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Some of you may have read the story of Cookie the Mametchi 1 in my blog, or in some topic, and if you haven't, just drop me a note, and I will link to you, and now I am 'proud' to present...
Episode 2!
[SIZE=12pt]The Grand Story of Cookie The Mametchi #2[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt][/SIZE]
The Lost Ticket
Cookie, is a golden cookie-coloured Mametchi, of about 8 or 9 years now. She used to live in a silver egg shell, but now settled in her new peaceful home, the green V1 Matrix.
As we know, from previous episodes, Cookie the Mametchi had finally got off the stress of having Gozey the Gozarutchi around her, and she had peacefully married Mike the Mimitchi, and they had had two Teletchis, BISCUIT, and CAKE.
[SIZE=10pt]Part 1[/SIZE]
Cookie had now spent over a year with her Teletchi, BISCUIT, and so had MIKE, the snowy-coloured Mimitchi, with CAKE, and they made their minds up that it was time to leave the eggsheel soon, and let the babies finish raising theirselves in their roomy home while they moved on to Tamagotchi Planet.
Cookie had got home from the shopping centre that day, and had picked up a very bright pamphlet along with the shopping, informing "Tamagotchi parents about TamagotchiPlanet".
Since she knew they would have to leave shortly, she knew she would have to tell MIKE, and they would have to start making plans about how to sort it all out.
As usual, whilst she left the shopping bags in the kitchen, MIKE the Mimitchi was peacefully reading his newspaper, drinking his tea and watching television at the same time.
"I am learning to multitask!" he exclaimed, when he saw COOKIE looking over him.
"Multitasking is for doing useful things" sniffed COOKIE. "Such as ironing, reading and knitting at the same time"
Mimitchi snorted.
"...more than your poor brain could do" she muttered to herself.
"I heard that!!" said MIKE, ruinign his multitasking by pouring his tea all over his newspaper, which ended up quite soggy and out of shape. "Dang! I scalded myself!"
COOKIE fished around her handbag and thrust in front of Mimitchi's face the bright pamphlet as he sucked his burnt hand.
"What's this?" he asked, whilst COOKIE was cleaning up the mess made by the tea sighing.
"It's a pamphlet" said COOKIE vaguely, pulling Mike's legs up so she could clean under his feet, where there was a big patch of tea, as well as some old crisp packets.
"I can see that" said Mimitchi sarcastically.
"In that case, seeing you are so clever, you can probably read what is inside" added COOKIE, a bit huffy at having to do everything.
Mimitchi opened the pamphlet, and read through, with a bored look on his face.
"Parenting?" he asked.
"Not exactly..." sighed COOKIE. She knew they both hated to think about the trip to TamaGotchiPlanet, and it wasn't a subject that they enjoyed talking about, but it would have to be done soon, and they had to get planned out.
"The trip to TamaGotchi Planet..." groaned MIKE, snapping the `pamphlet shut as he read the first paragraph.
"Yes, we need to get a move on" said COOKIE sternly, putting a special emphasis in the hurrying part.
"Yes, we do, don't we..." snored MIKE, lying further backwards on the couch, looking extremely bored.
"Yes..." said COOKIE, also with a hint of boredom in her voice.
"Let's speak about it another day" MIKE said joyfully, desperately trying to change subject. "How about a game of tennis?"
"It is too hot to play tennis" mumbled COOKIE, but she went out searching for the rackets and the tennis ball anyway.
[SIZE=10pt]Part 2[/SIZE]
The Mametchi and the Mimitchi were heatedly playing a game of beach tennis in their grassy back yard. They were wearing a big cap and sunglasses, as well as about an inch-thick layer of high-factor suncrea on to protect themselves from the sizzling Summer Sun.
"We need to protect our fair skins" MIKE had said as he rubbed in a whole Factor 80 bottle over his chubby arms.
"Yes... You don't need that much though, that sun cream is expensive" had been COOKIE's response.
Right now the tennis ball was bouncing backwards and forwards at high speed, and the mametchi and Mimitchi's limbs were feeling very tired as the sweat mixed with suncream trickled down their bodies.
"We can't continue playing in these conditions" squeaked MIKE finally as he wiped a drop of thick suncream off his nose for the enth time.
"Yes, lets go inside and do something in the cool..." sighed COOKIE, droppingher racket there and then.
So the two of them trundled back inside, and deicded to watch over their Teletchi's, who weren't really doing very much, apart from sleep in their cradles. They had been sleeping a lot lately.
"It is the heat" explained the Tamadoctortchi to the worried parents.
"I wonder what they will do when we leave" whispered COOKIE, trying to bring up The Subject again, wanting to get it over and done with.
"Oh...! Not that story again... I said another day" said MIKE, flinging his arms.
"We will ahve to do it someday, don't put off for tomorrow what we could do today. What else are we going to do?" said COOKIE.
"I am too tired right now... Another day!" answered MIKE.
"Yes, and then on that Other Day you will say 'Another Day!' and so we will keep putting it off till we will have to leave, and we won't be able too - and then we will be in deep trouble. I am sure you want to go to TamagotchiPlanet as a Mimitchi MIKE, not as a grumpy old Ojitchi" COOKIE said, trying to convince MIKE.
"Please..." said MIKE, his eyes alread closing with boredom, heat and tiredness.
"Well, lets set a date when we will TALK about it and sort everything out" said COOKIE, bightly, trying to get MIKE's attention.
"Ok... How about Saturday? We have no plans for then do we?" suggested MIKE.
"No - so it is Saturday, andremember, we are going to talk about it" reinforced COOKIE, but MIKE was already snoring, and COOKIE cast him an ugly look.
[SIZE=10pt]Part 3[/SIZE]
The days went by very quickly, and Saturday arrived soon. COOKIE had certainly not forgotten, and she was up and ready at 8am. She made the breakfast and di all the housework to ensure there was nothing else to do. She even did a small deal of shopping, so there would be absolutely no excuse to do something else, and finally, at half ten, she dug MIKE out of bed, and they had their breakfasts together.
"Well..." said COOKIE, trying to implant a sickly smile on her face. "You know that today... Today... We will have to eat - I mean talk - about the Trip to HomeLand..."
MIKE looked at her, with a tinge of green on his face, surprised that COOKIE had actually remembered what he had forgotten.
"Right now?!" he gaped. "Do we have to talk about it right now?!"
"What else is there to do?" smirked COOKIE, looking around the spotless house, with everything all ready.
MIKE stared around, and finally uttered one word: "Nothing"
MIKE and COOKIE sat on the couch, and COOKIE produced the bright pamphlet they had been talking about last time. MIKE looked extremely bored, and that narked COOKIE.
"Snap out of it OK? And pay attention!" she snapped, and she banged down the pamphlet.
"Ok..." said MIKE, trying to hide his yawns, fluff up his hair, and pretend to look like this was the most interesting conversation he was ever going to have, though he didn't fool anybody, not even the sofa he was sprawled on.
"Well, as you know, within four months time, theoretically, our time to live on Earth expires, and we will need to catch the monthly SpaceShip, and fly back to TamagotchiPlanet" commenced COOKIE.
MIKE nodded: "I know that... Although there are two SpaceShips per month, not one"
"However, there are many preparatives to be made beforehand" continued COOKIE, in a smooth and soothing voice, trying hard to keep MIKE listening.
"Yeah... Lots of them" MIKE agreed absentmindedly.
"Yes, and we must start them soon, such as booking our trip on that SpaceShip, buying the ticket, getting our items and some ouvenirs together and stuff like that, as well as get the house nicely for the kids, and find another eggshell, because each kid needs a seperate eggshell" squeaked COOKIE out in a rush.
"And where do we start?!" said MIKE, thinking what a rigmarole it would be to do all of those things in four months.
"First of all, we need to properly register BISCUIT and CAKE, then we must find or set up a request for another eggshell, then we must book our flight, buy a ticket and present the necessary documentation, visit our family and ask them to make space for us for when we arrive, then we must pack our stuff, leave both eggshells *****-and-span, and then we must go to our HomeLand" rected COOKIE, as if she had already planned the conversation and was simply informing MIKE.
"One minute, can you repeat all that, let me note it all down" mumbled MIKE, scribbling down all the things that had to be done. "Should we set specific dates for each one, so we do it, like we did with this very conversation?"
"Excellent idea!" cried Mametchi loudly, and she pulled out her won agenda. MIKE rolled his eyes, COOKIE was taking it all so seriously, although he knew he would have too, but he was incredibly lazy in the Summer.
[SIZE=10pt]Part 4[/SIZE]
After what seemed to MIKE of two hours discussing dates, they had finally elaborated a table and anoted very carefully in their agendas when at exactly what time they would have to do everything. On Monday COOKIE was going to request an eggshell while MIKE was supposed to find a furniture catalogue for the new eggshell and register CAKE and BISCUIT.
Monday was only two days away, and it came fast. COOKIE got Mimitchi up at the crack of dawn, and wanted him to register he baby namesbefore the huge daily queues piled up to request the same thing. MIKE yawned loudly.
COOKIE, after telling MIKE this, went off swiftly, and she walked up to theEggShell Market place, where people made offers on their EggSheels (providing pictures) or offered to build them follwoing a certain design. COOKIE carefully walked through and studied every eggshell advert. She had a bit of money, and she did not wish to spend more than 3000 Gotchi on a small cheap, but in good condition eggshell unless it was really necessary.
She got lucky, she found a pretty eggshell home. It was a P1 tigerstripes design, and since it was old (but exellent condition!) it was very cheap - 2400 Gotchi, so COOKIE got her NEWER mobile, and rang the number on the advertisement.
"Hello?" asked a small voice. It sounded old, as if it was an Ojitchi, or someone with a bad illness.
"Hello, I am COOKIE, a Mametchi and-"
"Do I know you?" continued the voice.
"I don't think so" answered COOKIE, frowning.
"In that case why are you ringing me?"
"Well, I was interested in buying that eggshell you were selling" explained COOKIE.
"Sorry, I am not selling my eggshell, I have got no where else to live, I was never selling one. You must have dialled the wrongnumber, have a good day..." replied the somewhat puzzled voice.
"Don't hang up" shouted COOKIE urgently.
"Sigh..." was the answer she got.
"The number is totally correct, it is 392, ask for GELDY Ginijiroson"
"That is my number..." said the voice, surprised.
"I know, and that is the number I rang, because there is an advertisement here saying there was an eggshell being sold, and your number was on it, it said to ring urgently!" shouted COOKIE into the mobile, who was beginning to get a bit cross.
"I don't know how it got there, I am not selling, why is it there?" said the voice dreamily, obviously an old ladie's voice.
"Well, I don't know, it says its a P1 with stripes"
"That is my house!" said the voice abruptly!
"STONEAGE!" exclaimed the voice suddenly.
"Huh?!" answered COOKIE, perplexed, and seriously regretting ever ringing the number. +
"STONEAGE Takoson!!" clarified the voice.
"Who is he or she?" asked COOKIE, supposing it was some Tamagotchi.
"STONEAGE Takoson, the Tarakotchi, he thinks I am an old flea bag and he doesn't always seem to like me, and is always trying to do things to ruin my life. I think he wants to bump me off, but he won't understand, the Earth is my life!" squeaked the voice.
"Why don't you report it?" asked COOKIE, more puzzled by the second.
"I can't! He is my son!" shouted the voice, as if that was an inhuman thing to do.
"Oh... So you are a Takotchi?" asked Cookie, thinking the voice was too old.
"No! No! Nooooo! I am an Otokitchi. i was a hateful Takotchi, I was very bad and naughty when I was one, and I had STONEAGE, but I did not want to return to HomeLand as a Takotchi, in fact, i didn't ever want to return, because I recently got to own a shop, and I love my shop, and I don't want any other Tamagotchi to put their filthy hands on it!" screeched the voice, getting seriously het up.
"Whoa! Calm down - well, seeing you aren't selling your home, I will hang up, and ring someone else" said COOKIE, her finger edging to END CALL.
"No don't!" screamed Otokitchi through the phone.
"This is costing me a fortune, and I aren't gaining anything" said COOKIE, in a very fed up voice.
"Well... I have changed my mind, I am selling my eggshell"
"You what?!"
"I am seling my eggshell"
"But didn't you just say you weren't selling it?" said COOKIE, angrily.
"I said that, but I had a better idea, I will live in the shop and you take the house. Please come round to visit me, I live by the Gokuchitchi Lake, I will be outside, watering the flowers in a big blue sunhat made out of blue straw. My darling Ojitchi gave me that when he was still alive, he was great, and he too, was a Takotchi, like me" she said happily.
"Why is he dead?" asked COOKIE, and then realising that could be a personal question.
"He got bad habits, he drunk too much TamaBeer, and began hitting me and stuff like that. I could stand it no more, and I... I.. *sob sob* poisoned him... Waaaah!!! Now I wish i hadn't done it.. But he would bash me about, and I hated it, and I would bash him back, but he liked to be stronger... So... so... I bought "Automatic Deaprtures To HomeLand" from a chemists, and gave it to him, and he went to TamaLand... *waaaaaaaah*!" cried the voice.
"I am sorry... Why don't you join him...?" COOKIE said very slowly, and bewildered.
"I don't want him to treat me badly up there either. I don't think I could go anywhere else up there, I would be cornered, I would ahve no where to go, that is my real reason for wanting to stay on Earth. STONEAGE, my son, doesn't like me around, he finds it embarassing that his elder mother still lives on Earth and is scared stiff to leaving what should be the paradise of all Tamagotchis... i don't think he likes to have to care for me, he wants to live his own life, but I don't want to live alone *sniff sniff*" said the voice.
"I am sure your dead husband would not illtreat you on TamagotchiPlanet" said COOKIE.
"He will! i can sense him waiitng for me! He knows I poisoned him, he will fly on top of me as soon as I come out of the SpaceShip, and my first stop would either be the graveyard or the hospital!!" said Otokitchi dramatically.
"Wow, I sure he won't hate you that badly, how are you anyway? I am 8 and a half" added COOKIE, trying to add confidence.
"I am.. I am... *sniff* Let me ask STONEAGE, I can't remember, I think I am 35, but I am not sure..." said the voice, and Otokitchi went over to ask her son how old she was. COOKIE was finding the conversation really eccentric.
"I am 65!" she exclaimed.
"Oh wow, you're old!" said COOKIE, trying to praise her.
"Yes, but then when I am 99, I may need to go back home obligatorily. I will be weak and sad, and my husband will still be a young and strong Takotchi - I'll be gone in no time at all... Waaaaah!" she said.
"Well, I am sure that will not be the case... Anyway, I will go up to the Gokuchitchi Lake, and speak to you there, bye! BEEEEEEEEEEEP" COOKIE turned off her phone. She had mixed feelings about this woman. She was upset that she should be so scared of her long-gone husband, but she also thought she was a tad weird...
COOKIE Mameson walked to the nearest bus stop, thinking about this woman, who felt hated by her family, and she felt very sorry for her. COOKIE got to the Gokuchitchi Lake quite fast, and she decided before speaking to the lady that she would go down to the lake, and touch its waters again. It had been ages since she had last visited the lake, and it supposedly had magical water spouts which kept the tamagotchi who touched them in good shape and positive about life.
She kneeled down at its shore, and she cupped her hands. She dunked them in the water, and she pulled them out again. She stared at her own reflection in the water, and she noticed she looked really tired, and bothered about life. She did not like the look on her face, and she tried to force a smile on. She looked a lot prettier like that, and it reassured her, so she smiled more naturally, and she laughed at the magical powers of that water, and splashed her body with it, contentedly.
[SIZE=10pt]Part 5[/SIZE]
After feeling a lot more reassured at seeing herself happy in the water, she pulled herself together, and she walked up to GELDY's house, breathing in the intense smell of pinetree and bluebells.
To Be Continued Later.
Episode 2!
[SIZE=12pt]The Grand Story of Cookie The Mametchi #2[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt][/SIZE]
The Lost Ticket
Cookie, is a golden cookie-coloured Mametchi, of about 8 or 9 years now. She used to live in a silver egg shell, but now settled in her new peaceful home, the green V1 Matrix.
As we know, from previous episodes, Cookie the Mametchi had finally got off the stress of having Gozey the Gozarutchi around her, and she had peacefully married Mike the Mimitchi, and they had had two Teletchis, BISCUIT, and CAKE.
[SIZE=10pt]Part 1[/SIZE]
Cookie had now spent over a year with her Teletchi, BISCUIT, and so had MIKE, the snowy-coloured Mimitchi, with CAKE, and they made their minds up that it was time to leave the eggsheel soon, and let the babies finish raising theirselves in their roomy home while they moved on to Tamagotchi Planet.
Cookie had got home from the shopping centre that day, and had picked up a very bright pamphlet along with the shopping, informing "Tamagotchi parents about TamagotchiPlanet".
Since she knew they would have to leave shortly, she knew she would have to tell MIKE, and they would have to start making plans about how to sort it all out.
As usual, whilst she left the shopping bags in the kitchen, MIKE the Mimitchi was peacefully reading his newspaper, drinking his tea and watching television at the same time.
"I am learning to multitask!" he exclaimed, when he saw COOKIE looking over him.
"Multitasking is for doing useful things" sniffed COOKIE. "Such as ironing, reading and knitting at the same time"
Mimitchi snorted.
"...more than your poor brain could do" she muttered to herself.
"I heard that!!" said MIKE, ruinign his multitasking by pouring his tea all over his newspaper, which ended up quite soggy and out of shape. "Dang! I scalded myself!"
COOKIE fished around her handbag and thrust in front of Mimitchi's face the bright pamphlet as he sucked his burnt hand.
"What's this?" he asked, whilst COOKIE was cleaning up the mess made by the tea sighing.
"It's a pamphlet" said COOKIE vaguely, pulling Mike's legs up so she could clean under his feet, where there was a big patch of tea, as well as some old crisp packets.
"I can see that" said Mimitchi sarcastically.
"In that case, seeing you are so clever, you can probably read what is inside" added COOKIE, a bit huffy at having to do everything.
Mimitchi opened the pamphlet, and read through, with a bored look on his face.
"Parenting?" he asked.
"Not exactly..." sighed COOKIE. She knew they both hated to think about the trip to TamaGotchiPlanet, and it wasn't a subject that they enjoyed talking about, but it would have to be done soon, and they had to get planned out.
"The trip to TamaGotchi Planet..." groaned MIKE, snapping the `pamphlet shut as he read the first paragraph.
"Yes, we need to get a move on" said COOKIE sternly, putting a special emphasis in the hurrying part.
"Yes, we do, don't we..." snored MIKE, lying further backwards on the couch, looking extremely bored.
"Yes..." said COOKIE, also with a hint of boredom in her voice.
"Let's speak about it another day" MIKE said joyfully, desperately trying to change subject. "How about a game of tennis?"
"It is too hot to play tennis" mumbled COOKIE, but she went out searching for the rackets and the tennis ball anyway.
[SIZE=10pt]Part 2[/SIZE]
The Mametchi and the Mimitchi were heatedly playing a game of beach tennis in their grassy back yard. They were wearing a big cap and sunglasses, as well as about an inch-thick layer of high-factor suncrea on to protect themselves from the sizzling Summer Sun.
"We need to protect our fair skins" MIKE had said as he rubbed in a whole Factor 80 bottle over his chubby arms.
"Yes... You don't need that much though, that sun cream is expensive" had been COOKIE's response.
Right now the tennis ball was bouncing backwards and forwards at high speed, and the mametchi and Mimitchi's limbs were feeling very tired as the sweat mixed with suncream trickled down their bodies.
"We can't continue playing in these conditions" squeaked MIKE finally as he wiped a drop of thick suncream off his nose for the enth time.
"Yes, lets go inside and do something in the cool..." sighed COOKIE, droppingher racket there and then.
So the two of them trundled back inside, and deicded to watch over their Teletchi's, who weren't really doing very much, apart from sleep in their cradles. They had been sleeping a lot lately.
"It is the heat" explained the Tamadoctortchi to the worried parents.
"I wonder what they will do when we leave" whispered COOKIE, trying to bring up The Subject again, wanting to get it over and done with.
"Oh...! Not that story again... I said another day" said MIKE, flinging his arms.
"We will ahve to do it someday, don't put off for tomorrow what we could do today. What else are we going to do?" said COOKIE.
"I am too tired right now... Another day!" answered MIKE.
"Yes, and then on that Other Day you will say 'Another Day!' and so we will keep putting it off till we will have to leave, and we won't be able too - and then we will be in deep trouble. I am sure you want to go to TamagotchiPlanet as a Mimitchi MIKE, not as a grumpy old Ojitchi" COOKIE said, trying to convince MIKE.
"Please..." said MIKE, his eyes alread closing with boredom, heat and tiredness.
"Well, lets set a date when we will TALK about it and sort everything out" said COOKIE, bightly, trying to get MIKE's attention.
"Ok... How about Saturday? We have no plans for then do we?" suggested MIKE.
"No - so it is Saturday, andremember, we are going to talk about it" reinforced COOKIE, but MIKE was already snoring, and COOKIE cast him an ugly look.
[SIZE=10pt]Part 3[/SIZE]
The days went by very quickly, and Saturday arrived soon. COOKIE had certainly not forgotten, and she was up and ready at 8am. She made the breakfast and di all the housework to ensure there was nothing else to do. She even did a small deal of shopping, so there would be absolutely no excuse to do something else, and finally, at half ten, she dug MIKE out of bed, and they had their breakfasts together.
"Well..." said COOKIE, trying to implant a sickly smile on her face. "You know that today... Today... We will have to eat - I mean talk - about the Trip to HomeLand..."
MIKE looked at her, with a tinge of green on his face, surprised that COOKIE had actually remembered what he had forgotten.
"Right now?!" he gaped. "Do we have to talk about it right now?!"
"What else is there to do?" smirked COOKIE, looking around the spotless house, with everything all ready.
MIKE stared around, and finally uttered one word: "Nothing"
MIKE and COOKIE sat on the couch, and COOKIE produced the bright pamphlet they had been talking about last time. MIKE looked extremely bored, and that narked COOKIE.
"Snap out of it OK? And pay attention!" she snapped, and she banged down the pamphlet.
"Ok..." said MIKE, trying to hide his yawns, fluff up his hair, and pretend to look like this was the most interesting conversation he was ever going to have, though he didn't fool anybody, not even the sofa he was sprawled on.
"Well, as you know, within four months time, theoretically, our time to live on Earth expires, and we will need to catch the monthly SpaceShip, and fly back to TamagotchiPlanet" commenced COOKIE.
MIKE nodded: "I know that... Although there are two SpaceShips per month, not one"
"However, there are many preparatives to be made beforehand" continued COOKIE, in a smooth and soothing voice, trying hard to keep MIKE listening.
"Yeah... Lots of them" MIKE agreed absentmindedly.
"Yes, and we must start them soon, such as booking our trip on that SpaceShip, buying the ticket, getting our items and some ouvenirs together and stuff like that, as well as get the house nicely for the kids, and find another eggshell, because each kid needs a seperate eggshell" squeaked COOKIE out in a rush.
"And where do we start?!" said MIKE, thinking what a rigmarole it would be to do all of those things in four months.
"First of all, we need to properly register BISCUIT and CAKE, then we must find or set up a request for another eggshell, then we must book our flight, buy a ticket and present the necessary documentation, visit our family and ask them to make space for us for when we arrive, then we must pack our stuff, leave both eggshells *****-and-span, and then we must go to our HomeLand" rected COOKIE, as if she had already planned the conversation and was simply informing MIKE.
"One minute, can you repeat all that, let me note it all down" mumbled MIKE, scribbling down all the things that had to be done. "Should we set specific dates for each one, so we do it, like we did with this very conversation?"
"Excellent idea!" cried Mametchi loudly, and she pulled out her won agenda. MIKE rolled his eyes, COOKIE was taking it all so seriously, although he knew he would have too, but he was incredibly lazy in the Summer.
[SIZE=10pt]Part 4[/SIZE]
After what seemed to MIKE of two hours discussing dates, they had finally elaborated a table and anoted very carefully in their agendas when at exactly what time they would have to do everything. On Monday COOKIE was going to request an eggshell while MIKE was supposed to find a furniture catalogue for the new eggshell and register CAKE and BISCUIT.
Monday was only two days away, and it came fast. COOKIE got Mimitchi up at the crack of dawn, and wanted him to register he baby namesbefore the huge daily queues piled up to request the same thing. MIKE yawned loudly.
COOKIE, after telling MIKE this, went off swiftly, and she walked up to theEggShell Market place, where people made offers on their EggSheels (providing pictures) or offered to build them follwoing a certain design. COOKIE carefully walked through and studied every eggshell advert. She had a bit of money, and she did not wish to spend more than 3000 Gotchi on a small cheap, but in good condition eggshell unless it was really necessary.
She got lucky, she found a pretty eggshell home. It was a P1 tigerstripes design, and since it was old (but exellent condition!) it was very cheap - 2400 Gotchi, so COOKIE got her NEWER mobile, and rang the number on the advertisement.
"Hello?" asked a small voice. It sounded old, as if it was an Ojitchi, or someone with a bad illness.
"Hello, I am COOKIE, a Mametchi and-"
"Do I know you?" continued the voice.
"I don't think so" answered COOKIE, frowning.
"In that case why are you ringing me?"
"Well, I was interested in buying that eggshell you were selling" explained COOKIE.
"Sorry, I am not selling my eggshell, I have got no where else to live, I was never selling one. You must have dialled the wrongnumber, have a good day..." replied the somewhat puzzled voice.
"Don't hang up" shouted COOKIE urgently.
"Sigh..." was the answer she got.
"The number is totally correct, it is 392, ask for GELDY Ginijiroson"
"That is my number..." said the voice, surprised.
"I know, and that is the number I rang, because there is an advertisement here saying there was an eggshell being sold, and your number was on it, it said to ring urgently!" shouted COOKIE into the mobile, who was beginning to get a bit cross.
"I don't know how it got there, I am not selling, why is it there?" said the voice dreamily, obviously an old ladie's voice.
"Well, I don't know, it says its a P1 with stripes"
"That is my house!" said the voice abruptly!
"STONEAGE!" exclaimed the voice suddenly.
"Huh?!" answered COOKIE, perplexed, and seriously regretting ever ringing the number. +
"STONEAGE Takoson!!" clarified the voice.
"Who is he or she?" asked COOKIE, supposing it was some Tamagotchi.
"STONEAGE Takoson, the Tarakotchi, he thinks I am an old flea bag and he doesn't always seem to like me, and is always trying to do things to ruin my life. I think he wants to bump me off, but he won't understand, the Earth is my life!" squeaked the voice.
"Why don't you report it?" asked COOKIE, more puzzled by the second.
"I can't! He is my son!" shouted the voice, as if that was an inhuman thing to do.
"Oh... So you are a Takotchi?" asked Cookie, thinking the voice was too old.
"No! No! Nooooo! I am an Otokitchi. i was a hateful Takotchi, I was very bad and naughty when I was one, and I had STONEAGE, but I did not want to return to HomeLand as a Takotchi, in fact, i didn't ever want to return, because I recently got to own a shop, and I love my shop, and I don't want any other Tamagotchi to put their filthy hands on it!" screeched the voice, getting seriously het up.
"Whoa! Calm down - well, seeing you aren't selling your home, I will hang up, and ring someone else" said COOKIE, her finger edging to END CALL.
"No don't!" screamed Otokitchi through the phone.
"This is costing me a fortune, and I aren't gaining anything" said COOKIE, in a very fed up voice.
"Well... I have changed my mind, I am selling my eggshell"
"You what?!"
"I am seling my eggshell"
"But didn't you just say you weren't selling it?" said COOKIE, angrily.
"I said that, but I had a better idea, I will live in the shop and you take the house. Please come round to visit me, I live by the Gokuchitchi Lake, I will be outside, watering the flowers in a big blue sunhat made out of blue straw. My darling Ojitchi gave me that when he was still alive, he was great, and he too, was a Takotchi, like me" she said happily.
"Why is he dead?" asked COOKIE, and then realising that could be a personal question.
"He got bad habits, he drunk too much TamaBeer, and began hitting me and stuff like that. I could stand it no more, and I... I.. *sob sob* poisoned him... Waaaah!!! Now I wish i hadn't done it.. But he would bash me about, and I hated it, and I would bash him back, but he liked to be stronger... So... so... I bought "Automatic Deaprtures To HomeLand" from a chemists, and gave it to him, and he went to TamaLand... *waaaaaaaah*!" cried the voice.
"I am sorry... Why don't you join him...?" COOKIE said very slowly, and bewildered.
"I don't want him to treat me badly up there either. I don't think I could go anywhere else up there, I would be cornered, I would ahve no where to go, that is my real reason for wanting to stay on Earth. STONEAGE, my son, doesn't like me around, he finds it embarassing that his elder mother still lives on Earth and is scared stiff to leaving what should be the paradise of all Tamagotchis... i don't think he likes to have to care for me, he wants to live his own life, but I don't want to live alone *sniff sniff*" said the voice.
"I am sure your dead husband would not illtreat you on TamagotchiPlanet" said COOKIE.
"He will! i can sense him waiitng for me! He knows I poisoned him, he will fly on top of me as soon as I come out of the SpaceShip, and my first stop would either be the graveyard or the hospital!!" said Otokitchi dramatically.
"Wow, I sure he won't hate you that badly, how are you anyway? I am 8 and a half" added COOKIE, trying to add confidence.
"I am.. I am... *sniff* Let me ask STONEAGE, I can't remember, I think I am 35, but I am not sure..." said the voice, and Otokitchi went over to ask her son how old she was. COOKIE was finding the conversation really eccentric.
"I am 65!" she exclaimed.
"Oh wow, you're old!" said COOKIE, trying to praise her.
"Yes, but then when I am 99, I may need to go back home obligatorily. I will be weak and sad, and my husband will still be a young and strong Takotchi - I'll be gone in no time at all... Waaaaah!" she said.
"Well, I am sure that will not be the case... Anyway, I will go up to the Gokuchitchi Lake, and speak to you there, bye! BEEEEEEEEEEEP" COOKIE turned off her phone. She had mixed feelings about this woman. She was upset that she should be so scared of her long-gone husband, but she also thought she was a tad weird...
COOKIE Mameson walked to the nearest bus stop, thinking about this woman, who felt hated by her family, and she felt very sorry for her. COOKIE got to the Gokuchitchi Lake quite fast, and she decided before speaking to the lady that she would go down to the lake, and touch its waters again. It had been ages since she had last visited the lake, and it supposedly had magical water spouts which kept the tamagotchi who touched them in good shape and positive about life.
She kneeled down at its shore, and she cupped her hands. She dunked them in the water, and she pulled them out again. She stared at her own reflection in the water, and she noticed she looked really tired, and bothered about life. She did not like the look on her face, and she tried to force a smile on. She looked a lot prettier like that, and it reassured her, so she smiled more naturally, and she laughed at the magical powers of that water, and splashed her body with it, contentedly.
[SIZE=10pt]Part 5[/SIZE]
After feeling a lot more reassured at seeing herself happy in the water, she pulled herself together, and she walked up to GELDY's house, breathing in the intense smell of pinetree and bluebells.
To Be Continued Later.