The Glow in The Dark V4 Diary


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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*Please Note!* Hello readers of my log! I love comments, but please do not post any in my log. If you wish, PM with your question or comment. Thanks! *Tgd*

I just got my GITD (glow in the dark) V4, and I'm starting a new diary on it.

Ok.....I' IT! *pulls tab* Ok, I set the time and date and everything. Now I am patiently waiting for it to hatch. I typed my username as Desy, a very appropiate name! :( I wonder what my tama will turn out to be? I'm mightly curious, as this is my very first experience with a V4.

IT HATCHED! It's a boy! :furawatchi: I named him Jitsu. Now time to take care of him.

I fed him 3 times, gave him two snacks, and played jump rope twice. Ha! This is fun! ^.^ Here is his stats:

Hunger: 4/4

Happy: 3/4Training: 0

No Skills

Age: 0

Weight: 12lb

Name: Jitsu

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Points: 60

Username: Desy



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I just fed Jitsu an orange and did the shop codes. This is really fun! I can't wait until he goes to school and gets a job. Jitsu is easy-natured it seems, and isn't fussy. I'm beginning to enjoy his company more and more.

He just pooped, so I cleaned it right up. He had dropped a hungry heart, so I fed him a scone.


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Akk! He just got sick! I cured him straight away. His eyes looked so sad and teary-eyed, that I could not leave him there, sick, while I finished my post. He's fine now, and seems un-fuzzled from the event. When will he turn into a toddler? Hopefully soon....I don't want to have to pause him when I go to bed.


Jitsu just pooped again. He's gained soem weight...better play jump-rope.

There we go. o.o; Jitsu has a '1' beside the pencil in the health meter. A a '3' beside the flower. What does this mean? I better find out.


I'm in Tamatown V4 right now, while my little Jitsu is sleeping. I have a feeling he's going to become a toddler very soon. I must pay close attention to him. Finally, I'll be able to enroll him in pre-school! :D


Jitsu was just crying, so I praised him. He has now gianed one training point. I am continuing to wait patiently for the change. I want to enroll him in pre-school! Though, when he DOES turn into a toddler tonight, then he'll fall straight to sleep because it's late. :D ; Ah well. I'll just go to the Pre-School on TamaTown! ^.^

I think I'm one of the only ones in my schools to have a V4 o_O


He changed! He's a...a....toddler with the mohawk! xD Don't know the name. Yay!


Hi all. Good morning.

I wanted to play with Jitsu, so I set the time to 9:00am. I went onto TamaTown V4 and it still says he's not old enough for pre-school! o_o What!? Hmm......

I want to take him to sxhool with my today and show all my friends, but I don't want to lose him. Besides, I'm going on a school trip today. :D

Jitsu got some points in the mail this morning. He seemd realyl happy about it!


Yippee! Jitsu is now officially a pre-school student. He went to his first day at pre-school just moments ago, and he seemed to enjoy it. He's growing up well and is very easy to please. I love my little Jitsu!


The king just came and gave me a gift! It's a plant! Perfect for my little Jitsu, as Jitsu just loves nature. I'm going to use the plant now...let's see what it turns out to be! :lol:

The plant grew into a smiley face! Thats much better then the one I boguht from the store, as it turned out to be a snake face thing. :mellow:


I love my little Jitsu! I've only had him since last night, but I feel so attached to him! It's so fun getting mail, and sending him off to school. :mellow: I think he'll grow up into a fine tamagotchi.

This is such a wonderful experience for us both!


Ahhh! A robber just came <.< He stole 100gp from my scared little Jitsu. *sigh* That really stinks! Jitsu was crying when the robber left. I'll be more careful when opening mail next time...... :mellow:


Jitsu just pooped. I cleaned it up imeddiatly. Ok, I got a come he never loses weight even when I play games with him? :rollseyes:


Name: Jitsu

Hungry: 3/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 1

Weight: 26lbs

Pencil: 6

Star: 6

Flower: 6

Age: 0

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Points: 280gp

Username: DESY


Jitsu just reseived mail! I better open it. *opens it* It's the king! He left me a gift! It's a pencil! Cool :) Jitsu seemed really happy.


Jitsu cried for me for no reason, so I cuffed him gently. He now has 2 training points. I think I'll play soem Jump-Rope to raise his happiness! :)

I got up to 15 jump-ropes! :p Thats pretty good for me. Woop! He now has 8 pencil points. xDD


Jitsu just got hungry, so I fed him his supper. ^.^ Ah! Livin the tama life (look at my avvie xDD)!


Jitsu fell asleep promptly at 8:00pm, while I was busy writing out Valentine Cards. Tomorrow he shall go to school, and hopefully change into a teenager! I might have to wait a little longer though.

'Tis ends tonight's log. :huh:


Yes! I changed the time to when he'd wake up, and he changed into a teen. Sadly, it's the fireball teen. Is that a bad character? I thought I was doing really well! Oh well. ^.^ Jitsu just got something in the mail (his stats). I hope that he'll be able to go into Elementary soon.



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