Well-known member
Hi everyone,
Here are the rules on posting on this story:
The current characters are:
I will start the story off:
9th April 2011, Saturday:
It's a bright sunny school day, and tama-high school is swarming with kids carrying books, rushing to class, and talking about their weekend. Rosey walks into school some kid bangs into her spilling all her school books that she was carrying in her arms. The kid is a young-Androtchi he doesn't even notice that he has knocked Rosey over and keeps on running across the playground. Rosey picks up her books muttering horrible words about young-Adrotchi under her breath. To avoid getting knocked over again she runs across the playground, up the stone steps and into school. Her best friend Lola-rose is standing by the lockers talking to Cloud [Roseys latest crush] Rosey causally walks by and opens her locker, a note falls onto the gorund. Rosey stuffs her books into her locker and picks up the note. She sees out of the corner of her eye that Cloud has suddenly dashed off down the corridor, Lola-Rose comes over to me and giggles excitedly "Its from him, it was suppose to be a secret but i couldn't help it!!!" Lola-Rose squeals looking at me. I open the note and it says:
Hi Rosey,
Can you maybe meet me after school in the library? I have something to tell you.
It doesn't say who its from but judging by Lola-Roses' comments I'm guessing its from Cloud, i turn to Lola-Rose "Are you serious! He wants to meet me after school! Do you think i should go?? I wonder what he wants to tell me?" All these thoughts rush through Rosey's head as she and Lola-Rose head off to their first class which is history......
PS: I forgot to mention one more rule: Please use punuaction and grammar :furawatchi:
Here are the rules on posting on this story:
- Mild violence is allowed
- No killing of any characters
- You may add new characters, but PM me first
- You can write in COLOUR if you want but you don't have too
- Please include the date at the start of your entries
- Most importantly HAVE FUN WRITING!!!
The current characters are:
- Rosey [Makiko]
- Hiru [Kuchipatchi]
- May [ichigotchi]
- Cloud [Mametchi]
- Lola-rose [Memetchi]
I will start the story off:
9th April 2011, Saturday:
It's a bright sunny school day, and tama-high school is swarming with kids carrying books, rushing to class, and talking about their weekend. Rosey walks into school some kid bangs into her spilling all her school books that she was carrying in her arms. The kid is a young-Androtchi he doesn't even notice that he has knocked Rosey over and keeps on running across the playground. Rosey picks up her books muttering horrible words about young-Adrotchi under her breath. To avoid getting knocked over again she runs across the playground, up the stone steps and into school. Her best friend Lola-rose is standing by the lockers talking to Cloud [Roseys latest crush] Rosey causally walks by and opens her locker, a note falls onto the gorund. Rosey stuffs her books into her locker and picks up the note. She sees out of the corner of her eye that Cloud has suddenly dashed off down the corridor, Lola-Rose comes over to me and giggles excitedly "Its from him, it was suppose to be a secret but i couldn't help it!!!" Lola-Rose squeals looking at me. I open the note and it says:
Hi Rosey,
Can you maybe meet me after school in the library? I have something to tell you.
It doesn't say who its from but judging by Lola-Roses' comments I'm guessing its from Cloud, i turn to Lola-Rose "Are you serious! He wants to meet me after school! Do you think i should go?? I wonder what he wants to tell me?" All these thoughts rush through Rosey's head as she and Lola-Rose head off to their first class which is history......
PS: I forgot to mention one more rule: Please use punuaction and grammar :furawatchi: