Ginjirotchi! >:c (think I spelled that right)


School starts on the 11th. Yay! x.x

Fourth act of randomness.


Fuuu. I don't remember how many care misses I got for my teen on my ID L. Now I don't know if I will get the character I want! D:


I just really hope I don't get furawatchi >:c


Oh, I have the white ID L.




Ugh. School starts in twooo weeks TuT To early! D: Well I did get out on June 2nd. BUT STILL TO EARLY >:c

Fourth act of randomness.


Omgee. I was so scared I was going to get Furawatchi! O:


I had to reset my v2 because he died just from being at a friends house for a few hours >:c


I'm also bidding on a v2 on ebay~ Wish me luck!

Fifth act of randomness


Oh mah Jebus.


My ID L didn't get her 4th happy symbol today D: UGH. Now I gotta wait ANOTHER day before she can have a baby >:c

It better be a boy or I'm gonna punch someone.


On August 1st (MAH DADDY'S BIRTHDAY) I'm gonna be hatching my Tama-Go! So stay tuned in this random log. I guess its not so random now XD


My v2 went to bed with poop next to her. How can they sleep next to crap? D:

Sixth Act of Randomness


Omg. I seriously just watched my v2 Whaletchi and her baby boy die. D:



Seventh Act of Randomness


Dudes. The ID L wakes up soo early D: Like at 7am or 6:30am. x.x

Eighth Act of Randomness


Got a new tamagotchi today! Well not "new", but new to me! My friend gave me her Cookie v5. In pretty good shape too. With a Furawatchi family Lanyard! O:

Ninth Act of Randomness


I have a feeling no one reads my log and I have no fans >:c


I need a gameboy charger. Some REALLY cheap ones on ebay. I found a really cheap one, but its coming from Hong Kong. I don't want anything that will take more than 3 days to get here XD.


So I'm going with a 3.00 one and I plan on buying the Tamagotchi Game Boy game! :D Wish me luck~

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Tenth Act of Randomness


OMG. I am sooo excited! Apparently I'm getting a "gift" with my virtual pet in the mail. No I had no idea she/he was going to put it in, they just randomly told me :D They're very nice and reply back to your messages within the same day. :D My new favorite seller :p Haha.


Anyways, I FINALYL got Rolutchi. Now I just need to get the worst teen. :D I need 3 more characters I've never had before to change my icons so wish me luck! :D


OH and on my v2 I got WHALETCHI AGAINN >:c



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