The Breakfast Club


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Morgan noticed the stares, and she said, "You really don't have to pretend like you mind..." She kissed him along his jawline, murmuring between kisses, "I think as highly of you as you think of me. It's only fair." She ran her hand down his leg and planted another kiss on his lips before standing and walking to the closet to find something that still fit her.

"No, but I also really don't want to look like a total pervert and keep staring, as much as I'd like to," Asher murmured in reply, emitting a gentle laugh, tilting his head back slightly as she kissed his jaw. He didn't think that it was fair at all, though he didn't voice it, because it was an argument that could never be won by either side. He thought she was far more deserving of his admiration than he was of hers, for various reasons, but she would agree to none of them, and come up with counteracting reasons for her own side, so he kept stum and just enjoyed the moment instead. "Must you tease me so?" he joked, with regards to the previous movement of her hand before she went to get dressed."So, do you want me to come with you to the doctor today?"

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"It's only pervish if you're a creep. And you are far from that." she said to him over her shoulder. "And yes. I must tease you. It's rather fun. And don't pretned like you never tease me." She pulled out a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. "If you'd like, you can. It's really just a check-up, no big deal. Ky's coming, so you can go spend time with your family. Maybe drop a couple of hints to your parents..." Morgan said, changing right in front of Asher.

"Oh. That's good to know, thank you," Asher replied with a wry smile. "You're right, I suppose. But not as much, I'm not so good at it as you." He went over the options and he supposed it probably was a good idea that he tell his parents about Morgan at some point, and some point soon above all. "I guess I could do that, as much as I'd like to spend some more time with you. Still, we have lots of other time, I'm not going anywhere." He looked on while she got dressed, not staring this time, necessarily, just appearing more comfortable that he was just witnessing it, you could say.

"Babe, we spend plenty of time together. Cody asked me if we're getting married. Spend time with your parents. I want to be able to go over to your house without being freaked that they'll notice my stomach. Please? You can come over after the appointment, okay?" Once she was dressed, she sat on him. "You know, sometimes I think you worry about me an awful lot." She kissed his nose and rested her forehead on his.

Asher laughed a little at her story about Cody. Okay, so it was true, they were together a lot of the time. Marriage, though.. He'd never admit it to Morgan but sometimes he thought about that, way into the future, wondering if they ever would do anything like that. "Sure, I'll do that," he replied, concurring that it was a good idea to tell them. He nodded at her final comment, in fact looking like a chastised schoolboy as he did so. "All the time," he admitted, "Not because I don't think you can take care of yourself, but that other people sometimes can't take care of you."

Morgan would freak if she knew Asher thought that far into the future. xD

Morgan chuckled grimly. "Yes, well I don't need anyone to take care of me. Unless I'm throwing up and need ice cream more than anything. Then I have you. And I have Ky. And I have Cody. I don't need you to worry about me. I just need you to be there."

I know. That's why he'd never tell her xD

"I can try, but I can't guarantee anything, alright? Well, I mean, of course I'll always be there, but not worry? Only time will tell," Asher said. "I just can't help it. I mean, I worry about everybody. I worry about Sam all the time for the most ridiculous things. Not as much as I worry about you, though, I will admit." He reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and said, "But if you're in need of peanut butter ice cream, I'm your man. Is it any good, by the way? I've never tried it before."

Morgan took another bite of the ice cream and murmured, "Try it for yourself..." She kissed him, softly but deeply. This was the first time in a while that they'd been alone long enough to do anything besides a quick peck, and Morgan was going to take full advantage of it. She pulled away, raising an eyebrow as if to ask what he thought.

He'd never get used to that. He figured that, having dated her for several months now, if he still felt completely dizzy when she kissed him so, he could never grow accustomed to it. But maybe that wasn't such a bad thing after all. He pretended to look deeply thoughtful, as though her question was one of a great deal of profoundness. "Great, actually. But, you know, I'm not sure it'd taste even half as good if it was on its own. Tastes better on you, I think," he replied, giving her another kiss, before verifying his theory with a quick nod, a smile and the emitting of a ,"Mmm, definitely."

Morgan giggled a bit and kissed him again. "You know, I think that was kind of the point." she muttered to him playfully. She stood up and spun around the room. "I'm feeling much better now that I've gotten ice cream and kisses." She landed on her bed and looked up at him. "I have, like, four hours until my appointment. What do you wanna do?"

"You always make a lot of good points. Have you thought about pursuing a path to enlightenment? People would value your insights," Asher said. He smiled then. She certainly looked a lot better than she had been when he'd arrived. He was one of those people who got a warm fuzzy feeling when he knew he had contributed to that in some way, especially when it was Morgan, who, despite how much he liked her, he thought was particularly hard to please sometimes, in the nicest possible way, of course. "Don't ask me such a open questions without giving me a few options. My imagination can run wild otherwise."

"Unfortunately, it's far too wild for coming up with a spontaneous activity on a Saturday morning," Asher pointed out, meeting her halfway for the quick kiss. "Because, you know, in my mind, I think of... A quick trip to Paris, see the sights, have a great time, and back again in plenty of time for your appointment," he chuckled. "We could go window shopping and you can hint at me what you want for your birthday, since I'm still not too sure what to get you."

S'alright :)

"I don't want anything." Morgan told him, sitting up all the way. "But I guess we could go anyways." She hopped off the bed, pulling a light jacket on overtop her tee shirt. It had gotten a little warmer in the past few weeks, but Morgan still wanted a jacket. "Who's driving?" she asked, as she sent a quick text to Kyle to let him know she'd be going out.

"That," Asher said, "is not an option. I'm getting you something whether you want me to or not." He sat up and got off the bed as well, pushing up further the sleeves of the shirt he was wearing to his elbows. In reply to her question, he said, "I don't mind at all but, I will, if you want. You could eat ice cream in the passenger seat," he suggested with a soft chuckle.

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"What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn't get you anything?" Asher said, "You got me something for mine, and that was a long time ago. So, naturally, I'm even more obliged. Not by you, but through my own conscience. Just pretend to like it, okay?" He smiled and fished in his pocket for his car keys, before, they both went out to his car. He opened her door for her before getting in the other side. "Alright, where's the best place to go?"

Morgan rolled her eyes at Asher, getting in the car and saying, "Oh, don't worry. I'll probably end up liking it." She shrugged and suggested, "I guess we could just go to the mall. I really don't mind."

Asher just smiled and said, "I hope so." He nodded and started up the car and turned right to go in the direction of the mall. "You know, it's a big change from Sam, who has a habit of asking on the hour, every hour, in the lead up to her birthday what I'm getting her."

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