The Button Room!


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You can't see anything for two minutes.

I press a button with the words "I'm playing it Safe" on it.

You can't see anything for two minutes.
I press a button with the words "I'm playing it Safe" on it.
a sign pops out saying ha-ha and a mallet bonks you on the head

i press the button saying press here for $$$$$

This Giant Metal $ lands on you.

I press the button with a B4 on it.

This Giant Metal $ lands on you.
I press the button with a B4 on it.
you go flying out the window

i press the button with the number seven on

7 People come up, grab you, and the throw you over a fence.

I press the Http:// button

Your TV remote turns into a pair of scissors.

I press the sleepy button.

It's raining begals on you.

I press the middle glowing button!

Food comes and gets annoyed with you so you get attacked. But on the bright side become the star of a movie called "When Food Attacks" which only 3 people saw and those three people just happened to be the director, the producer, and the creator of the movie.

I press the laughing button.

once again, laughing gas fils the room. But this time there are dentists too. (hee hee!)

I (hee hee!) press the "I'm in (hee hee!) agony" button. (hee hee!)

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