The Gummy v5 Blog


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I've decided to start back up with my V6,Raven. here's her stats:









Raven is sleeping right now but she's probably gonna marry tommorrow! :angry: I can't wait!!!!!! I'm also hoping to take her baby to see "Madea goes to jail" this weekend. :furawatchi: It's still undecided,tho. Well,good night TamaTalkers!


Raven just Married a...... [SIZE=14pt]KUTCHIPATCHI!!!!!!! [/SIZE] :D They had a boy whom I wll name Jasper! Yes,I am a Twilight Freak! :p Right now,the parents are on the screen with the new baby. That's very ineresting. And the new matchmaker was a little guitar guy. Here's there characters: Raven- :D Raven's Hubby- :lol: Jasper- :D (It's the closest one to a baby boy :( ) Also,I restarted My V3 so he will be This color from now on and my V6 will be this color. :D well, I've got to go. ~Tamafamily~

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201 views thanks guys!!!!! :D

Plese keep reading and PM me your thoughts!!!!!!! :lol:

Raven and her family are just hangin out right now B) I have a name for her husband now!: Daniel! :D Anyway,stats time!:








Stress:0 :(




Music Type:jazz

species:Masketchi :D



Now for Twig's (My V3) stats!:


Name:Twiggy (Twig for short)


ilbs:91 ( :( )








Right now,we are all listening to The Twilight soundtrack. :D Decoded By paramore is own. Well i gotta go! Byes!

I got a SECOND V6 today! :D This time it was the Rock chick one. It was a girl and I named her Esme. (Twilight Again! :p ) She was born with the harp (I wanted a guitar! :( ) and a koala teddy bear! Right now her music type is Classical. I want to change it to either pop,Hip-Hop,or Rock.

Twig didn't really do anything today. I really need to start playing with him. But he's up to 3 training bars now! :D Oh,and my little sister got her first V6 today. and[SIZE=14pt] I GOT THE EXACT SAME CHARACTERS AS BEFORE![/SIZE] <_< :p :p :angry: I want different characters! :angry: ok,I'm done venting now! :p See you guys later!

:wub: Tamafamily

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Jasper is on his own now. His parents left last night. I slept in til' about 9:30,So Esme had pooed and gotten sick. I cured her and cleaned her up. Then Jasper pooed and I cleaned him up. Right now,they're just watching the snow outside. It's been snowing since last night ad the grounds almost covered! :wacko:

Okay,Twig just woke up. Hopefully,he'll change soon. :wacko:

Oh,and I'm also taking care of my sisters tamagotchi while she's at church. He was sick and had pooed when I found him this morning. So I'm taking care of him today. And Jasper is taking a nap. I have to go watch the snow and Nickelodeon.

:wacko: Tamafamily

I just submited Goth Girl Part 3 :( :mellow: :p

It should be up soon. I'll post a link when it is.

Nothin much has happened. Jasper is practicing his trumpet and Esme is playing with her kaola teddy bear. ^.^

[SIZE=14pt]I get to spend the day with my tamas tommorrow!!!!!!!![/SIZE] :D :D :D :D :D I'm out of school tommorrow,so I am excited. :p

I'm still waiting for Twig to eveolve. I'll post when he does,though! ;)

Jasper and Esme are just hoppin around. Both got into preschool today. :D Anyway, I'm gonna start letting the tamas speak for themselves:




Twig:I REALLY Wanna evolve! ;)

Jasper:I know my mom wants me to marry esme,but aren't I supposed to marry alice? :huh:

Me: :p

Esme:I luv my kaola bear! :D

I'll post again later!

:D Tamafamily

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they all changed! :huh:



twig- I don't really know :huh:

well,i've got to go!

:) Tamafamily

esme turned into a masktchi :D jasper hasnt changed yet and I have a REALLY weird character on my v3 o.0 i think its a bad one. Lol

Sorry I haven't been on in a while ,guys. I've been busy with school. :D ANYWAYS, Jasper is an androtchi and currently paused because he's in a group hatch on easter sunday (Tommorrow!^.^) and Esme married a Kutchipatchi and had a pretty baby girl she has been on pause 4 a WHILE now. I will (Of COURSE) name her ALICE! :D Also, Raven and her family are going to an easter egg hunt tomorrow. :D B) So they are excited. They are sleeping now. I'll post updates soon!


Edit:Look at these celebs with their tamas!

Jesse McCartney

The JoBro's

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Sorry! I haven't been able to post in a wile. :eek: Well here is the things I took Raven's Family to and other things that happened this weekend:

*We went to the Egg hunt saturday. When we got there, Raven and her Family were whatching a Bunny and Easter Eggs! It was REALLY fun! :D

*At the egg hunt my friend and I went on a paddle boat. I feared for my Tama's lives. But we survived! :p

*When we got home, We went dress shopping. I argued constantly with my mother about whether my dress would be all black or not. :eek: I'm into that kinda stuff.

*We got easter shoes and dinner. I also got my mom to go into Barnes & Noble. I fed my tamas dinner.

*We went to Ben & Jerry's. yummy!

*I was awakened easter morning, my little sister was shaking me and yelling "THE BUNNY CAME!" aI went downstairs to see what I got and then I checked my tama. You'll never guess what happened next...

* Raven and her husband LEFT! I named Her daughter "Alice" as planned.

* I got ready for church and then Alice evolved into an :D hitodetchi!

*After church, I went to My mom's dad's house for easter. We ate dinner/Lunch there.

*We went to the drive-In movies. Me and Alice whatched "Bedtime Stories" and "He's just not that into you"

*When I woke up this morning, Alice had changed into a Ringotchi! :D

That was our weekend. Also, I changed her instrument to Karaoke. Updates later!

~TAMAFAMiLY :wacko:

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