The Glow in The Dark V4 Diary


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Hurray! Just played Jump-Rope and did 30 jumps! Jitsu was really happy, due to that fact he got 400 points. xP


Not much has happened since this morning. Everything has gone pretty smooth. Presently, Jitsu is taking a nice bath. ^.^


Sorry for not updating. Here is what stuff happened today:

-Reseived mail. It turned out to be a poop <.< Somebody dislikes Jitsu! (All hearts dropped)

-Took a bath. Awwww.....^.^

-Brushed his teeth. What a good boy! Make your teeth all nice and shiny!

-Sent Jitsu to Elementary School (I stink at the pencil game, and lose every time).

Oh yeah! ^-^; I forgot to mention that yesterday, the Elementary School teacher came and gave Jitsu a graduation hat. Sweet!

See ya on the flip side!


Hi all!

Yesterday nothing really happened so I didn't update.....but this morning something sure happened! :D Jitsu is now a cute adult; a Togetchi! :p Woot! He's sooo cute. I wonder when he'll get his job offer?

Until next time!


Got TWO gifts from the king today. One was love honey, and the other was a plant. :) I cannot wait until Jitsu gets a job! :D

Melissa121: Thanks for the very nice comment on my log, but in the future please PM me. :huh: Posting in peoples logs isn't permitted on Tamatalk. Thanks for understanding!


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I'm sooooo soory for not posting sooner! :p Really I am.

*sigh* Jitsu has been depressed lately. For some odd reason, every time he gets to into town looking for a job, he gets no job offers! He's always rejected. Why?? Is he not smart enough? He's very talented, so I would have that he'd do something in the arts....and he's also very social and outgoing! I thought maybe a TV host or talkshow host.....oh well. I'll try to raise his intelligence a little.

Got a Valentines day gift from the king today! It was a bouquet of flowers. Jitsu stared and smelled them for a long time before putting them away. I think I'll buy him a Valentine treat. ^.^


Just got to go into town again to see some job places.....again, got rejected every single time. How do I get Jitsu smarter? He doesn't seem to get any smarter, no matter what I do! *sigh* Maybe Jitsu will just be jobless.


Once again, Jitsu didn't get any job offers. v.v This is making him real depressed. Oh well! I blame myself that he isn't getting a job. He is/was my first V4 taam, so maybe I didn't raise him properly. *sigh*


*Sniffles* The matchmaker just came for Jitsu, and he mated with another tama and had a cute little baby boy. *cries* I am going to miss Jitsu sooo much! He was my first V4 tama and the best tama I ever had. *sigh* I better make his last days with me really great! Know what the sad thing is though? He never got a job. Oh well; I'll try harder with his son (whom I'm going to name Naji), and give him a better education. Jitsu was my first V4 so I didn't know exactly how to work everything. :wub: Now I know, and I promise I'll take good care of Naji!! I know the ways of V4's now.

If you wish to say goodbye and good luck to Jitsu, PM me. Jitsu will gladly appreciate it. He wants his last couple days on Earth to be great, and you can help make that possible. :lol:


GUESS WHAT! :) Jitsu just got a job! I didn't think he could once he had a child o_0 Anyhow, he now work at the Cafe; the game he plays is go awsome! :D I did really well. Jitsu is happy that he at last got a job. ;)


Hey all!

Just to let you know, I started up every one of my tamagotchis again; but I don't think I'll be starting a log on them. :(

Jitsu just went to his job again, and reseived a salary of 1121 points! xDD Weee!


Good morning!

*yawn* I had Jitsu (and all my tamas) on pause last night, because I didn't have the time to tend to him. Why? I had friends over. ^.^ So I simply paused him and put him in a drawer with my other tamas.

Jitsu is probably gonna leave tonight v.v Why oh why!? I wish he'd stay longer.

I boguht Jitsu a chocolate heart for a belated Valentines day gift. ;) Heehee.


*crys* Jitsu left last night. He left little Naji with me. I miss him already!! Jitsu, please come back!

When I woke up to find he had left, I almost broke out in tears. :mimitchi: My little Jitsu......

But it's time to move on. *sigh* Let me set the time to 8:59am to when Jitsu would have normally woken up. Now I'll play the waiting game. I'm going to visit Jitsu in TamaTown as soon as Naji wakes up.

*begins to cry again*



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