The Girls Life Quiz


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Ok I'm bored so I decided to make a Girl's Life Quiz (GLQ). If any of the questions are to personal, just write [Classified] It's fun. Enjoy!! =)
1. How old are you? 14

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? no

3. Have you ever been on a date at all?yes

4. What grade are you in?9

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be?there are many answers to that.... :lol:

6. Do you have any pets?yup

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank)my cat named oreo and my brothers xD

8. Have you had your period yet?yup

9. If so when/how old were you?11

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other?none :)

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far?i guess

12. Do you have a boyfriend?no

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything?yup

15. If so, what? cucumbers

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself?going for a manicure

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do?crack my fingers three times on each

18. What is your favorite food?chicken teriyaki

19. What religon are you?catholic

20. What is your favorite animal?tiger

21. What myths/legends do you believe in?that there is a ninja hiding in my closet xD

22. What TV shows do you like?anime!(all except yuri,yaoi and hentai xD)

23. Do you wear a bra? =D yup

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) real one i guess

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop?pacific mall,eaton center

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? its fine :p ''

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs?i dont really have one

28. What are your favorite real celebs?none in canada or america

29. Singers? there's alot

30. Actors/Actresses?none in canada or america

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D about 5 minutes and im not all that annoyed

Yes, I know I made some spelling mistakes and if any guys comment saying "I'm not a girl so I wouldn't know" will be marked as SPAM. Guys can still comment though on people's answers or the GLQ.

Oh, I almost forgot the most important question of them all!!!!

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? yup ;)
thats it :)

1. How old are you? 12

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Kinda

4. What grade are you in? 1st Year

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Robert

6. Do you have any pets? Yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) Garfield, CAT, Shep & Nikki, DOGS

8. Have you had your period yet? No

9. If so when/how old were you? N/A

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? tomboy/emo

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Kinda

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? N/A

14. Are you allergic to anything? I have Hay fever

15. If so, what? Pollen

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? None

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? I can put my legs over my shoulders

18. What is your favorite food? Chicken Tandoori Masala

19. What religon are you? Christian

20. What is your favorite animal? All

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Loch Ness Monster

22. What TV shows do you like? Scrubs, Friends, The Simpsons

23. Do you wear a bra? No

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) N/A

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? I dunno

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Halfway

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? ... None

28. What are your favorite real celebs? ... None

29. Singers? Patrick Stump, Gerard Way, Brendon Urie

30. Actors/Actresses? No.

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? About 4 mins, and no.

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Both.

Ok I'm bored so I decided to make a Girl's Life Quiz (GLQ). If any of the questions are to personal, just write [Classified] It's fun. Enjoy!! =)
1. How old are you? Check Profile Dx

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No

4. What grade are you in? Take a guess..

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Uhh.. xD

6. Do you have any pets? Yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) Dogs: Jake, Maggie, Fish: Tox

8. Have you had your period yet? ..uhh, yaa

9. If so when/how old were you? 12

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? None

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Sure

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? Uh..

14. Are you allergic to anything? Yeah

15. If so, what? Dust Mites xD

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Neither, I hate getting my nails done

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? ..uhh... xD

18. What is your favorite food? Candy

19. What religon are you? Christian

20. What is your favorite animal? Platypus

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? I dunno xD

22. What TV shows do you like? The Simpsons, House, Spongebob

23. Do you wear a bra? =D Yeah

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) Um, a real one?

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Hot Topic, Hollister, Pac Sun, Rue21

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Stupid question Dx

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Fred

28. What are your favorite real celebs? HAHAHANNAHMONTANA!!!!111one

29. Singers? Patrick Stump <333

30. Actors/Actresses? Does Patrick count here?

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D ..also a stupid question, but it took me about 4 minutes.

Yes, I know I made some spelling mistakes and if any guys comment saying "I'm not a girl so I wouldn't know" will be marked as SPAM. Guys can still comment though on people's answers or the GLQ.

Oh, I almost forgot the most important question of them all!!!!

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? No xD

I'm odd
Look up.

1. 11 3/4 my b-day is march 13

2. No

3. No

4. 6th grade

5. money

6. No


8. yes

9. 11

10. tomboy

11. sure

12. no


14. no


16. none

17. mixing food with different items like chicken and ranch

18. any kind of chicken

19. christian

20. dolphin

21. none

22. icarly and hannah montana

23. yes

24. training bra

25. khols

26. yeah because of the questions

27. none

28. Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana and Ashley Simpson

29. Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana

30. Miranda Cosgrove

31. 5-10 minutes

32. no i am not aloud to date yet

1. How old are you?


2. Have you ever been on a blind date?


3. Have you ever been on a date at all?


4. What grade are you in? 8

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be?

The guy I like to love me back.

6. Do you have any pets?


7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names?

My dog Daisy is an American Cocker Spaniel.

8. Have you had your period yet?


9. If so when/how old were you?

One night when my friend was sleeping over shortly after New Years in January last year.

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other?

A mix of everything except goth and gay.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? I suppose.

Gives me something to do other than homework =P

12. Do you have a boyfriend?


13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything?


15. If so, what?

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself?

Neither. I don't like having gross on my nails.

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do?

Er... I dunno. Different people think different things.

18. What is your favorite food?

Too many to decide 8D

19. What religion are you?


20. What is your favorite animal?

Bears and Frogs

21. What myths/legends do you believe in?

Does Harry Potter count? xD I believe in Greek Myths. I dunno why. They just fascinate me.

22. What TV shows do you like?

Spongebob, Fairly Odd Parents, The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, Much On Demand, American Idol, Degrassi... ect.

23. Do you wear a bra? =D


24. If so, what kind?

Real one.

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop?

Garage, Stitches, Blue Notes, American Eagle, Aeropostal, West 49 ect.

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions?

It's still something to do.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs?

I dunno.

28. What are your favorite real celebs?

I dunno...

29. Singers?

Too many to list.

30. Actors/Actresses?

Uhm... I like Orlando Bloom... Daniel Radcliffe... Emma Watson... Taylor Lautner... The dude that played Jaspar (Twilight for those with any doubts) And others that I can't think of right now.

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D

No I'm not annoyed, you let me take about a 3 minute break from my homework.

Yes, I know I made some spelling mistakes and if any guys comment saying "I'm not a girl so I wouldn't know" will be marked as SPAM. Guys can still comment though on people's answers or the GLQ.

Oh, I almost forgot the most important question of them all!!!!

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy?

Not outside of Truth or Dare and that doesn't count as far as I know.

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1. How old are you? 13

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? no

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? nahhh, i'm lame. x]

4. What grade are you in? 8th

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? more friends

6. Do you have any pets? yeahh, jay-jay the cat

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? i just said so (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank)

8. Have you had your period yet? yeahhh

9. If so when/how old were you? 12

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? none

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? who cares?

12. Do you have a boyfriend? nope

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? blank

14. Are you allergic to anything? yeah

15. If so, what? amoxicilin, lol, it's an allergy medicine

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? going for one, i suck at doing my nails

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? idk?

18. What is your favorite food? ice cream

19. What religon are you? jewish

20. What is your favorite animal? cows, yeahhh!

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? ghosts

22. What TV shows do you like? the soup, american idol, next top model, mtv

23. Do you wear a bra? =D yeah

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) real one

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? american eagle

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? ion care

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? fred

28. What are your favorite real celebs?

29. Singers? rihanna

30. Actors/Actresses? idfk

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D idkk

1. How old are you? 14

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Yes

4. What grade are you in? Nine

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be?hmm, that's something I can't tell you, but the thing I can tell you, would be another horse.

6. Do you have any pets? A horse, and the rabbit who lives outside my house

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? Horse - Bonnie, Rabbit - Little Dorrit Dalek Bunny ;)

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes

9. If so when/how old were you? 11

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Non really

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Sure why not

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? N/A

14. Are you allergic to anything? Yes, as I found out today.

15. If so, what? My medication

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? go out for it. I'd probably kill myself if I tried to DIY it

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? umm...You probably don't want to know

18. What is your favorite food? Pasta

19. What religon are you? Don't realy have one

20. What is your favorite animal? horse

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? ummm.....Dunno really

22. What TV shows do you like? I don't watch much TV

23. Do you wear a bra? =D Yes

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) I have many.. But they're all "real" as you say

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Canada - Stiches England - Primark

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Either I'm going insane, or didn't you already ask me this?

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Such thing exists?

28. What are your favorite real celebs? umm...

29. Singers? The Fray, The Killers

30. Actors/Actresses? I like a lot

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? Only about 5 mins

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? No

1. How old are you? 14

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? no

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? no

4. What grade are you in? 9th

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? a giant trampoline

6. Do you have any pets? yes many.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? dogs- darla, rocky, jesse hamster- MooMoo Fish-Brokk Lee Cat- Alley

8. Have you had your period yet? yes..

9. If so when/how old were you? 11, 6th grade

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? tomboy

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? kinda

12. Do you have a boyfriend? yess

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? enjoying :p

14. Are you allergic to anything? a medicine that i cant spell :)

15. If so, what? :)

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? my self. i like when it gets old and is half scratched off :)

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? touch my toe to my head while standing

18. What is your favorite food? hm i like ice cream

19. What religon are you? episcopalian

20. What is your favorite animal? panda

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? none

22. What TV shows do you like? nickalodeon!! yeah, im mature..

23. Do you wear a bra? why ofcourse i do.

24. If so, what kind? a few different ones.

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? pac sun, hot topic(band shirrts!)

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? nawh

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? CharlieIsSoCoolLike, Smosh

28. What are your favorite real celebs? amanda bynes

29. Singers? billy joe

30. Actors/Actresses? amanda bynes

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? not to long, not a waste of time at all B)

Ok I'm bored so I decided to make a Girl's Life Quiz (GLQ). If any of the questions are to personal, just write [Classified] It's fun. Enjoy!! =)
1. How old are you?

2. Have you ever been on a blind date?

3. Have you ever been on a date at all?

4. What grade are you in?

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be?

6. Do you have any pets?

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank)

8. Have you had your period yet?

9. If so when/how old were you?

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other?

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far?

12. Do you have a boyfriend?

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything?

15. If so, what?

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself?

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do?

18. What is your favorite food?

19. What religon are you?

20. What is your favorite animal?

21. What myths/legends do you believe in?

22. What TV shows do you like?

23. Do you wear a bra? =D

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc)

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop?

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions?

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs?

28. What are your favorite real celebs?

29. Singers?

30. Actors/Actresses?

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D

Yes, I know I made some spelling mistakes and if any guys comment saying "I'm not a girl so I wouldn't know" will be marked as SPAM. Guys can still comment though on people's answers or the GLQ.

Oh, I almost forgot the most important question of them all!!!!

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy?
1 older than 12

2 Nope

3 Not a real one

4 Classifed

5 Umm I don't know?????

6 Nope


8 Yes

9 gr 5

10 none of the above

11 yes

12 nope


14 no


16 Going for one much more relaxing

17 can seperate knuckle bones

18 pizza

19 orthodox

20 dog

21 none

22 all of the funny ones

23 yes

24 uh... *checks*... not sure

25 areopostale, garage, american eagle, hollister, ect

26 yes I am enjoying myself

27 dunno

28 britney spears

29 ?????

30 ??????

31 About 5 mins. and just a little, not too much it was fun

32 nope



5.a mansion with a pool and everything


7.alot (dog)Maggie,(fish)pinky,darth vader, stripes, and alot of not names fish


10.inbetween a girlygirl and tomboy

11.don't know what it means

12.yes his name is keegan

13.i am enjoying him


16.geting a manicure

17.i have a huge long tongue

18.chicken wings



21.the michigan dogman



24.a cup so normal i guess


26.i like it

27.fred bros



31.10 min no




yes 40





6/4/3 6









teenagers Delight



mysteryus walking lightbulb

terminator spongebob

Yes, Im a Guy



















gdfrd :) :)

1. How old are you? 13, next month 14

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No!

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? ...No...

4. What grade are you in? 7th!

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? A dog B)

6. Do you have any pets? No xD

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank)

8. Have you had your period yet? No ... (Is it a bad thing? =( )

9. If so when/how old were you?

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I'm an otaku xD

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? It's kinda nice :D

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Nope.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? Too many things... Sigh.

15. If so, what? Nuts (especially them, I can DIE if I eat a nut!), dogs, cats, curry...

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Doing by myself ~

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Uhh... Hmm. I can make frog sounds! xD Lol!

18. What is your favorite food? Pizza is pretty good... Also pasta. :rolleyes:

19. What religon are you? Christian...

20. What is your favorite animal? DOGS 4-EVAH!

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Actually none...

22. What TV shows do you like? One finnish soap opera, but propably NOBODY here knows it!

23. Do you wear a bra? =D Uhh... Yeah?

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) Real, I guess (What is an "unreal bra"?!)

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? HUGE MALLS! :DD

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Nah, still pretty fun :D

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? YT celebs...?!

28. What are your favorite real celebs? I dunno... Morning Musume? xD

29. Singers? Asuka Hinoi

30. Actors/Actresses? I'm not sure...

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D It didn't take a long time and I wasn't annoyed at all! =D

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Nope!

EDIT: I almost forgot the last one! Sry!

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1. How old are you? 11

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No

4. What grade are you in? 6th

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? A bunny!

6. Do you have any pets? Yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) Alfie and Archie

8. Have you had your period yet? No

9. If so when/how old were you?...

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Girly

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Yes

12. Do you have a boyfriend? no

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?...

14. Are you allergic to anything? No

15. If so, what?...

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Going for a manicure

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Bend my thumb back heaps xD

18. What is your favorite food? Curry and chocolate

19. What religon are you? Christian

20. What is your favorite animal? Cats and dogs

21. What myths/legends do you believe in?...

22. What TV shows do you like? iCarly & Spongebob

23. Do you wear a bra? Yes

24. If so, what kind? Training/Sport

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop?Game shops, target.

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? I like it xD

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Fred

28. What are your favorite real celebs?Uhm

29. Singers? Uh... Rihanna?

30. Actors/Actresses?...

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? It took like, 5 mins.

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Nope

1. How old are you? A tween.

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No.

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Not really.

4. What grade are you in? Sorry, but I can't tell...

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? A celeberty bf

6. Do you have any pets? yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) Friday, but we call him fu( ik, but not like that!)

8. Have you had your period yet? No, but I will soon.

9. If so when/how old were you? n/a

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Punky, but grly, but like not frills and, eww.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? I guess

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Not temperarily.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? n/a

14. Are you allergic to anything? idk

15. If so, what?n/a

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? going, I always mess up, but i love fakes, lol

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do?umm, talk and never have nothing to say.

18. What is your favorite food? Does coke count?

19. What religon are you? Umm, I celebrate x-mas so...

20. What is your favorite animal? a lot of difs

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? idk

22. What TV shows do you like? to much.

23. Do you wear a bra? =D Duh.

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) cups, but sports can work.

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? I can't kist them all, but I like how Claire's is supporting the taky punk look.

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Its ok.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? She's not a celeb, but FeeBee is hilarious!

28. What are your favorite real celebs? JB, Selena Gomez, Rob Pattinson, but... PARAMORE ROCKS!

29. Singers? A lot more then I can say., +me

30. Actors/Actresses? same as above

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? It dittn't wast my time...

1. How old are you? 5347853845348.

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No.

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Twice.

4. What grade year are you in? Year 8.

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Tongue piercing.

6. Do you have any pets? Yes.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? 2 cats, Jam and Tilly. A snake, Kiefer.

8. Have you had your period yet? Yeah.

9. If so when/how old were you? 11

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I'm a geeky tomboy I guess. :B

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Yes. 8D

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? ....Lol.

14. Are you allergic to anything? Yeah.

15. If so, what? Strawberries and most hairsprays.

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Neither ew.

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? I'm double jointed in all my fingers and thumbs, so my fingers bend in all weird ways, and I have a hitchhikers thumb.

18. What is your favorite food? I like french fries.

19. What religon are you? Atheist.

20. What is your favorite animal? Platypus :3

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? None.

22. What TV shows do you like? I don't watch TV. I watch anime on the comp. :3

23. Do you wear a bra? Yus I do.

24. If so, what kind? Sometimes real, sometimes sports. I play a lot of sports, and I'm on a track

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? H&M, eBay. xD

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? I'm fine wid it.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Fred, AmazingPhil <3

28. What are your favorite real celebs? idk..

29. Singers? too many. xD

30. Actors/Actresses? None lol

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? 5 mins? =D Nah.

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Lol no. I fail. ):


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1. How old are you? Fourteen. Fifteen this year!

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nope

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No

4. What grade are you in? 9th Grade. :)

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? I couldn't pick just one thing.

6. Do you have any pets? Yep!

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? A doggy.

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes

9. If so when/how old were you? 6th grade

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I'm a girly-girl. LOL

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Sure. :)

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Not right now.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? N/A

14. Are you allergic to anything? Nope, luckily!

15. If so, what? N/A

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Going for a manicure but doing it myself can be fun as well.

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? There is nothing really 'weird'.

18. What is your favorite food? I don't have a favourite! :)

19. What religon are you? Christian.

20. What is your favorite animal? Anything cute.

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Angels. Gods and Goddesses. Feng Shui.

22. What TV shows do you like? Home And Away is the best!!

23. Do you wear a bra? Yes.

24. If so, what kind? Normal, y'know. With underwiring and stuff.

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Diva (For accessories) and any good make-up store.

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? It's all good! :)

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? I don't like any YouTube celebrities.

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Taylor Swift, Zac Efron

29. Singers? Taylor Swift and Jesse McCartney

30. Actors/Actresses? Way too many to list!

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? I wasn't timing myself! I'm not annoyed! :)

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Nope. Haha

1. How old are you? 12

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No

4. What grade are you in? 7th

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? OMG...EVERYTHING!!!

6. Do you have any pets? Yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) Patches the Bunny (Girl)

8. Have you had your period yet? No :(

9. If so when/how old were you?

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? None

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Meh.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? Yes

15. If so, what? Pollen

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? I'm lazy so...I wud get it done by someone else...

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? I can sing an F over high C...idthink that's weird...oh wait, I got one...i sleep with my bra on.

18. What is your favorite food? SUSHEEEEEEEE!!!

19. What religon are you? Zipola!

20. What is your favorite animal? Hmm...Muffins?

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Edward Cullen

22. What TV shows do you like? The Secret Life of the American Teenager <33333

23. Do you wear a bra? =D Yes

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) Padded...i think?

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Hot topic <333

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? I don't give

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Buns and Chou Chou

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Um...

29. Singers? Jennifer Hudson

30. Actors/Actresses? Rob Pattinson

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D idk 5 minutes...? I needed something to do.

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