The Hunger Games.


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Eventually Adam stopped running, sitting down in the tree and deciding to go through his pack. A smal knife, two empty water bottles - would it have KILLED them to fill one up? - a small bag of fruit... Adam stopped rummaging, deciding he needed to keep moving. He stood up in the tree and spotted Pandora. Ah, hell... He pulled the dagger he had grabbed out of his pocket, wary of her spear as he jumped swiftly into a tree closer to her. If he could sneak up on her...

Pandora's heart quickened and she looked all around. She pressed her back against a tree so no one could come up from behind. She flicked a blank gaze all around, her spear pointing outwards. She listened closely for any noise, alert and ready to flee or fight.

Adam held back a groan when she pressed up against the tree. What should he do now? Fly towards her and risk bring impaled? Mm, sounded fun... But no. Instead, after a few moments, he jumped into the tree the girl was leaning against, sliding down the other side so they were practically back to back.

Pandora froze. She took in a deep breath, knowing that someone was awfully close to her, if not right beside her. She silently slid away from the tree, taking a few steps forward and turning around to face the same tree she'd been leaning against.

Okay, Adam really needed to start thinking things through. Gritting his teeth and stopping his breathing for a few moments so he could hear what was going on, he picked up on some footsteps. But who's? Ivana? Or this girl? Oh, this was no good, he was going to have to move... Looking up, he noticed a branch above him, and deciding to make himself totally obvious, he sprung up and swung himself into the tree, dropping himself down the other side so he was facing the girl. "Hi."

Pandora's heart skipped a beat and she held her spear out towards the boy. She examined him closely, not saying anything for a few moments. "Come to kill me, have you?"

Adam in turn gripped his dagger. "Oh you know, that is the general idea of the game, isn't it?" He carefully studied the girl, eventually clicking she was Pandora. He seemed to have a knack for running into Careers, didn't he? "So, you want to try stabbing me first? Or do I get the honour?"

Pandora tilted her head, her face not really cracking any emotion. She spun her spear in her hand quickly for a brief moment. "Take your best shot,"

"M'kay." Adam swayed for a few moments, as if he was about to jump into the tree again, but then he suddenly dived at Pandora, slamming into the aide that wasnt holding the spear and aiming to stab somewhere in the process.

Pandora spun her spear around, smashing the staff into Adam's side, the knife cutting into her arm. She hissed and twisted away from Adam, pointing the tip of her spear at him but making no effort to attack.

Gotta go, school D:

The staff hit Adam square in the side, causing his breath to be expelled in a large rush and obviously, leaving hom breathless. He rolled away, getting up and breathing heavily. "Not bad."

Awh, bye~

Pandora dipped her head, staring at Adam with wide eyes. "Why thank you," she muttered, looking down at the deep cut in her right arm. "You're not too awful yourself."

"I try." Adam grinned, speaking inbetween deep breaths. Where was his supposed ally? Ditched him already? He brushed himself down before deciding to go to safer ground, climbing a tree quickly and easily. "What's wrong, district four? Can't get off the ground?"

Eli heard movemet, and a lot of it. He went to the sound, seeing someone climbing a tree, and of all people, Pandora on the ground. Surprised at his luck, Eli slowly walked over, trying not to be noticed.

Anna heard something. She slid to a tree and could almost make out Adam. She had her knife clutched in her hand; ready to defend herself.

((great, thanks!))

Name: Michelle Robseen (Likes to be called Robby)

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Appearance: Michelle is a thin and pale character, with deep green eyes, and thin dark brown hair that reaches a tad past her shoulders. Due to the poverty in District 3, she was forced as a teenager to work for periods of time, so her fingers are swift while working, and her eyes have developed permanent, slight bags underneath them. Her face is skinny, and her arms are frail as well, but her legs are relatively bigger, meaning she can run faster. She has rather high cheekbones.

Personality: Michelle finds herself to be slightly undefined personality-wise. She is quick in decisions and dislikes being patient for anything. She always likes everything to go perfectly and smoothly, or else she gets quite frustrated. She is very strong against the cold, and rarely needs a sweater. She is very blunt and lies often. She is alright with company, and enjoys the idea of being in an alliance. She bites her nails often.

District: 3

Skills: Michelle excels with anything technical or electronic, but can cope with close range objects like knives or swords.

Other: N/A

{ About the length... haha! xD I was trying to fit everything in here so I could catch up. :3 }
Cinder's mouth was sealed shut as the plate lifted into the arena, everything was so new to her. She was younger than most of the competitors, and she could tell just by glancing at them. She was also small, easily noticing a handful of them that towered over her. She had a plan, grab one of the small packs - or a larger one if she could reach the Cornucopia - and sprint off. She positioned herself, aiming at the Cornucopia, and the gong sounded. Children rushed, some just grabbing small items as they bounded towards the woods, while others were already fighting. Cinder avoided a girl spearing a male, who lay injured on the ground, blood seeping from his chest. She grimaced, but didn't have enough time to wonder about him, instead she ran at the Cornucopia, jumping over the head of someone. Snatching up one of the medium-sized packs near the opening of the Cornucopia, she felt a weapon flying at her, ducking, she watched as a small silver dagger flew into the Cornucopia. Not having time to get anything else, she grabbed a small bundle of paper a few feet from the pack and then began her journey to the forest. She sprinted, running as far as she could go.
Soon enough, Cinder was deep in the growth of the forest, she couldn't hear anyone, but still she kept going. Finally, slowing her pace to a jog she looked around, nothing to be seen or heard. She also couldn't hear ant water, which wasn't good. She'd need to find a source of water if she planned on staying alive. Cinder felt vulnerable, she looked around and ran to a close tree, scaling the branches until she was hidden in the many leaves. She set herself up in-between two branches that formed a sort of fork shape, allowing her to rest easily. She looked at the pack, which was light, and decided to open it. Inside was a small canteen, holding only less than a third of water. Hardly enough to sustain her for a day - she was going to have to ration it if she planned on staying alive. Placing the canteen to her side, she found a light blanket that reflected her heat. Laying it over her, she found that her feet stuck out, but when curled into a ball, it sat nicely. There was a pack of dried fruit and small dagger in the bag, nothing else. For a medium sized pack nothing very good to be found - but that was a lie, Cinder knew the items she got were important, the blanket, the water (even if it was a small amount), the food, and the weapon. All key to her survival. She shoved the items back into the pack, and even threw the bundle of paper in there. The pack was a green, blending nicely with the leaves, but contrasting heavily with the ground. Cinder decided she should paint it, but not until later. Right now she wanted to find a better water source.
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Pandora stared up at Adam. "I don't need to," she called up to him. She poised her spear, drawing her arm back and aiming it at him. "Throwing tridents, spears, and knives is my specialty. Who needs to climb trees?" she said, shrugging slightly. "Run or get speared," she warned as she tensed her muscles to throw the spear at any moment.

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