THE FAVORITE TAMA HATCH LOG~starts july 1st <3


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Awww everybody is leaving!!!! It's so sad... At least I still have Saka, he is soo cute when he gets attacked by frogs and when we play the hat game. May he live on!! I've gotten so attached to him

I don't have any pictures today, unfortunately. However, I do have some updates on Pooky!

We were visited by another friendly Genie today. He gifted us an adorable lion plushie. I also bought a pair of angel wings from the shop. Pooky flew around his screen for quite a while. He had a blast.

We'll probably get a visit from the matchmaker tomorrow since Pooky is now 7 years old. I'm not sure if she came today. I only had time to feed him between classes, so I didn't really pay attention to see if she showed up. I'll try to get some pictures of him before she does. I also want to make sure he finds the right Tama-girl before he runs back to his home planet. Pooky can't run off with just anyone. She has to be special :)

Saka is 9 today... Gosh he is old, i pray he lives past today and tomorrow he has become a very constant friend. He is always there in my pocket, I'm thinking about starting my V3 up again.... (My V2 was up and on generation 5 or six I had to pause him and somehwe he got unpaused and he perished..... :( ) And I must say running one tama at a time is refreshing from the 5 i had at once...

Well life is good for Saka he is still kicking, only frogs attack him now, and his weight is somewhat managed... I pray to the tama Gods, the Greek Gods, whomever, the crazy man in a blue box that he lives forever!!!!!

My Dinkie turned into a daemon dino. That means I'm out too, since he's gonna die today or tomorrow. Thanks a lot guys! I really enjoyed this hatch! &lt;3


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This is likely Pooky's last update, as the Matchmaker came for him today with a suitable match.


Here he is rocking some spiffy wings &lt;3


Workin' out hard. Gotta be buff for Ms. Right!


And finally... Pooky with his new baby.

I loved my time with this little guy. He was wonderful, and I really look forward to raising his little puff-ball offspring. Thanks, Odds, for putting together this hatch. I had a wonderful time, and so did Pooky &lt;3

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well this is my last log nothing too big happened lol..I have been working hard with my little makiko to get all her happy items, and im almost done then shell marry and ill be a grandma hehe &lt;3

this was a lot of fun and I loved seeing everyones logs and great pictures &lt;3 and thanks to everyone that participated and made this group hatch a great success! we will have to do another soon &lt;3

Yeah, I was thinking about making an 'odd vpets' group hatch. ;] So everything but the Tamagotchis. xD I'll do it next week. ;3

that's an awesome idea hun you should do it, I bet everyone would be excited for it haha...I myself have literally no vpets other than tamagotchi's hehe ill have to check out the logs!....I am however on the hunt for a dragotti

Yeah, I was thinking about making an 'odd vpets' group hatch. ;] So everything but the Tamagotchis. xD I'll do it next week. ;3
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