The Life and Times of Ella Gotchi


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2010
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Lancashire, England
Well, this afternoon has been one of those where I was stuck for something to do before I start my night shift, and since I've been lurking around here reading other people's blogs for some time now, I thought I might start one myself :)

I got out my box of Tamas and rummaged through them (I have a couple from each generation, including the original 1996 ones), but then decided it would be even more fun for me if I went out and got a new one. So I drove into town and bought a new Music Star from Argos :p I like buying Tamas from there because you don't get to pick the colour you want- you just get whatever they bring out for you, so it's a fun surprise :D

I ended up with this one.

It's not my favourite of the Music Star designs (I think the best one is the clear pink glittery one :p ) but it's still very nice!

Unfortunately when I got back I only just had an hour before I started work, so I knew my new Tama would still be a baby when I had to pause it for the first time, but I didn't want to wait until tomorrow :)

So I entered the date and time as quickly as I could, and when a little white Petitchi hatched, I gave her the first nice name I could think of. I named her Ella ^-^

She's so adorably cute! I cared for her obsessively until I left for work; played a few games with her and never let her lose more than one heart in either hunger or happiness :)

I also had her practise her instrument a bit too (though it does seem mean to make a baby practise XD). She has what looks like an accordion (?) and a toy mirror. Apparently she plays classical music :lol:

Well, she was about 40 minutes old when I paused her for work, but I checked on her again during my break, and she became a Hitodetchi (starfish-looking thing) which made me happy! I was pleased because on my older Music Star all I ever got was Tamatchi, and apparently that indicates poor care? It used to confuse me because I never neglected them. Ah well!

She went to sleep shortly afterwards (I think about 8pm) so I'll have to wait until the morning to play with her again :(

Looks like a good start though!

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Day 2

Age 0

Made sure I woke up this morning (after having worked during the night) so I could check on Ella. I think it was about 7am when she started rolling around like a crazyperson :D

I've found the fact that Music Star Tamas make noise when they practice quite useful because it woke me up periodically in the morning and gave me a chance to give her some breakfast or play a game with her if she needed it.

Also I'm glad that baby food is good for toddler-stage characters too, because it's no fun having to go shopping when your eyes are stuck together :p

I really would like to know what her instrument is supposed to be; it kind of looks like an accordion (and I've no idea why, but I find that funny) :D I can't imagine her playing anything particularly well with those stubby little arms! But she is very cute, so I'll let her off ^-^

Day 3

Age 1

I played with Ella a little after work last night to get some of her skill points up. I love the Music Block game on the Music Star- even if it is pretty easy to figure out the few different patterns there are to the blocks appearing :D

I always liked to try and keep my Tamagotchis' skill levels at a similar number (well, as best I can), so they're all around 230 right now. I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing :p Maybe I should be playing more games with her ^-^

I've now discovered I can pretty much keep her unpaused at work, so long as it feels okay to feed her snacks instead of playing games. She doesn't seem to need food or happiness too often anyway :p I can always play lots of games with her after work to make up for it :D

(Someone's at Ella's door now! It's the postman with some 2000p from the Tamagotchi King :D Hurray!)

Hehe ^-^ Well anyway, I wasn't able to catch her waking up today (again, because of work, ugh!) but when I finally checked up on her, she had evolved... into some strawberry-looking thing! She's so cute! Um, Ichigotchi I think. Actually, that's one of my favourite Tamagotchi forms- it's rediculously adorable! I mean just look ^-^

(Yes, I suck at Tama photography...)

Day 4

Age 2

Waaaw! Lots of fun things have happened in Ella's little pixellated world over the last day or so.

I was getting rather attatched to Ella in Ichigotchi form, but when I checked in on her at lunch time she had become Mimitchi (who is also very cute). My boyfriend said she looks like a rabbit wearing a burgler hat, and that she's getting way more attention than he does XD But she needs me! How can you say no to that face?

She's in a band called 'The Beep'. I feel it was the best name to describe their sound. Their musical stylings, although impressive, haven't yet captured the hearts of my co-workers ^__^'

Even so, all the practice has paid off, because Ella and her bandmates got a pro debut today :p I've never had one of those before. She also recieved 10,000p from the ever generous Tmagotchi King. Seriously, that guy must get invited to all the parties ^_^

I finally got the hang of playing the 'floating dots' game (sometimes it's easy to get the A and C buttons confused :p ) so Ella has been playing with her band quite a bit today.

Fun times!

Day 5

Age 4

Ella has been very busy recently performing with her band, The Beep. She's still playing her accordion (lol). What's hilarious is that she somehow manages to churn out Asian style music with this XD

Her bandmates are pretty cool too. Here are a few photos of them <_< I like Toby; he looks like a ninja!

Also, a guitar came to the door today and gave Ella a lot of Gotchi Points XD Aside from being adorable (read: completely bizarre) that guitar is very generous! I suspect those are Ella's earnings made by her band. They do have 126, 822, 151 fans (including me!) and a Star Ranking of 4th.

I did what any loving Tamagotchi owner would do and went immediately to the shop icon so I could spend Ella's money :) I bought her a slide and a bow. The slide animation is very cute!

Earlier this morning she seemed to be getting stressed, so I let her play with her mirror. The little hearts didn't appear this time, so I figured the mirror was no-longer her favourite toy. She also has a laptop that was given to her by the Teacher (I know, right? I wish my school teacher game me a laptop! XD) so I switched toys to that one. But that didn't make the hearts appear either <_< Does this mean that none of them are her favourite toy and she will continue to get stressed?

In other news, the Tamagotchi King just dropped in to give Ella a yoghurt. R-A-N-D-O-M! :)

I have actually accumulated a ton of snacks because I buy them all the time, thinking I'll need them for when I'm at work and I don't have time to play a game, but then I never use them up. I think she's overweight anyway. 44lb is the heaviest Tamagotchi I remember having! We must play more games!

Age 5

My Dad took me shopping today, so Ella got to come on a nice trip with me, instead of boring old work :)

She doesn't seem too interesting in buying clothes though- even though I made her wear the bow I bought her so that when she plays with her mirror toy she can see how pretty she looks ^-^

She started practising her accordion (lol, that still makes me laugh) in the queue, so I took her out of my bag to praise her. Two little girls stood behind me (probably about 11 years old) started giggling to themselves because I was playing with a Tamagotchi. They were buying make-up and false eyelashes. I found it somewhat disturbing to see children that young concerned with wearing make-up and laughing at somebody else for having a keychain pet. Maybe I am a little old for toys, but it did strike me as a little odd. I just smiled and rolled my eyes at them ;) When I was their age, I was into custard, and jumping :wacko:

So Ella didn't get any extra treats today. I was hoping to buy her something nice from the Shop icon, but they haven't been selling anything interesting lately. Honestly, ever since she and her band have become rich and famous, there's nothing to buy :p

For the last 3 days the shop has been selling waffles first on the list, and I didn't care to buy them at all. Today, the Tamagotchi King dropped by to gift Ella with some instead XD It seems that she was destined to eat waffles!

Age 6

Ella and her band, The Beep, recieved their first award today; a 1st Ranking Award. Whatever that means! I figure it can only be good, so it cheered me up at work!

That crazy money-giving Guitar character made a second appearence too. Does he have a name?

She's sleeping now because it's 1:16am, but I'm very tempted to wake her, as we haven't spent much time together today, but I'm not sure what the downside is to waking her up, so I won't risk it.

Sleep on, funny little Tama, and dream your crazy dreams...

Age 8

Yesterday some interesting stuff happened! There was a knock on Ella's door, and there was that awesome guitar creature. But instead of bringing her bags of money like he usually does, he brought along a cute Togetchi for her to marry. Unfortunately for him, me and Ella have been having such a good time together, it would be too sad to see her go, so we declined.

Later on it happened again, and Gozarutchi wanted to marry Ella! Despite my boyfriend's 'aww let her marry the ninja!' comment, I said no again :D I've only had Ella for 8 short days! There are still so many things to do! We haven't even visited Music City D:

Besides that, she needs to focus on losing weight, and seriously! Because when I'm at work it's hard to find time to play many games, she ends up being fed snacks, and now she's generally weighing over 60lb! I got her down to 44lb this afternoon, but I'll have to keep an eye on that! She's a fat little Mimitchi!

This morning I woke up late (I usually make sure I'm awake in time to check on her) and found her with only one happy heart and no hungry hearts! She was also ill, so I quickly gave her some medicine. Luckily, I had a steak in my inventory, and after munching on that, all of her hearts were instantly filled :) Though I still feel bad that I made her ill.

Age 9

DANGO OBATCHI?! Seriously?

Oh well! I don't think I had taken bad care of Ella. Aside for that morning when I woke up late and she only had one happy heart, it's been pretty good going. Perhaps it is because of her weight? I do end up having to feed her snacks while I'm busy at work. She weighs 45lb now, but she was over 60lbs before. I've been playing the fruit-sorting game- it's too hard though >_<

I thought oldie Tamagotchis wouldn't be able to marry and have babies anymore, so I was very surprised when another matchmaker event happened. I was about ready to reject him like all the others, when Kuromametchi popped up. You can't turn down Kuromametchi! Lol, I always used to try and get the Kuromametchi character but never succeeded, and then suddenly he was at the door asking to marry my Dango Obatchi XD As hirrarious as that seemed, I just couldn't say no to him- Ella isn't going to do much better, now is she? XD

So now we have a new baby boy. I'm not sure what I'll name him, but here's a picture of the three of them anyway :huh:

Hi there, just a quick note for anybody remotely interested;

Since my Tamagotchi family is growing, I feel the title of this log is no longer relevent, as Ella Gotchi will be gone soon, and I will be raising her baby son.

Therefore I'm creating a new log with a more accommodating name <_<

In other words, catch me in 'Memoirs of a Music Star; the good, the bad, and the gotchi'


Thanks for reading! <3

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