Name: Cinder Marie Torelli
Age: Fifteen
Gender: Female
District: Twelve
Personality: Cinder believes in what others don't. She's that little girl who believed all those fantasy spun stories about fairies and magic, stories told to the young children to lift their spirits. She's very optimistic, and always finds something good in something or someone - even when there's not a speck of good seen to anyone else. Even though Cinder is optimistic and believes in fantasies, she's not one to trust easily. She's a closed book, and she doesn't enjoy opening up. While children would go outside and play or work with their families, Cinder preferred to be up in her room, reading books written by her ancestors about the magics of the world. Cinder is also very keen; inquisitive, you might say. She's able to observe something once and remember all the details later. She takes notice on her surroundings at all times, which is why she prefers to be up high. In the trees, surveying people and watching what's happening. On the ground Cinder feels vulnerable, open to being hurt or attacked. So she's stay high up, running along roofs and bouncing across the trees.
Appearance: Cinder has a very fair, pale skin tone, and yet she has dark brown eyes to knock everything off. She's very small, standing at about four-nine, not even five foot. She has dirty blonde hair, with dark tones. Her genetics puzzle people, blonde hair, brown eyes, pale skin - but she is never bothered. She's very slim and small, and at first glance - almost has a doll-like appearance to her. Fragile. She has long legs, so she excels in running and is faster than most. She can run a good distance, but she wears out after a while. Her hands are small, like the rest of her features, and her nails are trimmed evenly. Cinder's hair tends to stay soft, however, after a bit of days without bathing, it'll become oily, and her head will get itchy. She also has some freckles, delicately dancing across the bridge of her nose and fading upon reaching her cheeks and they're a shade darker than her skintone, so they're only faintly visible - but become more apparent when she's been in sunlight for a while.
Family: Her mother and father are both alive, and she has two brothers; both are too young to participate in the reaping's, as they are six (Cale) and ten (Eli).
Other: Her district token is a small black string with red frayed ends that her youngest brother, Cale, made for her. It is tied around her right wrist.
Also, I can make a male character, it's just late right now and I'm too lazy!
I'll try and get a nice little career tribute in here soon enough
Because we all love them. xD