The Life of a V4


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Apr 1, 2010
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[SIZE=14pt]Okay so I found my V4 Tamagotchi 2 weeks ago. So this is what happend.....the egg hatched. It was a girl then 3 days later it turned into a Puchitchi. Then about 2 days later it turned into a Ringitchi and about 3 more days it turned into a Mimitchi. :mimitchi: [/SIZE]


NAME: Becca

AGE: 5



WEIGHT: 31 lbs

COINS: 30,270

JOB: News Anchor




YUP, only 1 more day until the Matchmaker comes. (I THINK) I hope it mates with a Mametchi. :) And if it has a boy I will name it Will and if it is a girl Tara. Yeah but even if it has a baby tomorrow it will take 2 days for the mom to leave.

So today my Tama didn't do much. First it got a message with a snake in it and I had to give it icecream and make it play games. Then it went to work and got some paycheck from a guy who looks like this: :nazotchi: Then I started playing the mini-game at it's work. I fed it cleaned up it's waste and other stuff too. But something really weird happend. It started looking at a hatching egg with a star on it. Weird..... :huh:

So back to the Matchmaker thing so tomorrow when I wake up I am going to set the time to either 10:29am or 2:59pm or 6:59pm. I am kind of excited because I have never made it to Generation 2. :( I've been kind of busy. So I'll keep posting.

[SIZE=14pt]OKAY..................Stats are pretty much the same only she has more coins and gained 3 pounds. Tomorrow the Matchmaker should be coming and I am still excited to move on to generation 2! :lol: I haven't played with a Tamagotchi since 3rd grade. I was young then and I left it at home for 2 hours and it died. :( The the battery died and I lost it and replaced it's battery.[/SIZE]

The frame of my Tamagotchi is grey that says stuff like punk and bad girl. I had 2 v4s but I still havn't found the other one. :p

I wish I knew Japanese so I can get a colored Tamagotchi. If only they came in Engish. B)

WOW, I have uses a lot :lol: in this log, so onto a happier note.

IDK if Becca is going to be 6 tomorrow because she was hungry and had pooped and I didn't think she'd be okay because it is Spring Break and I am going to wake up late.......or maybe I should set my alarm just incase........yeah, I'll just do that.

I am sorry this log is kind of long and boring but please track this log and it'll probably get better. :lol: :huh: :mimitchi:

:) TTFN :nazotchi:

[SIZE=14pt]<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Day 2 of my Tama log. :D [/SIZE]

So today I woke up at 8:00am and watched my Tamagotchi wake up and it is pretty easy to guess what I did next.....YEP! I changed the time. I changed it to 10:29am but when it turned 10:30am all that happend was the mail came. I have heard that happens sometimes. Then I set the lock to 2:59pm. <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>THE MATCHMAKER CAME! :D She showed me a Debatchi. My younger sister thinks they are ugly but I think they are kind of cute. So I said yes. Then there was hearts and's better with the sound on. My Mimitchi :huh: had a baby boy. :blink: I shall name him Tyler. LOLZ! :kusatchi:

So away from talking about the Matchmaker. I went to the shop to find.....a NEWYORK TICKET. :D Today is just going great. I bought it and both of them went on the vacation. Then I went on TamaTown and got a New York tee shirt and I got to see the postcard. It was sooooo cute. ^_^

So the generations move on. For the next 2 days I'll be talking about becca/Mimitchi :( and her child/Tyler. She'll go away soon. So wish me luck with generation 2 and track my posts if you want to hear about Becca and Tyler with more to come. </span>

LOL! Becca is brushing her teeth.........................[SIZE=21pt]MINTY FRESH![/SIZE]

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[SIZE=14pt]I know I didn't post yesterday but was Easter. So my Tamagotchi just left it's baby and I fast forward the time so now I have a baby boy named Tyler who is 8 lbs. He also has 8 intelligence points, 3 fashion points, and 7 social points. Gosh having a baby is hard. I have cleaned up it's poop 4 times in 15 minutes, fed it 7 times in 15 minutes, gave it 3 icecream cones to get happiness in 15 minutes, and it was getting over weight with icecream so I had to play 8 games of jump rope in 15 minutes. So yeah I have started playing with them when I am bored but I take them off of PAUSE when it is their scheduled bed time so that way they will age. Taking care of adults is easier, less poop, less food, less games, less everything. So now I am moving on t the next generation. Wish me luck. ;) [/SIZE]
