Amat Gotchi
Well-known member
Had to revise this... >.<
1. How old are you? 15
2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No.
3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No.
4. What grade are you in? Sophomore.
5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Enough money to change the world.
6. Do you have any pets? Yes.
7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their
names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave
it blank) A cat named Helen.
8. Have you had your period yet? Yes. <_<
9. If so when/how old were you? Yesterday.
10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Nerd.
11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Sure!
12. Do you have a boyfriend? No (I wish!)
13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? See above.
14. Are you allergic to anything? Sort of.
15. If so, what? Some kinds of walnuts.
16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? No money, so I like doing it myself. (except I'm terrible at painting my own nails...)
17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Say the alphabet backwards? Write too much when other people hate to write?
18. What is your favorite food? Sushi, artichoke, croissants, anything very good (NOT McDonald's).
19. What religon are you? Various Christian denominations.
20. What is your favorite animal? Cat.
21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Depends on my mood!
22. What TV shows do you like? Don't have a TV, so really old stuff like Twilight Zone and Green Acres.
23. Do you wear a bra? =D Yes.
24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) For sports, a sports bra. Everyday, a sports or padded (very small padded)
25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Amazon? And Target.
26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? I like the GLQ, otherwise I wouldn't be taking it.
27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs?The Hands Are Bananas guy?
28. What are your favorite real celebs? None, they're so self-centered, and once you start liking a celebrity, they get caught dealing drugs.
29. Singers? I like individual songs, not singers, for the above reason.
30. Actors/Actresses? Ditto with movies.
31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D It took 5 minutes, no problem!
32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? NOOO.
1. How old are you? 15
2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No.
3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No.
4. What grade are you in? Sophomore.
5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Enough money to change the world.
6. Do you have any pets? Yes.
7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their
names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave
it blank) A cat named Helen.
8. Have you had your period yet? Yes. <_<
9. If so when/how old were you? Yesterday.

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Nerd.
11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Sure!
12. Do you have a boyfriend? No (I wish!)
13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? See above.
14. Are you allergic to anything? Sort of.
15. If so, what? Some kinds of walnuts.
16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? No money, so I like doing it myself. (except I'm terrible at painting my own nails...)
17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Say the alphabet backwards? Write too much when other people hate to write?
18. What is your favorite food? Sushi, artichoke, croissants, anything very good (NOT McDonald's).
19. What religon are you? Various Christian denominations.
20. What is your favorite animal? Cat.
21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Depends on my mood!
22. What TV shows do you like? Don't have a TV, so really old stuff like Twilight Zone and Green Acres.
23. Do you wear a bra? =D Yes.
24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) For sports, a sports bra. Everyday, a sports or padded (very small padded)
25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Amazon? And Target.
26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? I like the GLQ, otherwise I wouldn't be taking it.
27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs?
28. What are your favorite real celebs? None, they're so self-centered, and once you start liking a celebrity, they get caught dealing drugs.
29. Singers? I like individual songs, not singers, for the above reason.
30. Actors/Actresses? Ditto with movies.
31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D It took 5 minutes, no problem!
32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? NOOO.
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