The Kidnapping


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And they were they were trying to find a plan but each one Chris would correct and say it would never work because he knew his brother to well.

Ashley pretended that she fainted and Max took the sock off her mouth. Once Ashley could talk again she said "Hey Max, Come here...

Ashley smiling at Max.Is she pretending to like him Chris thought.Why is she smiling at him????...............

and then all of a sudden she kissed him and he fainted then she untied chris and they left the shack Why did u kiss that freak? Because i knew he had never gotton one from a girl like me so i just new something like that *points toward fainted body* would happen then....

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They went to Chris's house. They were trying to decide if they should tell the police but they were scared they might go to jail for setting Max on fire. Chris asked Ashley,"Do you really like my brother?"...

Ashley started to cry.Chris tried comforting her but she still cried.Why in the world is she crying thought Chris. Then finally she spoke. I do like him but...

I don't really like him anymore because look what he did!!!... They went to Chris's house again and cleaned up a little. They went up to Chris's room and listened to music and sat on his bed.

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then it happened max was a ghost he said you may have tricked me but now i can get revenge!Ashley Sceamed so loud

They ran out the door and hid in a school in the gym. max found them and threw all the gym equipment at them the ran into the lunch room and hid chris said"if we dont make it out alive then lets do the one thing that we dream of doing toghther!"she said"chris i love you!"he said the same (but he said Ashley) thing and they both kissed

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The Ghost of Max said, "I hate you guys!!!" and he disapeared. AShley smiled and Chris walked her to his house once again...

Then came the next day Chris and Ashley saw their houses burn down and them all bloddy

Since Ashley and Chris's parents were such good friends they decided to buy a house together because they didn't have enough money to buy separte houses.....

Max came again and that time his mother saw. She ran straight up and pointed her finger at Max while saying "leave them alone young man!" Max just said " why should I?" and went of tomenting them

PS...BEST STORY EVER! :ichigotchi: :chohimetchi:

AShley said,"I thought you were dead!!!"

Max said NOPE! I esdcaped without a scratch on me. No hard feelings right?

AShley just stared at him in shock. They got along all right after that but AShley was still a little scared of Max.

THE END!!!!!

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I am going to start a new topic called The Kidnapping 2

because this story is finished! YAY!!!

It makes no sence he died in a fire!!

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