The Awesome Tamachat log!


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Sorry Guys I'm not posting actual pictures of Pasta today because you know nothing has changed with her I will post a screen shot I took at TamaTown Today .I went on in history class today the only time I could today (I sit in the back during that class + it is not the schools Wifi router we connect to its the teachers and he doesn't have everything blocked there. Anyways I wasn't able to do much today switched seats and I am right in the front on most of my classes so it is hard to get on TC without anyone else seeing but I think I can manage I sit in the corner of fthe class(Like closest to the wall) So I can get on tamatalk when I am in those classes. Anyways here is a picture of me playing that odd plant game. (I managed to get a tower of cactuses! Took a while to do but I finally got it)(OMG! I just thought of what I'm going to name Pasta's Baby if its a girl! Kiki! Perfect! Although it will be hard to keep Kiki from dieing as she dies alot.)


Ok there you go!

Oh I remember that! That was so much fun! Isn't the the time you got your...

*cuts her off* Yes it is don't talk about it!

Why Not!?!

Because they don't need to know that.

We are talking about the same thing right?

The k word?

Yeah you got Karm......

**sticks hand over Pasta's mouth!** DON'T SAY IT!!!

**Somehow manages to get his hand off her mouth** HE GOT KARMA!

**is fighting with pasta in a big white cloud**

**Sticks head out for a minute** Don't Tell them! **Sitcks head back in**

**Sticks head out** I will they need to know!! **sticks head back in**

**Sticks head out** Fine stop fighting with me then! **cloud disappears**

Well while we were on Tamatown today someone was stalking me

Those of you who know my hobby on TamaTown is to find random people and stalk them, We send them gifts and cards, and visit their house. Basically we follow them around TamaTown they run away and me and a couple friends follow them Well today Someone stalked pasta.

Not for long though xDDD

Oh yeah I umm ditched that person.... she kept following me and I ran into Patchi hills and from there towards the clothes store and I guess she/he lost me anyway then I changed worlds.

Yup this is the original person we stalked! **Posts picture!**


Now if any of you see this guy stalk him! xDDD no I'm kidding but you can if you want to.

Hahaha that was so much fun. My favorite person to stalk by far.

Anyways bye guys!

Oh Yeah Bye.. Wait you forgot my stats! Sorry peoples I am a little fat today Matt has had school all day so he couldn't take care of me much due to my Machines size :(

yeah Sorry I forgot I left you in my pencil box all day cuz it makes a rather annoying bulge in my pocket which doesn't look right.....

Pasta's Stats~

Age: 4

Weight: 31 lbs (Sorry I have been busy with school...)(BTW it is 31lbs after feeding her the taco)

Gender: Female

Generation: 1G

Hungry:4 out of 5 **feeds her**

Yummy thanks I got Tacos!

Happy:5 out of 5

Training: 13 training points

Friendship: Still full

Character: Lovelitchi

Anyways guys thanks for reading, and BYE!

Bye Bye guys see you tommorow when I might have a baby!

Well, yesterday Feliks evolved. Into Tarakotchi. I'm too lazy to take a photo, sorry.

Elaine and Louis evolved too!

Yes, they did, Feliks. Elaine and Louis, Feliks's bandmates, are now Chantotchi and Dorotchi.

I'm bored! Can we watch Hetalia?

Later. Maybe tonight. But not now because as I type this I'm on TamaChat and it isn't dead.

Aw, okay. Guess I can wait.

Too bad if you can't because you have to.

I know, I know!

Well, that's it for today. Byeeee!!!

~Teri and Feliks

Jasen221, wai don't ya just hatch a new Tama for zee log? :(

Anyway, due to unfortunate circumstances, the television remote ran outta batteries when my Mama's show was on. So I had to take the batteries outta my iD L so Mama could go to the right channel. =_=

Someone, slap me.

Tama-Go (just purple, blue is on pause. ._.)

Well, guess who decided to show up again. Marotchi. ._. Will stop running it for now. (I always seem to get Marotchi's, even if I take really good care of them. -__- I also will rampage around to find a new Tama to log.)

P.S., Kiki, why wouldn't your mom just WALK up to the TV and switch it from there? xD

Hello Guys Sorry for not posting. Anyways I have lots of News. You guys know that broken music star I had. Not Broken! so I started it up. I will be logging her too I think. Anyways Pasta got married today :( I am so upset she married a fat Ugly tama. I was aiming for a kuromametchi. I went 3 times. the first guy was that same fat tama! The second was a kikitchi! I wish she married him instead! The next guy was that dang fat guy, and unless she wanted to marry an oldie which would suck.... EVEN IF HE IS RICH!!

Anyways Pasta says hi. I cannot change the color of the text so pasta can't speak now(on my 3Ds typing this). BTW I left my laptop at my house so that is why I haven't been on much lately. I'm at my dad's house.

UGGGGGGGH! MY LAST POST DIDN'T APPEAR! And I went through all that work writing a funny converasation... AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Anyway, the reason why my Mama doesn't just press the television buttons is because they are BROKEN.


Momo went to Melody Land yesterady and got a Melody Charm from Jiouu Sama. She started dancing around all over da place.

Today, she married a Mametchi for some unknown reason and had a baby boy. He is now the fruit salad.



Then use da Melody Charm so I can dance!

** Shakes Melody Charm ** There! Now it's playing music!


0.o Why you say "ow"? I'm not poking you or anything... And your dancing is so boring, I'm falling asleep... OW! OW! OW! OW! STAYIN' AWAKE! STAYIN' AWAKE!


~ EMF :tarakotchi:

'K so not much happened, except I took Feliks on TamaTown, where he finally got to see Pasta again xD


Later on, he met up with Kiki, Matt's Music Star, in Forest Falls


Chillin' in the hot-tub, and wearing his weird outfit xD

We played Tama Trails, and even though we didn't win, I took a snapshot of this, because it looked funny to me. Guess what I'm talking about... Hetalia fans should know this


So, what is it? *coughItalycurlcough*

And so ends Feliks's TamaTown adventure.

It was fun! And we still haven't watched any Hetalia together yet!

Don't worry, Feliks, we will, tonight. I promise.

Yay! How many episodes?

Maybe one... maybe more than one... how about if you pass the judges at some point tonight, we watch the first ten episodes?

Sounds fair!

Well, okay then, that's it for today I think. Byeeee for now!!!

~Teri and Feliks

Guys. I just wanted to apologize. I recently went through my photos on photobucket so all my old pics will be blocked from view... Sorry again. Maybe I will go through them and fix them(Doubtful) anyways good news is this will never happen again. I also wanted to apologize for not posting that much Left my 3Ds at my grandmas so I have to use another camera(Preferably one of my Dsi's which have worse cameras(if that was possible) anyways I am sorry plus I have had issues with my computer(Left it at home when I was at my dads) at least I am home now. WILL post tomorrow about my tamago and music star. see you then!

Ok Hello guys My first post (With pictures) In a while lol Sorry about that! Anyways Stats for Pasta(Tamago) and Kiki (My music star)

Pasta's Stats~

Gender: Female

Age: 8 years old(Will die tonight :( )

Weight: 25lbs

Generation: 1G (Tomorrow it will be 2G)

Hungry: 5 out of 5 hearts full

Happy: 5 out of 5 hearts full

Training:eek:nly about 13 points cant recall

Friendship: Full

Character: Lovelytchi!


Kiki's Stats~

Gender: Female

Age: 0 years(I had to open it up yesterday to spray paint the machine so it really stunted her growth)

Weight: 10 lbs

Hungry: 4 out of 4 hearts full

Happy: 4 out of 4 hearts full

Stress: 27 (I accidently left her practicing too long this morning, will play some games with her and get it back down to 0)

Tone: 299

Rythem: 308

Original: 254 (Yes I play with her alot ok)

Type of Music: Hip Hop! (I don't mind hip hop as much at least it isn't rap)

Character: Hitodetchi

Generation: 1G

(I recieved this tama with the sound wires broken so I figured WHy not spary paint it silver, Since I had silver spray paint, So I spray painted it silver and then I soldered some wires back on the sound slots and so it has sound now!)

Ok you are gonna meet lots of new people today... like 3. Nonopotchi Pasta's Husband, Kiki my music star, and Pasta's adorable baby Abigail, Call her Abby though she liks Abby best.

Pasta: Hello it is Great to be back on tamatalk! Now meet my pride and Joy Abby.

Abby: Hello people I am Princess Abby.

The princess Faze I remember when pasta had that **sobs in corner** she grew up so fast!

Pasta: Now here is the love of my life. Tom the Nonopotchi!

Tom: Hello, So this is Tamatalk eh. First time on here. I know some of you are good friends of Pasta.

Pasta: Yup. I have met a bunch of people here... Like Feliks for example we met him last night. OMG he turned into a **** Potatoe! How cool. (**** Potatoe: :tarakotchi: ) Don't call him a **** though he doesn't like it. He was so much fun though. He put on this adorable little outfit and we went in the hot tub, and he met Kiki wow we had so much fun!

Tom: Sure sounds like fun! I wish I could have gone but I'm confined to this machine!

Pasta: Aww poor Tom.

ANYWAYS! its not all about Tom you know! Now it is time to inroduce Kiki! Kiki Say hi to Tamatalk!

Kiki: Hello! My best friend here is Feliks. We had so much fun last night in the Hot tub! I hope to meet all you other tamas out there too. Maybe on TamaTown Sometime.

I second that! Kiki needs friends.



Kiki: Oh okay

Anyways now that everyone has said Hi we should let them go Now. Everybody say Bye... and for Pasta... Say a final farewell.. Bye guys. I need to go something went in my eye.

Pasta: I don't see anything in your eye.

Shut up! I'm not crying... I got something in my eye. **runs in corner sobbing very very loudly!**

He has issues with his tamas leaving.... Thats okay I will live on in your memories. Matt fix the earlier pics you have up of me that way everyone can see my growth pattern. You have a code of mine saved. That way whenever you miss me you can log me into TamaTown and I can say hi to the frieds I left behind.

Abby: mommy what do you mean? Are you going somewhere

Pasta: Yes sweety I need to go up to the big place in the sky. Eventually we will meet again. Daddy is coming too.

Abby: can I visit you?

Pasta: No sweety you can't not until the day comes when you join us there. Matthew will take good care of you.

Abby: NOO Mommy don't go!! I will miss you

Pasta: I have to me and Daddy lived our lives already. We had children now we must leave. We are needed back where we came from. Also Kiki will keep an eye on you for me as well as Matt.

Abby: But I want you to keep an eye on me I love you mama!.

Abby, This is not up to your Mom it is nature. I know it is painfull it is for me too but you need to let her go. Come in the corner with me and we will mourn her loss.

Abby: **sobs loudly with Matt in corner**

Pasta: Bye bye Tamatalk. I will miss you.

Kiki: bye bye Pasta I will miss you too we have been really great friends. **joins Matt and Abby in corner crying**

Pasta: Bye Guys for all of them.

Tom: Bye Tamatalk.

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'K so not much happened, I took Feliks on TamaTown, where he met up with Pasta (AGAIN xD), as well as Brook, Jeressa's Music Star, and also an Uwasatchi logged on by Ken (Puffy Snivy) Here is a pic of the random apartment party in my TamaTown apartment:



Anyway, a while later, I played random games, including the Wobbly Flower game in Flower Hills, which we won!



Anyways, since it's currently 10:14PM here, Feliks is asleep.


See, what did I tell you. I probably should have updated this sooner xD.

Byeeee for now!!!

~Teri and Feliks

Hello! I have some News... Lots actually. Well the weirdest thing happened this morning. I was on Tamachat at 12 Pm last night and the lights were on and the baby was still asleep. I thought Hmm How interesting. Well I woke up this morning to find Pasta still there(Not that I'm sad about it I wanted Pasta to stay a little longer) but I was not expecting that to happen. I don't know if it was a glitch but I am glad she stayed. Unfortunately this means I have nothing to update with my tamago. However An awesome thing happened the other day! I found some tamago figures online for a great price and I am buying them(I just saved enough money to get them cuz yesterday I went to the recycling place). They will be mine luckily that means I will get to have more adventures on TamaTown which means more fun. As long as my Friends on here join me on TamaTown Sometime! Anywayss so Yesterday Kiki evolved! Into something you'll see in a minute. Stats First.



Gender: Female

Age: 1 year

Weight: 25 lbs

Hungry: 4 out of 4 hearts full

Happy: 4 out of 4 hearts full

Stress: 0

Tone: 449

Rythem: 484

Original: 570

Type of Music: Latin Music

Generation: 1G

I want her to play something else other than Latin Music :( But Oh well I have to be supportive so play your stinking Latin Music!


Band: Flakers (Inside Joke Tamachat people get it)

They Play Latin Music

Kiki Sings on the karaoke Machine

Daniel(Kikitchi) Plays the Piano

Dino (Hinotamatchi) Plays the Wild Guitar

Thats it for Kiki's Stats Now the surprise reveal of what Kiki grew into!



An Ichigotchi! Sorry about the bad photots I left my 3Ds at my grandmas house so I am using my moms phone which unfortunately is sstuck on Flash for some odd reason(Cant turn off the flash) So um yeah.

Pasta's Stats~

Gender: Female

Age: 9 years old

Weight: 25lbs

Generation: 1G

Hungry: 5 out of 5 hearts full

Happy: 5 out of 5 hearts full

Training: about 13 points

Friendship: Full

Character: Lovelytchi

There you go Tomorrow for sure pasta is leaving. :( Anybody have anything to say to the audience.

Me Nope. Except I am so glad I get to stay with Abby an extra Day!

Tom: Me too I love my Daughter!

Abby: Mommy I am glad your staying too.

Kiki: Nope. Well maybe I want to meet Feliks tonight!

Ok I'll ask if he will come OMG I just remembered TamaTown Pics from last night!


There we are in Feliks House xDDD. Everybody is in great poses. Look at Pasta xDDD it looks like she is coming out of the flower. Violetchi(Jeressa's) is standing right in the middle of the flowers. Feliks is on the beach walking(Which I think he likes I need to ask teri) And the Usawatchi(Puffy Snivy's) is sliding down the waterfall with her soccer ball in the air! Still more though.

Pasta: look at me I look Great there!

Yup you even put on your special clothes.

Abby: Mommy you look beutiful!

Pasta: aww thanks

Now here's more these are with Kiki though.

Kiki: yey me finally!

Oh there is only one... I forgot to save the other one.


Look! We owned him huh Kiki!

Kiki: Yup that was fun!

Pasta: Oh Matt remember that one time when we got the guy -550 points!

YES! How could I forget we got the popular trio bonus at the last minute We owned him!

Pasta: IKR!

Anyways Bye guys see you later.

Guess who passed the judges today? That's right - Feliks's band, Awesome! They are currently at 9th ranking though...

We passed! And that means we get to watch 10 episodes of Hetalia!

What do you mean?

You promised that if we passed, we could watch the first 10 episodes!

But that was two days ago, when I said, and I quote "how about if you pass the judges at some point tonight, we watch the first ten episodes?" Yes, I'm emphasising the word tonight. That was the tonight of two nights ago when you didn't pass. And we still watched one episode that night anyway!

How about five episodes?

Well, we'll see.

Yay! I'mma be rich and famous!

Wow, you change topics quickly! O_O

Yeah, I guess so!

Feliks, I think Brook likes you.


That heart in the mail. It was apparently from Brook.

Wow, you say I change topics fast!

Well, that's probably it for now. Byeeee!!!

~Teri and Feliks

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Well, my Kuchipatchi on my Nano left today. :( Um, so I've got a new baby and he's just a blob with a hat for now. So yeah.


Hey there, little dude!

EEEEEEEEEEK! It's a big ugly Spacytchi! HEEEEEEEELP!

What are you screaming at? You have a one-in-four chance of becoming Spacytchi tomorrow.

Oh noooooooooooooooooooooo! Me wants to become Kuchipatchi

NO! I already had Kuchipatchi. YOU are becoming Spacytchi!


Don't worry dude. We could be twins. I'll teach ya how to smoke.



~ EMF :wub:

Lot's of news today!. I am so proud of Kiki! she passed the Judges yesterday. On her second try! OMG!! Also She grew into a mimitchi last night! Pasta um yeah she is gone... She had a baby. I named her Abby, like Pasta Wanted. Kiki has the 80th Star Ranking! I don't know if thats bad but It is pretty good!!! I am soooo Happy I was shocked she passed. Anyways Kiki's stats now.



Gender: Female

Age: 2 years

Weight: 25 lbs

Hungry: 4 out of 4 hearts full

Happy: 4 out of 4 hearts full

Stress: 04

Tone: 718

Rythem: 725

Original: 714

Type of Music: Latin Music

Generation: 1G

All Kiki's band members grew too! Daniel Turned into a Kuromametchi, and Dino Turned into Robotchi. (all instruments the same)


Band: Flakers

They Play Latin Music

Kiki Sings on the karaoke Machine

Daniel(Kuromametchi) Plays the Piano

Dino (Robotchi) Plays the Wild Guitar

Anyways Abby has been Kinda neglected lately I have been spending all my time with Kiki so she could Pass. I will fix Abby in a minute but I have chores to do today so before them.



Age: 0 years old

Weight: 39 lbs (So sorry!!)

Generation: 2G

Hungry: 5 out of 5 hungry hearts

Happy: 4 out of 5 happy hearts

Training: 5

Friendship:Only one Heart

Character: Hoshitchi

Pictures now(Just occurred to me I should have took a pic when she passed.... my Ds was in the other room though, and I was expecting to see 2 out of 3 of those circles like the first time she went there) Anyways Here they are!

Here is Kiki.


Kiki's Rank(It moves around frequently It is 80 now I believe) It was 999 before she passed the judges.


Abby Now


Ok Guys do you have anything to say. (Kiki is red and Abby is Pink)

I do! What are you gonna do cuz I passed the judges?

Wait!?! I have to do something now?

Yup! I passed and I just grew yesterday!

Ok Fine um what about a nice dinner. I need to do chores today so nothing where I have to sit around and watch something. Although I can give you an IOU( I owe you)

I'll take Both!

Wait, you giving out gifts! I want something.

No abby it is a graduation present because she passed the Judges today. She is a Pro something now( I forgot what it said xDDD)


NO! Stop that! I will give you a treat when I think you deserve it!

Seriously He gave you mom Corn and a Cheesecake once because she was really good that day. He will reward you. It is harder to get good food with me though cuz I am a music star and I get less money and less food in the shop.

Aww I am sorry you can have some of mine.

No you keep it I am supposed to be looking after YOU.

Me too I have responsibilties to you two. Anyways we should let these folks leave now. (Why did I say folks)


Bye. See you tomorrow!

Okay, sorry for not posting and sadfggfdsdfghjhg.

My iDL ran out of batteries so I'm running my V6. She's a violetchi and her name is the rich and famous Brook. :furawatchi:


Me: Okay..

Brook: * sends a heart in the mail to feliks*

Me: o____o

Brook: I am rich and famous. Don't question the rich and famous.

Me: If it wasn't for me, you would not be rich, or famous >.>

Brook: <.<

Me: Go practice your instrument

Brook: No

Me: Now, or else I'm not going to show you Hetalia.

Brook: Fine, I am rich an famous though.

Me: Whatever.

Brook: *attention beep*

Me: What?

Brook: Matchmaker!

Me: No. You're not marrying today.

Brook: I wasn't ready anyways, and he brought an ugly Gozarutchi.

Me: Gozarutchi is adorable!

Brook: Bleh. Gozarutchi isn't good enough. I'm rich and famous.

Me: Yeah. You're star ranking 4th, and you have 382,020,756 fans


Me: Okay I'm ending this now, Brook is high on pizza or something


Me: o__o'

Well, sad news... Feliks left me... as in "bye bye press a+c" left. idefk why... anyways I restarted, and I got a boy again. In honour of Feliks who left, I named him Feliks also. He's Feliks 2 xD Anyways, he's now a Kuchitamatchi and he's asleep.


Yep! Well, byeeee for now!!!

~Teri and Feliks (2)
