The flower Child


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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2007
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You may know me from a log I made a long time ago called Ballod of a little black blob. This is a continuation of that blog.


Name: Leia



Training: 2

smart: 5

Star: 13

flower: 9

1 year old

15 pounds


4th generation

605 points

Can't tell you my Username because that would be telling you my name

Right now she's brushing her teeth... She is so so cute!


Be back soon!

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Alright, here is some more info.



Training: 6

pencil: 5

Star: 15

flower: 33

2 years

23 pounds

points: 25

She got mail, let's check it out!'

It was a fortune cookie.

Points: 2 stars

hearts: 3 stars

man: 2 stars

Anyway, I will have enough to buy a V4.5 by Friday thank god! Leia is bored out of her skin because she has, like no one to talk to. Oh, I guess I can show you what Leia looks like. She is a teenager of this thing. :D I am making her get lots of points in Flower area because I want her to change into this. :D Furawatchi is one of my favorite tamas, but I have never gotten her before. Thats all the tama news for now!

My goodness, my tama sure is popular with the mail man! He has delivered a total of 4 letters today! 2 of them were fortunes, one was a heart, and one was.....a "present" if you know what I mean. I was this close to getting a V4.5 today, but they did not have the peacock one, so I'm waiting. Really, I think I'm really bad at tamas, because the highest generation I have gotten to is 4. But then again there is my sister who has never gotten an adult before.

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Leia is taking a bath right now. So there is nothing to post really... Idk why I even took the time to write this.....

Aww shoot! She has three hungry hearts and one happy heart and she pooped! you would think these tamas would like these baths......


There! All full and happy! Now, let's let Leia talk!

Leia: Hi! Im Leia! I am really really good at jumping rope! I wish **** would get a 4.5 already, I need a friend! I didnt go to school today cuz **** is really lazy.


Hey! I'm so not lazy! Far from it!

Alright, today was a school day, so my V4 was supposed to be paused. I thought I paused it and put it in my backpack, but when I got out of school and pulled it out, and it was unpaused! Thank God it hadn't died, although it had zero hearts and had three surprises for me, not to mention it was sick. The only good thing I got out of it was she had evolved into a Furwatchi! She also had mail, a fortune and a mail. In the fortune, everything was two stars. The mail was poop! I was even more angry than usual because I had just finished getting all of Leias happy hearts filled. Sometimes tamas can be so annoying!

New mail.... I wonder what it is...

dang! It was the robber and he took 300 points! I worked so hard to get those too... if I have anything else to say today, then I will edit this post to prevent spamming on my own log! :D

Alright! It's beggars night! Even though I am 12, I am still going trick or treating! :)

Anyway to the tama, she got a fortune, so I will post it.

Money: 1

Hearts: 3

Man: 2

It is such a pity that I don't have batteries in any of my other tamas. I mean, come on! Three stars! That has got to be on purpose! The mail mans always watching.......... :D

Alright, lets start this off with some info, because, well I fell really horrible at log making. I just read Spudilike's log, and it is awesome! Anyway,

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: 8/9

smart: 19

beauty: 31

kindness: 53

4 years old

41 pounds

705 points


She has mail! It is a fortune cookie.

Money: 1

Hearts: 3

Man: 2

Again!?!?!?!?!?! What the? She got the same thing yesterday! How unfair. I really need that V4.5....

Oh, I forgot, I just found this chart with all the character names on it, so now I will be much more thorough. Here is Leias growth:

Shirotsubutchi, Mizutamatchi, Young Memetchi, Violetchi.

And here is Leia's family tree.

Mom: Bunny the Mimitchi

Grandpa: Balto the Simasimatchi

Great-Grandpa: Danny the Togetchi

Simasimatchi and Togetchi are my favorite tamas I think. :)

Leia got a job at the Lab. She got rejected by the carnival, school, and restraunt before getting her job. The stupid thing is that 2 people thought she would be great at the restraunt, but one said no. Oh well. Her job looks fun, never had it before...

Oh, and by the way, anyone who reads this, if you have any comments or tips on how to make this log better, feel free to post! :)

My poor tama! She just got a fortune....

Money: 1

Heart: 1

Man: 1

But on the bright side the King gave her a ring. She admired it for a long time. :lol: I wonder if you can marry the king.....

Edit: And yes, this is off topic, but I just learned that you can change the "skin" of Tama talk! Mine is the orangey fun bright one. It has a lot more color than the blue I was using.... :angry:

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Whoo hoo~! Today I get my V4.5. I have decided to get the argyle print, while my sister is getting the peacock. I need to learn how to use color soon, cause it will be easyer to seperate their stats., ect.

Sepia is a child now. I don't know what she is but, here are her stats!

Happy: 4

Hungry: 4

Training: 2

Funny: 11

Beauty: 6

Spirtual: 15

0 years

17 pounds


2845 points

I have to go now, I'm babysitting my sisters tama to and its beeping! ;)

Sepia is a Tamatchi. I forgot what the name was, comicly, seeing as it is as close to Tamagotchi as you can get! ;)

Sepia now has 4 smiley faces with my sisters tama, Alec. Ah...... young love.....I can hear the wedding bells! ;)


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