The Ancient Book of the Tamas


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Jul 8, 2008
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[SIZE=21pt]The Ancient Book of the Tamas, part 1[/SIZE]

"Run Jisa!" Cried Kio, both Jisa and Kio were searching for the Ancient Book of the Tamas in the tomb of the Emperor of Tama Egypt; they both accidentally ran into a trap and now poisonous scorpions that guard the tomb were racing after them. They panted and ran faster than ever. Kio saw the legendary book up ahead. "I see the book! Jisa go grab it!" Jisa spotted the book as well and ran towards it. Jisa was a few inches away from it, and she grabbed the book and ran after Kio. "Hurry Jisa!" Hollered Kio. Jisa was a yard away from Kio. When they were out from the smelly dark tomb into the sun, when the scorpions saw the light they squealed and scuttled away back into the tomb. Jisa handed the book over to Kio. "God that was close..." Said Kio, the explorers climbed back inside the Jeep and drove away from the horrible tomb.

Chad was walking down the street from school. He'd gotten a black eye from a random bully. Man, why didn't they stop picking on him? Chad just moved in the city and a group of bullies just pounded him up for no apparent reason at all. He tried covering his black eye with a pair of sunglasses, that didn't work. By the time he got home, his mother gasped and asked how he got the black eye. Chad sighed and decided that he would tell the truth. "I got this black eye cause' a bully just beat me up for no reason." He explained, his mother fumed and almost cursed in front of her son. "Why can't bullies just leave people alone? Really why do they do such terrible things?" His mother mumbled after she turned away from Chad. Yeah, why can't they just leave people alone?, Chad thought. "Hey, you." whispered someone. Chad looked around, the only thing he saw was his mother angrily scrubbing away those dishes and the kitchen. Eh, must've been the wind, the Mametchi stood up and went to the fridge and found cold soda. He popped it open and drank.

That night he went to his room to do his homework. He finished his homework in about three seconds. "Wow, that was easy." Sighed the tired out Mametchi. He laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. Chad always curious about legendary treasures, and he wanted to be a explorer when he grew up. He heard about a legend about the Ancient Book of the Tamas. Here's the legend:

The Pharaoh of Tama Egypt knew how to write. And he knew all of the secrets of Tamagotchis. So he decided to write history of the Tamagotchis and to include the many secrets of their species. If someone deciphers the language the Pharaoh wrote in, he/she could have limitless powers beyond compare. There are many traps within the tomb of the Pharaoh, only few have been there and those few died there.

But that was just a myth, Chad kept telling himself. A Ponytchi suddenly fell in front of him and landed on his floor with a thud. "Oww..." Moaned the injured Ponytchi, "Hey, you alright?" asked Chad, "Yeah, I'm alright... Ow, my leg." the Ponytchi shook off her left boot and saw her injury. "God, I sprained it." Grumbled the Ponytchi, then a Mumutchi fell on top of her. "That was a soft landing," The Mumutchi looked at the floor and saw a unhappy Ponytchi. "sorry." The Mumutchi got off the Ponytchi. "Here comes the pain. Hey Kio, could you get me the icepacks?" "Wait a minute, who are you people? And what are you doing in my room?" Demanded the distressed Mametchi. "I'm Kio," said the Mumutchi "And I'm Jisa," grumbled the Pontchi, putting on her boot and putting on the icepacks on herself. "You really need to come with us, you're the one who can decipher this," Kio took out the Ancient Book of the Tamas.

