The death of an angle...


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sorry if i'm rude, but this story is getting weird. there's so much dying and people shooting each other and going to the hospital ang coming back to life. it's confusing!

I second that! I don't really understamd, so much is going on at once! Why don't we just start a different one!

At the hospital the doctors cured her and they went on to a happy life. Then it was Summer! They were planning to go to Florida and go to all the Amusement parks, go shopping, go swimming and everything! They were going to have a blast!

[i ingored you since Angle died and please don't be rude!]


I like this story, but it has got almost nothing to do with Tamas anymore, except the characters!

And it's not so suitable for younger readers, though. It's like a 15+ movie. The characters are too human-like.

Some people who haven't read the story from the beginning can ever think that they're humans! This doesn't suit to TamaTalk.

Jarred and Annie somehow came back to life. Jarred started out dating Annie. Then he asked her to marry him and she agreed. So they got married. Annie had 4 babies. Their names were Samantha, Jarred Junior, Lilly, and Claire.

They were already married! Plus they were old when they died so they can't have babies!

When they went to Florida they took their first plane ride! The kids loved it! When they arrived, they grabbed their luggage, rented a car and drove over to their hotel. Their room number was 436. After they settled in, unpacked and watched some TV they went over to the indoor pool the hotel has.


They were splashing around and having fun but it was time to eat dinner so they got in their clothes and went to Olive Garden. They had a yummy meal then they went back to the hotel.

At the hotel they stepped up on their balcony and loked out at the beautiful view of the Ocean. The kids wanted to go in the Ocean but it was too dark. Melainie promised the kids they would go to the beach tomorrow.

but when they were at the beach there was a funny looking merry-go-round but it looked rather strange.Also only certain people could go on and Melainie and her kids were the certain people.When they went in the license was no.200 then they bought their tickets.They didnt knew that they were travelling in the future at the year 2206 When they got off in the future the merry go round vanished. Melainie and her kids were scared so....................

also angle before she died she paid money for tamachronotheraphy and was ressuracted from her death and she was in the year 2206 and she looked at Melainie and she looked very familiar so she knew Melainie was her great-great grandaughter and decided to help her

They found the time machine in the lost cave and they went back to Florida to swim in the Ocean.

"Wow! That was a weird trip to the future!" Amy said.

They were building a sandcastle out in the sand. It wasn't the biggest in the world but it was bigger than Allen!It was soon time to go to the hotel room and figure out where they will eat. Soon they packed up and they decided to go to T.G.I Friday's. After the meal they got some candy and watched TV. At around 9:30 the kids went to bed and Amy, Melainie and Maddy turned down the tV but still watched.

well it is called... DEATH OF AN ANGLE............but its not a fitting name because she is going to die at a normal age! its just like a biography. The title should be some thing diffrent. like *the life and death of an angle*

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