The death of an angle...


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puppyluva pleae don't spam the story with rude and/or remarks on how this reminds them of something. I always check my e-mail for new posts and I see someone posts to my topic, so I think " Hey! someone posted to my topic! Now I can read more of the story I started! ", so when I get here, I see the post and it's just a rude and/or remark that this reminds them of something!!!!!!

when they got home they made love and sudenly their dauter came in...

and that is gross! There are probably some younger people here that that was innapropriate for! I am replacing your post by saying they were kissing....

and she didn't see because when she came in and they stopped. Then they heard a really loud and weird sound. They looked out the window and saw...

and that is gross! There are probably some younger people here that that was innapropriate for! I am replacing your post by saying they were kissing....

and she didn't see because when she came in and they stopped. Then they heard a really loud and weird sound. They looked out the window and saw...

They saw a burgelar smashing the babies' window! Soon there was endless screaming and crying. Since Jarred was a 00 agent for the CIA he stopped the burgelar while Angle called the police, " There is someone breaking into my house! I live on 5739 Maple Avenue in Huntingsville." said Angle, trying to stay calm. Soon the police came and everyone thanked the policed a million times for helping them. Now that that was over Angle kissed Mike (the boy), Dianna (the twin) and Allie (the other twin) goodnight. She told them that everything was okay. Soon the babies were asleep, same with Jarred and Angle. The next morning Jarred took Mike, Dianna and Allie to their babysitter, Clarke. Clarke was a kind and loving babysitter who was trusted by the whole town of Huntingsville.


Mike, Allie and Dianna loved Clarke. They thought he was the best person in the world asdie from Mommy and Daddy. Later, that thought was erased from their mind. This is bacause Clarke tried feeding them poison. Luckily Angle and Jarred were coming in to get them when this happened and clarke was arrested. Now that the babies didn't have a babysitter they were in a pickle. Angle called everywhere, and finally they found a babysitter named Tre. Tre was a great babysitter but his house wasn't fit to have a job like this. Although the house was not fit for babysitting Mike, Allie and Dianna loved Tre. Whenever Jarred and Angle came to pick up the babies they would have a fit! Tomorrow was Mike's birthday (May 3rd) He was turning one. They did not have a party since one year olds don't have friends but angle and Jarred's friends gave Mike gifts to make him feel special. Allie and Dianna were crying bacause they didn't get gifts.

" Now, now. You have to wait for October to get your presents. It is only May now." Angle told the twins. They started to cry even more. Angle just gave them a bottle and then let them sleep. The nexy day when they woke up they forgot about Mike getting gifts.


suddenly, after the kids have woken up, a man came in the house! Jarrad was in the kitchin. he saw the man and screamed! he woke Angel up. she was in their room. the man, holding a gun, ran into the bedroom where Angel was and locked the door. Jarrad heard a shot and thought that Angle was dead but he heard her scream again after. so Angel was not dead. and then............

Then, since Jarred was a 00 for the CIA he caught the man. Soon he was behind bars. When Jarred got home he said,

"This family has way too many weird moments!" Angle agreed. It was late so Angle put the babys in bed while Jarred and Angle played NHL 2K6 on their Xbox 360. Then the doorbell rang. It was Angle's friend Amy, she looked diffrent since they haven't met since Angle fell in her pool. Angle was so heppy Amy paid a visit to her. They had a blast, staying up all night, eating junk food, it was great!


Angel and Amy were haveing a great time together! and they were talking about everything that has happened in their lives. Amy has had 1 daughter named Cameron. As they were talking, a wild dog approched them (they were outside). Angel and Amy were very scared! they wanted to get the dog away but before they knew it, the dog was in Angel's house and and ran into the room that Angel's children were in! Angel and Amy were to scared to move! and Jarred was in another town on CIA bussnes! the wild dog approched Dianna! he slowly approched her crib and.....

Suddenly, BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Angle had forgot they had a home alarm system. The system though the dog was a burglar and it went off. The dog got scared and ran away. "I forgot I had an alarm system! Silly me!" Angle sighed.


Amy went back to her house and forgot about the ordeal. Angle put her children to bed although they grew a fear of dogs after that.

Then surprisingly, one day, Angle was sitting in the house, it was very peaceful, and she was reading a book. Then suddenly, she heard a shot. It was coming from the baby's room!! Mike, Dianna and Allie were screaming and crying!! There was a burglar trying to get in the house, and there were bullets EVERYWHERE!! Angle crawled across the floor and grabbed the babies. Then, she called the police. They came just in time!!


The burglar didn't want to leave empty handed so he shot Angel and took her kids. Then all of a sudden, a very pretty girl came walking up and said to the man. "Do you need a partner in crime"? B) :huh: :( :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:


"Hmmm...yes," said the burglar. The girl smiled evily."Take one of these kids," said the burglar, handing out Mike. The girl took Mike and the burglar and the girl ran for it. "Moooommyyyy!" screamed Mike and the twins. But Angel would not even move.


She was dead! Jarred was so upset.

This was Jarred.

Jarred:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huh: :( :huh: :huh: :huh: B) :huh:

She was dead! Jarred was so upset.

This was Jarred.

Jarred:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huh: :( :huh: :huh: :huh: B) :huh:
"I...I...ANGEEEEEEL! please wake up! please!!!!!!!" shouted Jerred. He cried and cried and he didn't know what to do.

Then suddenly, he thought, "Even if Angle doesn't wake up I still have to save her kids!!" So he ran outside as fast as he could shouting "Fire!! Fire!!" He knew that people want to see a fire so they followed him. When the burglars reached a corner they were trapped. The whole neighbourhood, except the kids and grandpa's/ma's helped Jarred.

Angle never woke up.

But a few days later Mike turned into a :furawatchi: , Dianna turned into a Tamatchi, and Allie turned into a Mizutamatchi!!

They started going to Tama-pre-school in TamaTown's little yellow house, and on the day they started....

Suddenly, Angle came back to life and ran after her kids. They had to skip the pre-school since they do not take children from unlucky families like Angle & Jarred Wong. So they went on with their crazy life.


P.S. Please do not stretch the board is in annoying!

Jarred and Angle didn't know what to do. They had nobody to educate their kids, so they begged the preschool teacher to let them in. Finally she said yes, and Dianna, Mike and Allie began to meet other kids, like Tama the Memebotchi, Mitsu the Marutchi, and Hami the Tamatchi.

It took a lot of teaching to make Dianna and Mike and Allie think straight. The teacher had to keep them in two extra hours after school. Two other unlucky tamas, Mappy the Kinakomotchi and Taka the Kuchipotchi, had to stay two extra hours as well. This was good, because school lasted 6 hours right now, including lunch and recesses.

Now Angle and Jarred were able to work longer, so they raised more money. And they only bought toys that were on sale, like balls, which had been 15 points instead of 150 points. There were three balls. Then one day, a sale came up for a trampoline. Instead of 500 points, it was 50!! They took away the extra 0 at the end.

Then one day, something great happened at preschool. It was a special date, and every tama toddler got a special treat.

It was...

junk food (like muffins,cakes,lolipops,ect.) after the toddlers ate them they got all hyper the teacher could not

control them because they were to fast then suddenly...

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